Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 644788)
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The World of Business

Автор: Khafizova L. Y.

The purpose of this publication is to acquaint readers with the main and most relevant concepts of the business world in English. It consists of 10 Units, which contain the basic theoretical material on the most pressing issues of a business nature and a complex of assignments for translation and work with terminology, both for individual and group work.

Предпросмотр: The world of business tutorial.pdf (0,3 Мб)

Teradata Forum в Москве


О работе Teradata Forum, мероприятии посвященном вопросам новейших тенденций в области строительства хранилищ данных, бизнес-аналитики и прочих тем, связанных с возможностями использования накопленной предприятиями информации для повышения эффективности процессов управления и извлечения прибыли.


The Exchange Should be Built Here

Автор: Кондратьев Дмитрий Львович

The foundation of this book is a story about the origin of exchange work in Russia, how the first exchanges made their appearance, how the great network of them developed on the territory of Russia. The reader will learn how exchange merchants carried out their trade, which goods they traded, how they lived, what they were interested in apart from commercial affairs.

Предпросмотр: THE EXCHANGE SHOULD BE BUILT HERE.pdf (0,2 Мб)