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Fundamentals of Geography (200,00 руб.)

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Первый авторОвсепян А. Э.
АвторыБаранникова Н. Н., Кузнецов А. Н., Южный федер. ун-т
ИздательствоРостов н/Д.: Изд-во ЮФУ
АннотацияThis study guide contains information included in the curriculum of the geography course taught to foreign students, who would like to be enrolled in Natural sciences and study at the preparatory department of Southern Federal University. The topics cover many issues such as geography as a science, the place of Earth in the Universe, the structure of the planet, the unique properties, relationships and features of its shells, evolution and modern understanding of the purpose of the discipline of regional studies, as well as some issues of the geography of Russia and the consequences of human impact on the geographical shell. The study guide contains exercises, several check tests and individual tasks.
Кому рекомендованоIt is for students who are going to choose undergraduate and graduate programs to study Earth Sciences, Life Sciences and some other fields related to Earth. This edition has been prepared for English-speaking entrants, and is an updated and modified translation of the authors' study guide, published earlier.
Овсепян, А.Э. Fundamentals of Geography = [Основы географии] : Study Guide / Н.Н. Баранникова, А.Н. Кузнецов; Южный федер. ун-т; А.Э. Овсепян .— Ростов-на-Дону : Изд-во ЮФУ, 2022 .— 135 с. : ил. — Текст на англ. яз. — ISBN 978-5-9275-4118-8 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/812191 (дата обращения: 12.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

UDC 911(075.8) It was published according to the decision of the Department of Physical Geography, Ecology and Nature Protection of the Institute of Earth Sciences of Southern Federal University (Record No. 6 of May 20, 2022) Reviewers: Сity Methodist of Geography of the Municipal Autonomous Institution "Information and Methodological Center of Education" of Rostov-on-Don, Candidate of Sociological Sciences, E. A. Chernyavskaya; Professor of the Department of Physical Geography, Ecology and Nature Protection of the Institute of Earth Sciences of Southern Federal University, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, V. T. Bogucharskov Fundamentals of Geography : study guide / A. E. Ovsepyan, N. N. Barannikova, A. N. Kuznetsov ; Southern Federal University. – Rostov-on-Don ; Taganrog : Southern Federal University Press, 2022. – 133 p. ISBN 978-5-9275-4118-8 This study guide contains information included in the curriculum of the geography course taught to foreign students, who would like to be enrolled in Natural sciences and study at the preparatory department of Southern Federal University. The topics cover many issues such as geography as a science, the place of Earth in the Universe, the structure of the planet, the unique properties, relationships and features of its shells, evolution and modern understanding of the purpose of the discipline of regional studies, as well as some issues of the geography of Russia and the consequences of human impact on the geographical shell. The study guide contains exercises, several check tests and individual tasks. It is for students who are going to choose undergraduate and graduate programs to study Earth Sciences, Life Sciences and some other fields related to Earth. This edition has been prepared for English-speaking entrants, and is an updated and modified translation of the authors' study guide, published earlier. UDC 911(075.8) ISBN 978-5-9275-4118-8 © Southern Federal University, 2022 © Ovsepyan А. E., Barannikova N. N., Kuznetsov A. N., 2022 2
CONTENT INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 5 TOPIC 1. Geography as a science. Its emergence, development and links with other sciences ................... 7 TOPIC 2. Earth in the Universe .......................................................................... 20 TOPIC 3. The Earth's crust and the surface of Earth .......................................... 25 TOPIC 4. The Atmosphere of Earth. Structure and composition of the troposphere. The climate of Earth ............................................................................. 28 TOPIC 5. Hydrosphere. The water balance of Earth. World Ocean ................... 37 TOPIC 6. The Earth's Biosphere ......................................................................... 47 TOPIC 7. Country studies as a science ............................................................... 53 TOPIC 8. The Russian Federation ...................................................................... 65 TOPIC 9. Human impact on the biosphere ......................................................... 68 Task 1. The range of the visible horizon ........................................................ 86 Task 2. Climates of the globe ......................................................................... 86 Task 3. Natural areas of the world ................................................................. 87 Task 4. Hypsometric profile of the ocean floor ............................................. 87 Task 5. Working with electronic maps ........................................................... 89 Task 6. Characteristics of a Russian city with population more than 1 million people ................................................................ 91 Task 7. Global problems of humanity .......................................................... 102 Task 8. Reading texts ................................................................................... 102 3
1. Geographical maps (by Danilina, Nesterova, 2004, with additions) .............................. 102 2. Location and density of the Earth's population (according to Danilina, Nesterova, 2004, with additions)............... 103 3. Relief of Russia (by Danilina, Nesterova, 2004, with additions) .............................. 104 4. Natural zones of Russia (according to Danilina, Nesterova, 2004, with additions)............... 104 5. The forest industry of Russia (according to Danilina, Nesterova, 2004, with additions)............... 105 6. Seas, lakes, rivers of Russia (according to Danilin, Nesterov, 2004, with additions) .................. 106 7. Minerals of Russia (according to Danilina, Nesterova, 2004, with additions)............... 106 8. Resources of the Seas of Russia (according to Danilina, Nesterova, 2004, with additions)............... 107 9. Lake Baikal (by Danilina, Nesterova, 2004, with additions) .............................. 108 10. Distribution of the population of Russia (according to Danilina, Nesterova, 2004, with additions)............... 109 11. Non-traditional energy sources (according to Danilina, Nesterova, 2004, with additions)............... 109 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................ 111 GLOSSARY ...................................................................................................... 112 LIST OF RECOMMENDED LITERATURE .............................................. 129 4

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