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Comparative analysis of the USA and Scotland’s artistic images in the poetic texts of the Scottish poets-emigrants in the USA in the XIXth century

Автор: Velilaeva

Scottish emigrational poetic discourse of the XIXth century is an ambiguous and complex part of history, culture and literature of both countries: Scotland and the USA. Images of “former” Motherland (Scotland) and “new” Fatherland (the USA) are central and plot-forming in poems of Scottish poets-emigrants in the USA. The purpose of  the  paper is to determine integral and differential characteristics of artistic images of Scotland and the USA in the  Scottish poetic emigrational discourse. The material of the analysis is Scottish emigrational poetry of the  XIXth century. The paper involves such methods of investigation and analysis: comparative analysis and genre analysis. Comparative analysis reveals positive appraisal to be present in the descriptions of both countries. This appraisal is  created with the help of the choice of specific vocabulary. Scotland is often described with the help of “might” and “right”, the USA is characterized with “independence” and “justice”. There is no myth destruction in the artistic images of both Scotland and the USA. This can be explained by special position of a poet-emigrant: Scotland was his homeland no more and at the same time they were not the part of the USA. Positive appraisal in the description of Scotland and  the  USA has different reasons. The preference of Scotland is made subconsciously, they choose the USA rationally. Scottish urban landscape is dominant compared with urban American landscape and occurs in the poetic texts more often. The  patriotic myth is the dominant idea in the creation of the artistic images of Scotland and the USA.


Concept of the World in the Prose of Zakhar Prilepin (On the Problem of the Creative Personality Evolution)

Автор: Tsvetova

The paper is devoted to “Abode”, novel by Zakhar Prilepin, in which creative individuality of the famous writer is revealed from an unexpected side. The author reconstructs the writer’s conception of the world through its embodiment in the plot, poetics and style of the text, being convinced that this work with its artistic transformation of reality denies game deliberateness of postmodern, while preference is given to the system of conventions and constraints, relevant to artistic principles of “new realism”.


Celtic Literatures in the Twentieth Century

Языки славянской культуры: М.

The Centre for Irish and Celtic Studies at the University of Ulster hosted at Coleraine, between the 24th and 26th August 2000, a very successful and informative conference on ‘Celtic Literatures in the Twentieth Century’. The lectures and the discussions were of a high standard, and it was the intention of the organisers to edit and publish the proceedings as soon as possible thereafter. Unfortunately, due to difficulties in assembling some of the papers, this was not possible and, consequently, publication has been delayed much longer than was originally anticipated. Despite this delay, we feel that those papers which we have received merit publication at this time, not only because of their intrinsic merits, but also because they represent the views of the authors on their respective topics at the turn of the twenty first century and will hopefully be of value to those interested in the state of the modern Celtic literatures.

Предпросмотр: Celtic literatures in the twentieth century.pdf (0,4 Мб)

Cheri. Le fin de Cheri; Шери. Конец Шери

Автор: Колетт
Языки славянской культуры: М.

Сидони Габриэль Колетт относится к самым известным французским прозаикам первой половины XX в. Когда она умерла в 1954 г., ей как Виктору Гюго, устроили "общенациональные похороны". Но она была увенчана славой и при жизни: Колетт была кавалером ордена Почетного Легиона, членом Гокуровской академии, а с 1949 г. и ее президентом. Большой популярностью пользовался цикл ее автобиографических романов, повести и рассказы о животных, романы о любви. Французская литературная критика ценит писательницу за психологизм, за тонкий юмор, за отточенный стиль. Романы "Шери" и "Конец Шери" - самые знаменитые ее произведения.

Предпросмотр: Шери. Конец Шери Пер. Э. Береговской, под ред. П. Барта .pdf (7,4 Мб)

Carthago Delenda Est

Автор: Толстой Лев Николаевич
Предпросмотр: Carthago Delenda Est.pdf (0,1 Мб)