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Iranians on the Move: Migration Trends and the Role of the Diaspora (6000,00 руб.)

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Первый авторAfzali Mehdi
АвторыRyazantsev Sergey , Ин-т демограф. исследований ФНИСЦ РАН
ИздательствоМ.: Проспект
АннотацияThis monograph is a study of trends in emigration from Iran and the role of Iranian diasporas in developing the country. The book is based on Mehdi Afzali’s dissertation research, “The contribution of emigration to the socio-economic development of Iran,” carried out under the guidance of Professor S. V. Ryazantsev, as well as materials from other studies of Iranian migration, carried out by the authors jointly in 2017–2021. The monograph proposes a conceptual framework for assessing the contribution of the Iranian diaspora to the country’s development in special geopolitical conditions. The work also summarizes the statistical data on emigration from Iran, presented in various national and foreign sources of information. The book contains sociological studies of representatives of the Iranian diasporas living in Russia and other countries.
Кому рекомендованоThe monograph is addressed to scientists, civil servants, social workers, teachers, graduate students, students (demographers, sociologists, political scientists, economists), and all those interested in migration processes in Iran.
Afzali, M. Iranians on the Move: Migration Trends and the Role of the Diaspora = [Иранцы в движении: миграционные тенденции и роль диаспоры] : monograph / S. V. Ryazantsev; Ин-т демограф. исследований ФНИСЦ РАН; M. Afzali .— Москва : Проспект, 2022 .— 126 с. — Текст на англ. яз.; Библиогр.: с. 118-126 .— ISBN 978-5-392-36602-6 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/834096 (дата обращения: 12.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

ББК 60.5УДК 316:314.7(55) А244(5Ирн) Электронные версии книг на сайте www.prospekt.org Approved for publication by the Scientific Council of the FCTAS RAS Reviewers: Dr. Mohammad Jalal Abbasi-Shavazi, University of Tehran (Tehran, Iran); Dr. Lana M. Ravandi-Fadai, Institute of Oriental Studies RAS (Moscow, Russia). А24 Afzali M. Iranians on the Move: Migration Trends and the Role of the Diaspora : Monograph / M. Afzali, S. V. Ryazantsev. — Moscow : Prospekt, 2022. — 128 p. ISBN 978-5-392-36602-6 This monograph is a study of trends in emigration from Iran and the role of Iranian dias“poras in developing the country. The book is based on Mehdi Afzali’s dissertation research, The contribution of emigration to the socio-economic development of Iran,” carried out under the guidance of Professor S. V. Ryazantsev, as well as materials from other studies of Iranian migration, carried out by the authors jointly in 2017–2021. The monograph proposes d a conceptual framework for assessing the contribution of the Iranian diaspora to the country’s on eevelopment in special geopolitical conditions. The work also summarizes the statistical data int students, students (demographers, sociologists, political scientists, economists), and all those erested in migration processes in Iran. ББК 60.5УДК 316:314.7(55) 4(5Ирн) ussia and other countries. The monograph is addressed to scientists, civil servants, social workers, teachers, graduate migration from Iran, presented in various national and foreign sources of information. R The book contains sociological studies of representatives of the Iranian diasporas living in Scientific edition AfzAli Mehdi, RyAzAntsev seRgey vAsilyevich AND THE ROLE OF THE DIASPORA Monograph IRANIANS ON THE MOVE MIGRATION TRENDS Digital print. 8,0 print sheets. Pressurn 70 copies. Order No. Prospekt LLC Passed for printing 04.04.2022. Format 60×90 1 /16 . 111020, Moscow, Borovaya st., house 7, building 4. ISBN 978-5-392-36602-6 © © Afzali М., Ryazantsev S. V., 2022 Prospekt LLC, 2022
CONTENTS List of tables, graphs, figures and maps ....................................................................4 Executive summary ...........................................................................................................8 Introduction ......................................................................................................................11 1. Theoretical aspects of the contribution of migration and diasporas to socio- economic development .........................................14 1.1. Brief theories on migration.....................................................................14 1.2. Diasporas and development: theoretical aspect .............................23 1.3. Demographic indicators of Iran .............................................................33 1.4. Economic indicators of Iran ....................................................................42 2. Forms, scale and direction of emigration from Iran..................................46 2.1. Migration patterns of Iran for the last 70 years .............................. 47 2.2. Scale and direction of emigration from Iran (1990–2019) ................................................................................................49 2.3. Refugees and Asylum seekers from Iran: scope and directions .................................................................................54 2.4. Emigration of students and brain drain from Iran: scope and directions .................................................................................60 2.5. Labor Emigration, problems of statistics, scope, and dynamics ...............................................................................................70 2.6. Iranian immigrants in Russia .................................................................75 3. Iranian diaspora and the connection with the homeland .......................86 3.1. Forms of interaction between the diaspora and the homeland ......................................................................................86 3.2. Remittances and development ..............................................................94 3.3. State policy of attracting Iranian qualified specialists and investment .........................................................................................103 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................112 List of abbreviations and used designations ......................................................117 References .......................................................................................................................118
LIST OF TABLES, GRAPHS, FIGURES AND MAPS Table 1–1. Two approaches to migration and development .......................19 Table 1–2. Characteristics of diaspora ................................................................24 Table 1–3. Diasporas’ donation means................................................................ 27 Table 1–4. Diasporas’ contributions .....................................................................29 Table 1–5. Population of Iran based on gender and citizenship, 2016 ........................................................................... 37 Table 1–6. Iran’s youth ratio based on Wertheim test, 1957–2016 ..............................................................................................38 Table 1–7. Iran’s sex ratio based on urban and rural area, 1957–2016 ..............................................................................................39 Table 1–8. Average age of men and women at the first marriage, 1957–2019 ..............................................................................................40 Table 1–9. Literacy rate for urban and rural areas based on gender, 1957–2017 ........................................................................41 Table 1–10. Number of students in Iran for academic year 2019 .................................................................................................41 Table 1–11. University students based on education level, 2007–2018 ..............................................................................................42 Table 2–1. Iran’s migration patterns for the last 70 years ...........................48 Table 2–2. Iran’s net number of migrants, and comparison with different parts of the world, 1990–2020 ...........................50 Table 2–3. Total migrant stock at mid-year, 1990–2019 ..............................51 4
Table 2–4. Iranian migrant population change, 1990–2019 ......................52 Table 2–5. Iranian migrants’ stock based on the geographic regions, 1990–2019............................................................................53 Table 2–6. Share of Iranian refugees and asylum seekers in the world, 1990–2020 ...................................................................58 Table 2–7. Inflows of asylum seekers by nationality (Iranians) in OECD countries, 2000–2019 .......................................................59 Table 2–8. Emigrants living in OECD countries, 2000/01 and 2015/16. ...........................................................................................63 Table 2–9. Number of international students in the world and share of Iranian international students, 2013–2018 .............................................................................................64 Table 2–10. Iranian international students’ migration in the world, 2018 .................................................................................64 Table 2–11. Number of Iranians in Russian federal districts and the top ten Russian cities and regions with the highest number of Iranians, 2020 ........................................... 77 Table 3–1. Iran’s remittances sent and received, 2010–2017 ....................95 Graph 1–1. Iran’s Population change from 1957–2020 .................................36 Graph 1–2. Iran’s Age- Gender pyramid 2020 .....................................................38 Graph 1–3. Iran’s number of Births and Deaths in years 1998–2019 .............................................................................................39 Graph 1–4. Iran’s number of Births and Deaths in years 1990–2019 .............................................................................................40 Graph 1–5. Iran’s Real GDP growth (Annual percent change) from 1980 to 2020, in comparison with advanced, emerging and developing economies and the world. ..................................................................43 Graph 1–6. Iran’s GDP per capita, current prices (U.S. dollars per capita) from 1980 to 2020, in comparison with advanced economies, emerging and developing economies and world. ..........................................................................44 5
Graph 1–7. Iran’s Inflation rate, average consumer prices (Annual percent change) from 1980 to 2020, in comparison with advanced economies, emerging and developing economies and world. ..........................................44 Graph 1–8. Iran’s Unemployment rate (Percent) from 1990 to 2020, in comparison with advanced economies. ...........................................................................45 Graph 2–1. Distribution of Iranian migrant population in top 10 destination countries in 2019 .......................................54 Graph 2–2. Total number of Refugees, Asylum seekers and pending cases from Iran 1980–2020 .................................... 57 Graph 2–3. Distribution of Iranian refugees in top 10 destinations, 2018 ................................................................................58 Graph 2–4. Top 15 destinations for Iranian international students ....................................................................................................65 Graph 2–5. Iranian Currency rate change in the market and the rate announced by the central bank of Iran from 2011–2020.....................................................................73 Graph 2–6. Minimum salary and Yearly change in Iran from 2010–2020 ...................................................................................74 Graph 3–1. Inflow of remittances to Iran in from 1991–2019 .............................................................................................96 Graph 3–2. Share of remittances to GDP of Iran from 1993–2017 .............................................................................................. 97 Graph 3–3. Outflow of remittances from Iran in 2017 by countries ............................................................................................. 97 Graph 3–4. Inflow of remittances to Iran in 2017 by countries .............................................................................................98 Figure 1–1. Role of remittances in development ..............................................32 Figure 1–2. Demographic transition model ........................................................34 Figure 2–1. People who leave the country ..........................................................61 Figure 2–2. Contemporary reasons of emigration from Iran .........................70 6
Figure 2–3. Iran’s labor index of 2018, in 1000 persons ................................72 Figure 3–1. Means of interaction of diaspora with homeland .....................89 Figure 3–2. Direction and use of remittances in the economy of Iran ......................................................................102 Map 2–1. Share of registered Iranian immigrants per 10,000 people in Russia, 2020 .................................................78 Map 2–2. Share of Iranian students per 10,000 students in Russia, 2020 .......................................................................................81 Map 2–3. Share of Iranians visiting Russia with working purposes per 10,000 working population, 2020 ........................85

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