Contents, Key words, About the Authors And summAries — 2018, №1–2
Putin V.V. An Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in 2018
Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich — President of the Russian Federation.
Abstract. Vladimir Putin addressed the Federal Assembly with annual address.
The announcement ceremony took place in Moscow, in the Central exhibition hall “Manezh”.
delivering the Message was attended by members of the Federation Council, State
Duma deputies, Government members, heads of the constitutional and Supreme courts,
governors, chairmen of legislative assemblies of subjects of Federation, heads of traditional
faiths, public figures, including heads of civic chambers of regions, heads of major
media. The President reported on the state of the main spheres of society, shared the
forecast of the country’s development for the next period, and made a detailed analysis
of the modern weapons and defense capability of the country. The President reported on
the status of major aspects of society and shared development forecasts for the coming
period; he also made a detailed analysis of modern weapons and defense capability of
the country.
Keywords: state and law, society, demography, health, education, charity, environment,
entrepreneurship, corruption, international relations, modern weapons, the Russian defenses.
O.N., Mishchenko V.A. On some issues of legislative support for the
development of the Far North and the Arctic zone of Russia
Epifanova Olga — Vice-Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian
Federation, Chairman of the Expert council on legislative support for the development
of the Far North regions, areas of the similar climate condition, the Far East regions
and territories included in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation; Mishchenko
Vladimir — Head of the Secretariat of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the
Russian Federation, executive Secretary of the Expert council on legislative support for
the development of the Far North regions, areas of the similar climate condition, the Far
East regions and territories included in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, Candidate
of Sociological Sciences.
Abstract. The article is devoted to the modernization of legislation relating to the Far
North regions and the Arctic zone of Russia. It focuses on an improvement of the compensation
mechanism for living in extreme conditions of the northern territories, usage
of the experience of calculating the polarity index and applying the practice of special
investment contracts, and necessity for granting the status of legal entities to public-law
Keywords: normative legal base, the Far North and the Arctic zone regions, compensation
mechanism for living in extreme conditions, polarity index, public-law entities, special
investment contracts.
Platonov V.M. The correspondence between the legislative and treaty forms and
ways of differentiation of areas of jurisdiction and powers between the Russian
Federation and territorial subjects of the Russian Federation
Platonov Vladimir Mikhaylovich — is the Head of the Department of Political Analysis
and Government, Faculty of Humanitarian and Social Sciences, RUDNUniversity, Candidate
of Legal Sciences.
Abstract. In the present article a question of a correspondence between the legislative
and contractual forms and ways of differentiation of areas of jurisdiction and powers
between the Russian Federation and its subjects is considered. The author draws a
conclusion that now the area of mutual competence ofRussian Federation and territorial
subjects of the Russian Federation is characterized by domination of federal will in the solution
of the questions. In this connection the specification of mechanisms of interaction
between the federal authority and public authorities of territorial subjects of the Russian
Federation is a zone of responsibility of the Russian Federation. The tool of such specification
can become Principles of the legislation in objects of mutual competence which can
be adopted at the federal level. The treaty way of differentiation of areas of jurisdiction
and powers between the federal center and territorial subjects of the Russian Federation
allows to provide, in return, at its reasonable use, the flexibility of the Russian cultural and
historical model of the federal relations and also balance of interests and requirements of
the federal center and territorial subjects of the federation. At the same time, that treaty
regulation cannot contradict the constitutional and legislative regulation.
Keywords: state, law, legal culture, differentiation of areas of jurisdiction, powers, territorial
subject of the federation, decentralization, treaty, principles of the legislation.
Oganesyan S.S. The scriptures about the inevitability of the transition from religious
law to secular
Oganesyan S.S. — Chief Research Fellow, Scientific-Research Institute of the Federal Penal
Service, Dr. Sc. (Pedagogy), Professor, State Councilor 1st Class
Abstract. The article shows, that the transition from pagan law (ordinary) , to the sent
down through the One God due to the Torah, New Testament and the Koran «religious»
law, and, after it, and to its own rule making by the man himself it is not only logical,
but also provided the named scriptures. So far as only human it is not only logical, but
also provided the named scriptures. Because only a man of all living creatures of the
earth-possesses, according to the scriptures a special mental nature, which God himself
endows man with. Therefore, life under the Constitution and legislation, developed by
the mind of the people themselves, does not contradict the information, laid down in
the scriptures, but, on the contrary, is confirmed by them. And from here goals and objectives,
which set before themselves the religious extremists and terrorists, related to
the return to life according to the norms and rules of the scriptures contradict to the
worldview and ideological essence of the monotheistic writings and the strategic way of
development of mankind, which is described in them.
Keywords: constitutions of states, secular law, religious law, religious terrorism, religious
extremism, mentality of civilization.
Teplova Darya O. Constitutional monitoring: problems of theory and practice
Teplova Darya O. — zam. zav. Department of State and Legal Disciplines of the East Siberian
Branch of the Russian State University of Justice, Candidate of Legal Sciences.
2018 №1–2 (160–161)
Abstract. This article attempts to consider some theoretical and practical problems
of constitutional monitoring as an independent socio-political activity and practice in
collecting, assessing and analyzing information on compliance with the Constitution.
In legal science, the question of justifying and determining the mechanism of constitutional
monitoring is new. The adopted Decree of the President of the Russian Federation
“On Monitoring Law Enforcement in the Russian Federation” provides a general legal
understanding of monitoring both the integrated and planned activities carried out by
federal executive bodies and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian
Federation within their authority, to collect, compile, analyze and assess information to
ensure adoption (publication), amendment or recognition as null and void (abrogation)
of normative legal acts with a view to implementing decisions of the Constitutional
Court of Russia and the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights. Such a
high status of this legal institution of administrative law is of great importance for the
construction of a constitutional legal state. However, there is no normative consolidation
of constitutional monitoring at this time. What is the nature of constitutional
monitoring? What is the role of constitutional monitoring in the implementation of
law-making and the improvement of the legal system? What is constitutional monitoring
itself and what are its main tasks and essence? What is the role of civil society in the
implementation of constitutional monitoring? What are its legal indicators? Here are
the few questions on which the author tried to focus the reader’s attention and develop
some conceptual approaches.
Keywords: “legal monitoring”, “monitoring of law enforcement”, “constitutional monitoring”,
the Constitution of the Russian Federation, “constitutional diagnostics”, “indicators
of constitutional monitoring”.
Zorin A.I. Status of a minor victim in criminal proceedings
Zorin Alexey Ivanovich — Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor at the
Criminal Procedure Chair of the Federal State Educational Establishment of Higher
Professional Education of the Ural State Law University, Associate Professor at the
“Rights and Methods of Teaching” Chair of the Ural State Pedagogical University,
Associate Professor at the Law Chair of the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin Federal
Abstract. The evidencing misfortune of underage children in society and the family has
determined the direction of the policy pursued to date in Russia.
The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in its decision determined that, in
accordance with international legal obligations, and also in accordance with the provisions
of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the state is obliged to guarantee the
protection of the dignity of the individual, the right to life, the rights to freedom and
personal inviolability. This “public duty” directly indicates the development and adoption
of legislative measures aimed at protecting each child.
In this article, the author analyzes the situation of a minor victim in criminal proceedings.
Discloses the theses of the participation of a teacher and a psychologist in the conduct
of investigative actions involving the minor victim. Formulates proposals on the mandatory
participation of a psychologist in the conduct of all investigative actions involving a
minor victim.
Keywords: Criminal law, minor victim, interrogation, criminal law, Constitutional court,
article, public danger of the act, right to life, right to personal inviolability, activities,
judicial practice, court, guaranteed defense, criminal procedure.
Pyatikop A.I. Development of Federal relations: management of regional and
municipal finances
Pyatikop Alexander Ivanovich -Deputy of the State Duma, Chairman of the Subcommittee
on implementation of relevant programs of the Russian Federation of the State
Duma Committee on Federal structure and local self-government, candidate of pedagogical
Abstract. Speech by Deputy Pyatikopa A.I. at the meeting of the Subcommittee of the
State Duma Committee on Federal structure and local self-government December 11,
2017 the Theme of the meeting “development of Federal relations and the creation of
conditions for effective and responsible management of regional and municipal finances”.
Keywords: economy, State Duma, management of regional and municipal finances, lawmaking,
Subcommittee, Federal structure, local self-government.
Roslyak Yu.V. Topical issues of balance of regional and local budgets
Roslyak Yuri Vitalievich — auditor of the accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation.
The problem of balancing regional and local budgets, as set out in the present
article were announced during a speech of Yu. V. Roslyak at a meeting of the Subcommittee
of State Duma Committee on Federal structure and local self-governance 11 December
2017 Issues were discussed at the round table on the theme "Development of Federal
relations and the creation of conditions for effective and responsible management of regional
and municipal finances".
Keywords: economy, State Duma, management of regional and municipal finances, Federal
Gasanov I.B. Ignorance as global phenomenon: the causes and possible consequences
(part 1)
Gasanov I.B. — candidate of political sciences, CEC of Russia.
Abstract. The author makes an attempt to study ignorance as a phenomenon in its global
dimension. The second part of the article deals with the problem of the ignorance as an
authority. Attention is focused on the power of ignorance and its all-consuming essence.
Special attention is paid to the characteristic of ignorance from the point of view of its
influence on the formation of mass consciousness.
Keywords: ignorance, morality, moral, knowledge, intellect, global problem.
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