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Известия высших учебных заведений. Проблемы полиграфии и издательского дела

Известия высших учебных заведений. Проблемы полиграфии и издательского дела №2 2018 (300,00 руб.)

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АннотацияНаучно-технический журнал, посвященный распространению новейших достижений науки, техники, технологии и экономики в области полиграфии и издательского дела.
Известия высших учебных заведений. Проблемы полиграфии и издательского дела .— 2018 .— №2 .— 113 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/623627 (дата обращения: 05.05.2024)

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Научно-технический журнал, посвященный распространению новейших достижений науки, техники, технологии и экономики в области полиграфии и издательского дела. <...>
СОДЕРЖАНИЕ МАШИНОСТРОЕНИЕ, МАТЕРИАЛОВЕДЕНИЕ И ТЕХНОЛОГИИ ПОЛИГРАФИИ В.И. Бобров ДИНАМИЧЕСКАЯ МОДЕЛЬ ЗАХВАТА И РАЗГОНА ЛИСТА В НОЖЕВОМ ФАЛЬЦЕВАЛЬНОМ УСТРОЙСТВЕ С РАЗДВИЖНЫМИ ФАЛЬЦЕВАЛЬНЫМИ ТРАНСПОРТЕРАМИ ................................................................................................................ 3 И.Ш. Герценштейн, А.В. Углев, Е.Ю. Орлова ПРИМЕНЕНИЕ ЕМКОСТНОГО МЕТОДА ДЛЯ КОНТРОЛЯ ПОДАЧИ УВЛАЖНЯЮЩЕГО РАСТВОРА В ОФСЕТНЫХ ПЕЧАТНЫХ МАШИНАХ ................................................................... 13 Н.Ф. Ефремов, А.Н. Утехин, А.В. Канаичева ВЛИЯНИЕ РЕЖИМОВ ЭКСТРУЗИОННОЙ УСТАНОВКИ В ЗОНЕ РАЗДУВА РУКАВА НА ФИЗИЧЕСКУЮ МОДИФИКАЦИЮ ПЛЕНОК ПЭВД ............................................................ 21 Е.П. Черкасов, А.П. Кондратов УНИФИКАЦИЯ КОНСТРУКЦИИ И ВЫБОР МАТЕРИАЛОВ ДЛЯ ТЕПЛОВОЙ ИЗОЛЯЦИИ ДЕТАЛЕЙ ШТАМПА ........................................................................................... 37 Е.П. Черкасов, М.В. Коновалова, А.Н. Утехин, А.П. Кондратов ВЛИЯНИЕ КОНСТРУКЦИИ НАГРЕВАТЕЛЕЙ В АГРЕГАТЕ ТАКТИЛЬНОЙ МАРКИРОВКИ ПЛЕНОК НА ПАРАМЕТРЫ РЕЛЬЕФА ............................................................... 46 ПРОБЛЕМЫ ЭКОНОМИКИ МЕДИАБИЗНЕСА Ю.О. Алтунина, В.А. Чвякин ОРГАНИЗАЦИОННО-ПСИХОЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ ОСНОВА КАДРОВОГО МЕНЕДЖМЕНТА МЕДИАОРГАНИЗАЦИИ .............................................................................. 54 В.А. Бирюков, М.В. Ливсон ИННОВАЦИОННЫЕ СПОСОБЫ ПОВЫШЕНИЯ ДОХОДНОСТИ СРЕДСТВ МАССОВОЙ ИНФОРМАЦИИ В УСЛОВИЯХ «ЭКОНОМИКИ ВНИМАНИЯ» ............................... 64 Ле Фу Ань, М.А. Катанаева МАЛЫЙ БИЗНЕС РОССИИ И ВЛИЯНИЕ ТОРГОВО-ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИХ ОТНОШЕНИЙ РОССИИ И ВЬЕТНАМА НА ЕГО РАЗВИТИЕ ....................................................... 73 О.Н. Ревякова, О.А. Шумейко ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ НАУЧНО-МЕТОДИЧЕСКОГО АППАРАТА ОЦЕНКИ РЕСУРСНЫХ КОМПОНЕНТОВ ДЛЯ ПРИНЯТИЯ РАЦИОНАЛЬНЫХ УПРАВЛЕНЧЕСКИХ РЕШЕНИЙ В ПОЛИГРАФИЧЕСКОМ ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕ ............................................................................ 82
СОДЕРЖАНИЕ 105 К.М. Сафолов, М.А. Катанаева ТЕНДЕНЦИИ РАЗВИТИЯ МАРКЕТИНГОВЫХ КОММУНИКАЦИЙ И ИХ ВЛИЯНИЕ НА ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКУЮ ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТЬ МЕДИАОРГАНИЗАЦИЙ ....................................... 94 СОДЕРЖАНИЕ ....................................................................................................................104 CONTENT ...........................................................................................................................106 Приложения .......................................................................................................................109
C O N T E N T ENGINEERING, MATERIAL SCIENCE AND PRINTING TECHNOLOGIES V.I. Bobrov THE DYNAMIC MODEL OF THE CAPTURE AND ACCELERATION OF THE SHEET IN A KNIFE FOLDING DEVICE WITH SLIDING FOLDING CONVEYORS ............................................ 3 The article describes the process of sheet material folding in the knife folding device with sliding folding conveyors taking into account elastic and elastic-plastic properties of the sheet. A mathematical dynamic model of the sheet capture process and its motion for different graphs of its hardening is developed. An example of calculation of kinematic parameters of sheet motion during acceleration is given. Keywords: sheet folding, knife folding machines, elastic-plastic properties of the sheet material, the reliability of the folding process, the equation of motion of the sheet. I.S. Gertsenshteyn, A.V. Uglev, E.Yu. Orlova APPLICATION OF THE CAPACITIVE METHOD FOR CONTROL OF THE SUPPLY OF A DAMPENING SOLUTION IN OFFSET PRINTING MACHINES ............................................... 13 The authors analyzed of existing methods of measuring the layer of moisturizing solution and developed a new method of measuring this layer for feeding groups of moisturizing devices of offset printing machines. The scheme of data collection and processing from capacitive and inductive sensors in the LabVIEW program is made. The coefficient of dependence of the output voltage on the sensors on the water layer thickness is calculated. To check the indications of the developed dampening system, the thickness of the layer of the moisturizing solution was measured by weight method using absorbent strips. Keywords: dampening system, dampening solution, thickness of the layer of fountain solution, inductive sensor, capacitive sensor, measurement system, feeding the group. N.F. Efremov, A.N. Utekhin, V.A. Kаnаiceva THE INFLUENCE OF MODES OF PRODUCTION INSTALLATION IN THE AREA OF THE BULGE OF THE SLEEVE TO THE PHYSICAL MODIFICATION OF THE LDPE FILMS............... 21 The article shows the way to increase the strength of HDPE films in 2–3 times due to physical modification, carried out by varying the modes of production plant in the area of blowing sleeves. It has been found by the method of differential scanning calorimetry (DSK) that the increase in the multiplicity of longitudinal extraction to 7.2–12.4 and the melt cooling rate to 10–16 deg/s cause an increase in the content of fine-crystal structures and the melting temperature of the resulting films with a thickness of 25– 50 microns. Keywords: drawing, crystallization, HDPE film, durability, blown sleeves. E.P. Cherkasov, A.P. Kondratov UNIFICATION OF DESIGN AND SELECTION OF MATERIALS FOR THE THERMAL INSULATION OF THE PARTS OF THE STAMP ............................................................................ 37 The article considers the design feature of the typesetting stamp used for tactile labeling of labels, shells and polymer products from shrink film. The features of thermal properties of various polymeric and composite materials are investigated. Shows the solid geometry of the elements of the Braille produced by the unified design of the stamp using thermal insulation. Keywords: typesetting stamp of thermal press, marking, thermal protection, thermal insulation, polymer, relief, heat shrink of film, Braille.
CONTENT 107 E.P. Cherkasov, M.V. Konovalova, A.N. Utekhin, A.P. Kondratov INFLUENCE OF THE DEVICE OF EXECUTIVE MECHANISMS OF TACTILE MARKING UNITS OF POLYMER FILMS ON BRAILLE PARAMETERS ............................................................ 46 The article deals with the units of tactile labeling of labels, shells and polymer products from shrink film, equipped with heaters of different designs, implementing different heat exchange processes. The features of the processes of heat energy transfer from the actuators of the unit to the heat-shrink film by radiation and thermal conductivity in contact with the metal die are investigated. The diagrams of differential scanning calorimetry of polymer material of local zones of heat-shrink film subjected to thermal effects of the actuators of the tactile marking unit with different design are presented. Shows the solid geometry of the elements of the Braille produced by the heaters of two types. Keywords: laser emitter, marking, typesetting stamp of thermal press, polymer, relief, shrink films, Braille. ISSUES OF ECONOMICS OF MEDIABUSINESS Yu.O. Altunina, V.A. Chvyakin ORGANIZATIONAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL BASIS OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENTINMEDIA ORGANIZATION ................................................................................ 54 The activity of the organization depends on a large number of factors, among which one of the main places belongs to the staffing, taking into account, as it is now quite obvious, the competence approach. Competencies can be represented quite a wide range, but they are all an external reflection of the essence of the human factor. The quality of candidates for employment in the organization is a big problem. Turnover, demetilirovannogo staff and low level of vocational training indirectly reduce the economic efficiency of the organization in the end. Therefore, taking into account the existing problems, innovative approaches are needed in the management of the organization. The psychologist of the institution during the recruitment can fully and comprehensively assess the candidates for employment in order to predict the success of their joining the team and the performance of professional duties. Keywords: personnel management, media organization, recruitment and placement of personnel, staff turnover, human character, structure of employee character, psychological support of activity. V.A. Biryukov, M.V. Livson INNOVATIVE WAYS OF INCREASE IN PROFITABILITY OF MASS MEDIA IN THE CONDITIONS OF “ATTENTION ECONOMY” .................................................................... 64 The review of innovative ways of involvement of audience to content of mass media in the conditions of attention economy is provided in work. Practical recommendations about their use will allow to increase profitability of the mediaorganizations and will make them more competitive. Keywords: content, audience, innovative way, profitability, mass media, “attention economy”, time. Le Phu Anh, M.A. Katanaeva SMALL BUSINESS IN RUSSIA AND THE IMPACT OF TRADE AND ECONOMIC RELATIONS BETWEEN RUSSIA AND VIETNAM ON ITS DEVELOPMENT ...................................... 73 The paper considers the trends in the development of small business in Russia, as well as the assessment of trade and economic relations between Russia and Vietnam. The statistics and dynamics of exports of goods, including products of the printing industry. The authors based on the analysis of small business segmentation in Russia and the supply of goods to Vietnam identified a number of pressing problems. As a result of the studied experience of Vietnam in support of small and medium-sized businesses, recommendations aimed at the development of relations between the subjects of the two countries and other States of the Asia-Pacific region are given. Keywords: small and medium-sized business, small business, sanctions, good, export, subject. O.N. Revyakova, O.A. Shumeiko THE USE OF SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL APPARATUS OF RESOURCE COMPONENTS ASSESSMENT FOR RATIONAL MANAGEMENT DECISIONS IN THE PRINTING INDUSTRY ......................................................... 82 The article deals with topical issues of development of scientific and methodological apparatus of analysis and evaluation of resource components to justify rational decision-making in the printing industry of publications of high complexity. On the scientific and theoretical basis of system analysis, conceptual provisions of mathematical Economics the model and algorithms for calculating the cost of resource components for comparative analysis of the production processes in various technologies prepress are presented.
108 CONTENT Keywords: scientific and methodical apparatus, printing production, publication of increased complexity, material resources, intangible resources, production function, comparative analysis. K.M. Safolov, N.A. Katanaeva TRENDS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS AND THEIR IMPACT ON THE ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY OF MEDIA ORGANIZATIONS ...................... 94 The paper considers the essence and features of marketing information systems, the main elements and features of the implementation of marketing communications in Russian media organizations. The analysis of the use of external and internal sources of information and various means of advertising on the Russian market as the most popular marketing tool was carried out. It is emphasized that the purpose of marketing information systems in the media sphere is to study and analyze the consumers of the media market, creation of a high-quality and relevant media product that can best meet the information needs of the audience. The main conclusion is that the marketing information system is one of the fundamental elements of the media organizations. At the same time, attention is paid to the fact that not all communication channels and their integration opportunities are actively used in media organizations. Keywords: marketing information system, marketing communications, advertising, sales promotion, public relations, media organization.