Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 634620)
Овощи России

Овощи России №2 2014

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АннотацияНаучно-практический журнал «Овощи России» Важнейшими задачами журнала являются: обобщение научных и практических достижений в области селекции, семеноводства овощных культур, овощеводства, физиологии и биохимии растений, защиты растений, экономики сельского хозяйства, повышение научной и практической квалификации ученых, селекционеров, агрономов - овощеводов. Научная концепция издания предполагает публикацию современных достижений, результатов научных национальных и международных исследований в области овощеводства, селекции и семеноводства овощных культур, физиологии и биохимии растений, защиты растений, экономики сельского хозяйства и смежных дисциплин: биологии, биотехнологии, интродукции и др.
Овощи России .— 2008 .— 2014 .— №2 .— 82 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/745818 (дата обращения: 19.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

СОДЕРЖАНИЕ CONTENTS СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ НАПРАВЛЕНИЯ СЕЛЕКЦИИ ОВОЩНЫХ КУЛЬТУР Бочарникова Н.И. Научные приоритеты в современной селекции овощных культур и картофеля. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Буренин В.И., Артемьева А.М., Виноградов З.С. Генофонд для селекции овощных культур (Отделу овощных культур ВИР  90 лет). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Артемьева А.М., Руднева Е.Н., Кочерина Н.В., Чесноков Ю.В. QTL анализ морфологических признаков качества у Brassica rapa L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Логунов А.Н., Тимин Н.И. Наследование окраски луковицы лука репчатого. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Нгуен Чыонг Занг, Ушанов А.А., Монахос Г.Ф. Оценка комбинационной способности партенокарпических гиноцийных и моноцийных линий огурца по продуктивности корнишонов и продуктивности стандартных плодов. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 СЕМЕНОВОДСТВО И СЕМЕНОВЕДЕНИЕ ОВОЩНЫХ КУЛЬТУР Мусаев Ф.Б., Добруцкая Е.Г. , Верба О.В., Скорина Вит.В. Качество семян фасоли овощной в контрастных природных условиях репродукции. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 ФИЗИОЛОГИЯ И БИОХИМИЯ РАСТЕНИЙ Гинс М.С., Лапо О.А. Обогащение чая черного байхового антиоксидантными веществами листьев амаранта. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Выродов А.С. Фотосинтетическая активность томата в бессменной культуре и звене севооборота при различных системах удобрения. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Гинс М.С., Харченко В.А., Гинс В.К., Байков А.А., Кононков П.Ф., Ушакова И.Т. Характеристики зеленных и пряноароматических культур . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 ИНТРОДУКЦИЯ ОВОЩНЫХ КУЛЬТУР Подлесный В.Б. Культура батата – перспективное направление российского овощеводства. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 АГРАРНАЯ НАУКА В МИРЕ Молчанова А.В. 3я Международная конференция «3rd International Conference «Effect of Pre and Postharvest Factors on Health Promoting Components and Quality of Horticultural Commodities», Скерневица, Польша. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 АГРОТЕХНИКА ОВОЩНЫХ РАСТЕНИЙ Земскова Ю.К., Савченко А.В. Выращивание овощных корнеплодов семейства Капустные в защищенном грунте. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52 Дубинин С.В. Зависимость потенциальной урожайности сортов картофеля от категории посадочного материала. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58 Ахмедова П.М. Продолжительность межфазных периодов и урожайность раннеспелых сортов томата при выращивании безрассадным способом в условиях равнинного Дагестана. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62 Косицына О.А. Итоги испытания гибридов кукурузы сахарной в агроклиматических условиях южной сельскохозяйственной зоны Амурской области. . . . . . . . . .67 Пойда Е.В., Кирсанова В.Ф. Влияние способов выращивания на скороспелость и урожайность голландских гибридов арбуза в условиях юга Амурской области. . . . . . . . . .70 СТАНДАРТЫ НА СЕМЕНА И ОВОЩНУЮ ПРОДУКЦИЮ Павлов Л.В., Кондратьева И.Ю., Санникова Т.А., Мачулкина В.А. Томаты консервированные чесночные (технические условия). . . . . . . . . . . .74 ГРИБОВОДСТВО Вдовенко С.А. Биоэнергетическая оценка использования освещённости при выращивании вешенки обыкновенной. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76 MODERN TRENDS IN BREEDING OF VEGETABLE CROPS Bocharnikova N.I. Scientific priorities in modern breeding of vegetable crops and potato . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Burenin V.I., Artemyeva A.M., Vinogradov Z.S. Germplasm of vegetable crops (Department of vegetable crops of VIR  90th anniversary) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Artemyeva A.M., Rudneva E.N., Kocherina N.V., Chesnokov Yu.V. QTL analysis of morphological traits of quality in Brassica rapa L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Logunov A.N., Timin N.I. Inheritance of bulb color in onion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Nguyen Truong Giang, UshanovA.A., Monakhos G.F. Evaluation of combining ability of parthenocarpic genoecious and monoecious lines for productivity of pickling cucumbers and standard fruits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 SEED PRODUCTION AND SEED STUDYING OF VEGETABLE CROPS Musaev F.B., Dobrutskaya E.G., Verba O.V., Skorina V.V. Quality of green bean seeds in contrast natural condition of seed production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 PLANTS PHYSIOLOGY AND PHYTOCHEMISTRY Gins M.S., Lapo O.A. Enrichment of baikhovi black tea by antioxidants of amaranth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Virodov A.S. Photosynthetic activity of tomato in continuous culture and crop rotation link at different systems of fertilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Gins M.S., Kharchenko V.A., Gins V.K., Baykov A.A., Kononkov P.F., Ushakova I.T. Characteristics of green and spicedaromatic crops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 THE INTRODUCTION OF NEW VEGETABLE CROPS Podlesny V.B. Sweet potato culture – promising trend of Russian vegetable growing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 AGRARIAN SCIENCE IN THE WORLD Molchanova A.V. «3rd International Conference «Effect of Pre and Postharvest Factors on Health Promoting Components and Quality of Horticultural Commodities» . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 AGROTEKHNICS OF VEGETABLE PLANTS Zemskova Yu.K., Savchenko A.V. Cultivation of vegetable root crops of Brassicaceae family in indoor planting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52 Dubinin S.V. Association of potential yield of potato varieties and grade of planting material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58 Akhmedova P.M. Duration of interstage periods and yield of earlyripening tomato varieties at direct sowing in condition of lowland Dagestan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62 Kosicina O.A. Result of test of sweet maize hybrids in conditions of south zone of the Amur region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67 Poyda E.V., Kirsanova V.F. Affect of types of growing on early ripening and yield of Holland hybrids of watermelon in conditions of the South of the Amur region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70 STANDARDS FOR SEEDS AND VEGETABLE PRODUCTS Pavlov L.V., Kondratieva I.Y., Sannikova T.A., Machulkina V.A. Canned garlicky tomato (technical specifications) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74 MUSHROOM GROWING Vdovenko S.A. Bioenergetic assessment of light intensity for growing of oyster mushroom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76 научнопрактический журнал [ 1 ] овощи россии № 2 (23) 2014
РЕЗЮМЕ RESUMES MODERN TRENDS IN BREEDING OF VEGETABLE CROPS Bocharnikova N.I. Scientific priorities in modern breeding of vegetable crops and potato AllRussian Research Institute of vegetable breeding and seed production 143080, Moscow region, Odintsovo district, p.VNIISSOK, Selectionnaya street, 14 Еmail: gametas@mail.ru Insufficient basic knowledge base of agriculture is the main reason of its world crisis at the turn of XXth century. The main task of scientific support of agriculture at the XXI century is the transformation of this economic sector that will allows meeting the needs of the human in foods and raw material owing to infinity of knowledge of law of nature. Key words: vegetable crops, breeding Burenin V.I., Artemyeva A.M., Vinogradov Z.S. Germplasm of vegetable crops (Department of vegetable crops of VIR  90th anniversary) AllRussian N.I. Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry 190000, SaintPetersburg, Bol'shaya Morskaya Str., 44 Email: v.burenin@vir.nw.ru; d6302@mail.ru Analysis of investigation and application of genetic resources of veg etable and melon crops since Vavilov's time up to nowadays has been done. The main trends of investigations of the gene bank collection in recent times are described. The results of breeding and seed produc tion are shown. The initial breeding materials are recommended. Key words: varieties, ecologicalgeographic study, adaptivity, initial breeding material, identified germplasm collection, donor of agronomical traits. Artemyeva A.M., Rudneva E.N., Kocherina N.V., Chesnokov Yu.V. QTL analysis of morphological traits of quality in Brassica rapa L. AllRussian N.I. Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry 190000, SaintPetersburg, Bol'shaya Morskaya Str., 44 Email: yuriy@vir.nw.ru; akme11@yandex.ru Using of the DHlines of two mapping populations of Brassica rapa L, the morphobiological investigation and mapping of QTLs determined some morphological traits of quality in greenhouse's condition have been done. The linkage groups of QTLs of the following quantitative traits have been identified and localized: length, width, color, hairiness, and surface of lamina, as well as petiole length and width caused of nutritive value of B. rapa plants. The molecular markers genetically linked with mapped QTLs were revealed. The percent of phenotypic variability determined by the identified chromosome loci was calculated. Key words: Brassica rapa L., morphological traits of quality, QTL mapping. Logunov A.N. 1 , Timin N.I. 2 Inheritance of bulb color in onion 1 Email: logunov1983@gmail.com 2 AllRussian Research Institute of vegetable breeding and seed production 143080, Moscow region, Odintsovo district, p.VNIISSOK, Selectionnaya street, 14 Тel. 8 (495)5992442, fax 8(495) 5992277 Email: vniissok@mail.ru The results of study of inheritance of bulb color in onion are presented in the article. It was shown that the differences in bulb color (yellow, brown, white, red, etc) are determined by several genes in genome. Key words: bulb onion, segregation for color of the inbred (I1 and hybrid (F1 I2 , BC1 Nguyen Truong Giang1 ) lines, genes of color. , UshanovA.A. 1 , Monakhos G.F. 2 Evaluation of combining ability of parthenocarpic genoecious and monoecious lines for productivity of pickling cucumbers and standard fruits 1 Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev 127550, Russia, Moscow, Timiryazevskaya st., 49 Email: truonggiang_298@mail.ru, ushanov.aleksand@mail.ru 2 Breeding station after N.N. Timofeev 127550, Moscow, Pashechnaya st., 5 Phone: 8(499)9771174; Email: breedst@mail.ru The results of a study of the genetic control and evaluation of combin ing ability for productivity of pickling cucumbers and standard fruits of 20 cucumber lines obtained after crossing 10 parthenocarpic gynoe cious and 10 monoecious lines resistant to downy mildew are present ed in the article. The cucumber lines with the high combining ability were identified. In the future, these lines will be used in breeding pro grams. Key words: cucumber, GCA, SCA, productivity, resistance, downy mildew, pickling cucumbers. SEED PRODUCTION AND SEED STUDYING OF VEGETABLE CROPS Musaev F.B.1 , Dobrutskaya E.G.1 Quality of green bean seeds in contrast natural condition of seed production 1 AllRussian Research Institute of vegetable breeding and seed production 143080, Moscow region, Odintsovo district, p.VNIISSOK, Selectionnaya street, 14 Тel. 8 (495)5992442, fax 8(495) 5992277 Email: vniissok@mail.ru The analysis of changing of amount of total proteins and storage pro teins of green bean was done. The influence of the contrast natural con ditions on the quality of green bean seeds was revealed. The obtained data can be used for seed production of green bean. Key words: green bean, seeds, ecological heterogeneous. , Verba O.V.1 , Skorina V.V. 2 ) AGRARIAN SCIENCE IN THE WORLD Molchanova A.V. 3rd International Conference «Effect of Pre and Postharvest Factors on Health Promoting Components and Quality of Horticultural Commodities. March 2425, 2014 in Skierniewice (Poland) the 3rd International Conference «Effect of Pre and Postharvest Factors on Health Promoting Components and Quality of Horticultural Commodities» was held, devoted to achievements of horticulture. The Conference, as a joint activity of the Storage Section of the Committee of Horticultural Sciences of Polish Academy of Sciences and EUFRIN «Fruit Quality Working Group», is organized by the Storage and Processing of Fruits and Vegetables Departments of the Research Institute of Horticulture (InHort). Key words: storage and processing of fruits and vegetables, harvest technology, quality of horticultural commodities. AGROTEKHNICS OF VEGETABLE PLANTS Zemskova Yu.K., Savchenko A.V. Cultivation of vegetable root crops of Brassicaceae family in indoor planting The chair «Protection of Plants and Fruitandvegetable Growing», Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov 410012, Russia, Saratov, Teatralnaya,1 Теl.: (89093392279; 89198205877) Email: yuliya_zemskova@mail. ru; lveno4ek160098@mail.ru The results of winter and spring sowing times of vegetable root crops of Brassicaceae family in protected area are presented. Five varieties and three hybrids of daikon, seven varieties of radish, and five varieties of turnip were studied. The minimal and maximal weight of roots for each sowing time was revealed. The average weight of products over three years of research was calculated. Key words: daikon, radish, turnip, planting dates, weight. научнопрактический журнал [ 3 ] Research Institute of protected horticulture Moscow, Khutorskaya street, 11 PLANTS PHYSIOLOGY AND PHYTOCHEMISTRY Gins M.S., Lapo O.A. Enrichment of baikhovi black tea by antioxidants of amaranth AllRussian Research Institute of vegetable breeding and seed production 143080, Moscow region, Odintsovo district, p.VNIISSOK, Selectionnaya street, 14 Email: physiol@inbox.ru The development of new type of tea, the baikhovi black tea with leaves of amaranth (50:50), allowed the enrichment of tea by the compounds with vitamin Pactivity, quercetine, rutin (3times increasing), protein, pectin, key amino acids, vitamin C, calcium, ferrum, and organogenic silicon. Owing to the high content of redviolet antioxidant betacyanin in leaves of amaranth, the tea color was improved and antioxidant activity was increased. Key words: amaranth, baikhovi black tea, antioxidant, phenolic compounds, amaranthine. Virodov A.S. Photosynthetic activity of tomato in continuous culture and crop rotation link at different systems of fertilization Institute of Vegetables and Melons National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine Email: Shyra_S.V@mail.ru The study of net productivity of photosynthesis of tomato in continuous culture has been conducted during 20102013. The influence of two year interruption by crop rotation link and different systems of fertiliza tion on the growth of vegetative mass (g/m2 per day) was determined. Key words: tomato, photosynthesis, crop rotation. Gins M.S., Kharchenko V.A., Gins V.K., Baykov A.A., Kononkov P.F., Ushakova I.T. Characteristics of green and spicedaromatic crops AllRussian Research Institute of Vegetable Breeding and Seed Production 143080 Russia, Moscow region, Odintsovo district, p. VNIISSOK, Selectionnaya street, 14 Еmail: physiol@inbox.ru The characteristics that are typical for all leaved crops were identified in the studied green and spicedaromatic crops. Maximal amount of the total antioxidants per 1 g of raw material is accumulated in juvenile leaves, flowers, and inflorescences. Total antioxidant content is decreased in old leaves of plants. Key words: green and spicedaromatic crops, antioxidants. THE INTRODUCTION OF NEW VEGETABLE CROPS Podlesny V.B. Sweet potato culture – promising trend of Russian vegetable growing LLC «Innovation consulting center «Safety Audit» 394006, Russia, Voronezh, Kutsygina street, 21 Tel.: 8(473)2969101, 8(908)1447718 Email: yukkavrn80@mail.ru Results of research of possibility of introduction of a new for the Russian Federation tuberous crop culture, sweet potato, are pre sented. The influence of planting dates on the yield of this culture was studied. According to the field experiment, the high yield of sweet potato tuber and resistance to diseases and pests were revealed. Key words: sweet potato, planting dates, yield, resistance to diseases and pests. Akhmedova P.M. Duration of interstage periods and yield of earlyripening tomato varieties at direct sowing in condition of lowland Dagestan Research Institute of Agriculture of Dagestan 367014, Russia, Dagestan, Makhachkala, Akushinskogo str., Nauchniy gorodok. Email: dagniisx@mail.ru The duration of interstage periods and fruiting time as well as their cor relation with yield were studied. The correlation between density of early ripeness and density of interstage period «floweringripeness» was revealed. Key words: interstage periods, varieties, tomato, density, correlation, yield. Kosicina O.A. Result of test of sweet maize hybrids in conditions of south zone of the Amur region Blagoveschinsk State Pedagogical University Amur region, Blagoveschinsk, Lenina street, 104 Email: ivanolga2005@mail.ru Based on the complex of agronomical traits, the foreign sweet maize hybrids Testy Sweet, Honey, Bentham, Trophy, Sweet Nugget, and Super Sundance are recommended for growing in the conditions of the south zone of the Amur region. In this conditions, the vegetation season is 7880 days, the yield of corn of milky ripeness is 16,9 t/ha. Key words: foreign sweet maize hybrids, phonological and biometrical investigations, yield, sugar content. Poyda E.V., Kirsanova V.F. Affect of types of growing on early ripening and yield of Holland hybrids of watermelon in conditions of the South of the Amur region Blagoveschinsk State Pedagogical University Amur region, Blagoveschinsk, Lenina street, 104 Теl.: 89143849814 Email: eka19910730@mail.ru The results of the study of different types of growing of largefruited watermelons in conditions of south zone of the Amur region are present ed. Three promising Holland early ripening hybrids were tested. The optimal sowing time and ways of plant development were determined. The hybrids were fully characterized; the guidelines for their growing in the condition of this region are described. Key words: watermelon, hybrids, type of growing, sowing time, bush development. STANDARDS FOR SEEDS AND VEGETABLE PRODUCTS Pavlov L.V., Kondratieva I.Y., Sannikova T.A., Machulkina V.A. Canned garlicky tomato (technical specifications) 1 AllRussian Research Institute of vegetable breeding and seed produc tion 143080, Moscow region, Odintsovo district, p.VNIISSOK, Selectionnaya street, 14 Теl. (495) 5992442; факс: (495) 5992277 Email: vniissok@mail.ru 2 ing 416341, Russia, Astrakhan region, Kamyzyak, Lyubicha street, 16 Теl./fax +7(85145)95907 Еmail: vniiob@kam.astranet.ru The aim of technical specifications is the development of quality rating system of canned garlicky tomato in vinegar and tomato sauces with garlic, sugar, salt, and vinegar. The project of the technical specifica tions is developed for the first time in Russia. Key words: tomato, standard, technical specifications, canning, sauce, industrial processing. MUSHROOM GROWING Vdovenko S.A. Bioenergetic assessment of light intensity for growing of oyster mushroom Vinnytsia National Agrarian University 21008, Ukraine, Vinnytsia, Solnechnaya street, 3 Email: sloi@i.ua Data of bioenergetic assessment of two strains of oyster mushroom in conditions of basement with different light intensity were obtained. The energy for the product development and the energy accumulat ed by the economically valuable part of yield were evaluated. The high ratio of the bioenergetic efficiency (up to 2,42) was revealed for the strain НК35 when the daylight lamps at 600800 lux of intensity were used. Key words: strain, efficiency, light intensity, energy accumulation, ratio. овощи россии № 2 (23) 2014 AllRussian Research Institute of irrigated vegetable and melon grow Dubinin S.V. Association of potential yield of potato varieties and grade of planting material Agrofirm «SeDeK» 142006, Russia, Moscow region, Domodedovo, Vostryakovo, Parkovaya str., 19 phone.: +7 (495)7889390; fax: +7 (495) 7889392 Email: shop@sedek.ru The estimation of the new approach of obtaining of potential yield of common varieties and new breeding samples of potato growing on row boxes of the new technology of the company «Sedek» was done. The use of the complex of agricultural practices, such as healthy initial mate rial, high soil fertility, seed vernalization, early planting, application of covering materials, and watering, are allowed to get yields of potato at the level of 100 t/ha. Key words: potato, variety, minitubers, technology, productivity, potential yield.

Облако ключевых слов *

* - вычисляется автоматически