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Studying of functions of Imagination in the Elite Sport: the Analysis of Structural and Functional Interrelations of Images and Representations with Personal Characteristics of Professional Athletes

Автор: Sevostianova

Article presents the results of empirical research of interrelations between images and representations used by athletes in training process and during preparation for competitions with actual state and key psychological characteristics. Research approves a new author’s questionnaire “The individual card of visual representations of the athlete” created as a result of systematization of experience of using different techniques of visualization by more than 240 professional athletes – members of national teams of Russia. Results of using this questionnaire show that application of this technique allows to reяect the contents and changes of a set of images and representations in active repertoire of the athlete most fully. Moreover, application of a new technique in total with the proved methods of diagnostics of psychological characteristics of athletes and methods of statistical data processing allowed us to allocate 3 complex psychological key factors of psychological readiness and successful psychological training for players of Russian national team on rugby (N=23): 1. «Management (active inяuence and control) of a situation»; 2. «Anticipation and the advancing overcoming»; 3. “Modeling of a situation and achievement of optimum ёghting spirit”.


Summa ideologiae (Глава из книги)

Автор: Гальцева Рената

Размещены главы из книги Гальцевой Р. и Роднянской И. "Summa ideologiae" ("Ложное сознание" и общество) о идеологии в разные исторические периоды, приводятся рассуждения философов разных стран о различных формах идеологии


Summa ideologiae (Главы из книги)

Автор: Гальцева Рената

Приводятся главы из книги"Summa ideologiae" ("Ложное сознание" и общество) Гальцевой Р. и Роднянской И., опубликованной в журнале "Апокриф. Культурологический журнал" № 1 за 1991 г. В них рассматриваются различные идеологии мира.