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Аnalysis and optimization of business processes/ Анализ и оптимизация бизнес-процессов (190,00 руб.)

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Первый авторРоманенко М. Г.
Издательствоизд-во СКФУ
АннотацияКурс лекций на тему «Анализ и оптимизация бизнес-процессов» разработан в соответствии с программой дисциплины для студентов направления подготовки магистров 09.04.02 - Информационные системы и технологии. Содержит план лекций, необходимую теоретическую информацию и вопросы для самоконтроля
Романенко, М. Г. Аnalysis and optimization of business processes/ Анализ и оптимизация бизнес-процессов : курс лекций на английском языке. Направление подготовки магистров 09.04.02 - Информационные системы и технологии / М. Г. Романенко .— Ставрополь : изд-во СКФУ, 2016 .— 153 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/603354 (дата обращения: 29.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

BPMN stands for Business Process Model and Notation 5.3. <...> Process Levels and the Hierarchical Style 7.6. <...> Start Events and the Process Instance 7.9. <...> A subprocess start event must have a None trigger 7.18. <...> Parallel Box and Ad-Hoc Subprocess TOPIC 8. <...> End State 152 The list of references 153 Opinion on the course of lectures 6 Introduction Currently, the effective management of the company cannot be imagined without the use of advanced information technologies. <...> The use of different methods and analysis tools available in modern software, such as Bizagi Process Modeler and ARIS allows you to quickly and accurately optimize the business processes of an enterprise, which in turn will significantly improve the efficiency of the company as a whole. <...> Assuming that the term “collection” neither implies an ordering of the activities nor any other execution constraints, the definition by Hammer and Champy is quite liberal with regard to the process aspect. <...> Execution constraints between activities are identified by Davenport, who defines a business process as “a set of logically related tasks performed to achieve a defined business outcome for a particular customer or market.” The term “logically related” puts emphasis on the process activities, while associating the outcome of a business process with a requestor of a product, that is, a customer. <...> Davenport also considers the relationship of process activities, including their execution ordering, by defining a business process as “a specific ordering of work activities across time and place, with a beginning, an end, and clearly identified inputs and outputs.” He continues, “business processes have customers (internal or external) and they cross organizational boundaries, that is, they occur across or between organizational subunits.” Based on these characterizations of business processes, we adopt the following definition. <...> A business process consists of a set of activities that are performed in coordination in an organizational and technical environment. <...> The basis of business process management is the explicit representation of business processes with their activities and the 11 execution constraints between them. <...> In the ordering process, an order is received, an invoice is sent, payment is received, and the ordered products are shipped. <...> The coordination between the activities is achieved by an explicit process representation using execution constraints. <...> The process starts with the company receiving and checking an order, followed <...>
UDC 004.47:339.128(075.8) BBK 65.250-21-9 я73 R 69 Published by the decision Educational-methodical Council The North Caucasus Federal University Reviewers: Ardeev A. H., the candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor; Kandaurova N. V., doctor of technical Sciences, Professor Romanenko M. G. R 69 Analysis and optimization of business processes: course of lectures. – Stavropol: Publishing house of NCFU, 2016. – 154 p. Textbook (course of lectures) on the subject "Analysis and optimization of business processes" is developed in accordance with the program of discipline for students of direction of training of master 09.04.02 – Information systems and technologies. Lectures the proposed tutorial include the plan of the lectures, the necessary theoretical information and questions for discussion. UDC 004.47:339.128(075.8) BBK 65.250-21-9 я73 © FGAOU VO "North-Caucasian Federal University", 2016 2
Contents 7 Introduction PART I. FOUNDATION 9 9 19 19 22 22 24 25 27 29 36 42 44 44 48 49 52 53 54 54 54 55 55 55 56 TOPIC 1. MOTIVATION AND DEFINITIONS 1.1. Management of business process 1.2. Business Process Lifecycle 1.3. Design and Analysis TOPIC 2. BUSINESS PROCESS MODELLING FOUNDATION 2.1. Conceptual Model and Terminology 2.2. Abstraction Concepts 2.2.1. Horizontal Abstraction 2.2.2. Vertical Abstraction 2.3. From Business Functions to Business Processes TOPIC 3. ACTIVITY MODELS AND ACTIVITY INSTANCES 3.1. Process Models and Process Instances 3.2. Modelling Process Data 3.2.1. Modelling Data 3.2.2. Workflow Data Patterns 3.3. Modelling Organization 3.3.1. Direct Allocation 3.3.2. Role-Based Allocation 3.3.3. Deferred Allocation 3.3.4. Authorization 3.3.5. Separation of Duties 3.3.6. Case Handling 3.3.7. History-Based Allocation 3.3.8. Organizational Allocation 3. 4. Modelling Operation 3
62 63 65 71 73 79 79 81 81 84 85 88 89 91 91 92 93 94 96 98 101 102 103 103 105 108 110 TOPIC 4. BUSINESS PROCESS FLEXIBILITY 4.1. Explicit Process Representations 4.2. Organizational Modelling66 4.3. Standardized Software Interfaces 4.4. Architecture of Process Execution Environments PART II. BPMN METHOD AND STYLE TOPIC 5. ABOUT BPMN 5.1. BPMN Tools 5.2. BPMN stands for Business Process Model and Notation 5.3. The Paradox of BPMN TOPIC 6. METHOD AND STYLE 6.1. The Long Road to BPMN 2.0 6.2. Business Process Modeling Is More Than BPMN! 6.3. How Does A Model Mean? 6.4. BPMN’s Hidden Conceptual Framework 6.5. What Is an Activity? 6.6. What Is a Process? 6.7. Process Logic 6.8. Orchestration 6.9. The Questions BPMN Asks TOPIC 7. BPMN LEVELS AND PROCESS MODELING CONFORMANCE SUBCLASSES 7.1. A Simple Order Process 7.2. Exceptions and End States 7.3. Swimlanes and Activity Types 7.4. Subprocesses 7.5. Process Levels and the Hierarchical Style 7.6. Parallel Split and Join 7.7. Collaboration and Black-Box Pools 4
114 117 118 118 118 119 119 120 120 122 122 124 125 125 125 126 127 128 129 132 133 133 134 135 135 136 136 136 137 137 138 138 141 7.8. Start Events and the Process Instance 7.9. The Top-Level Diagram 7.10. Palette 7.11. Activity 7.12. Task 7.13. Manual vs. User Task 7.14. Script vs. Service Task 7.15. Business Rule Task 7.16. Subprocess 7.17. A subprocess start event must have a None trigger 7.18. Parallel Box and Ad-Hoc Subprocess TOPIC 8. VISUALIZE END-TO-END PROCESS 8.1. Enable top-down modeling 8.2. Clarify governance boundaries 8.3. Scope event handling 8.4. Call Activity 8.5. Gateway 8.6. Exclusive Gateway 8.7. Parallel Gateway TOPIC 9. START EVENT 9.1. Message Start Event 9.2. Timer Start Event 9.3. Multiple and Multiple-Parallel Start Event 9.4. Alternative Start Events 9.5. End Event 9.6. None End Event 9.7. Message End Event 9.8. Terminate End Event 9.9. Multiple End Event 9.10. Sequence Flow 9.11. Message Flow 9.12. Pool 9.13. Lane 5
142 144 146 147 148 9.14. Data Object and Data Store 9.15. Documentation, Text Annotation, and Group 9.16. Goals of the Method 9.17. Hierarchical Top-Down Modeling 9.18. End State 152 The list of references 153 Opinion on the course of lectures 6
Introduction Currently, the effective management of the company cannot be imagined without the use of advanced information technologies. The use of the process approach to the management of the company has allowed to identify the business processes of its activities, and to identify persons responsible for their implementation. Using software products available on the market of information systems and technology, process modeling and analyzing business processes of the enterprise becomes as easy as possible. The analysis of the organization's activities is necessary to highlight the existing business processes, identify problem areas and make recommendations for their elimination. The use of different methods and analysis tools available in modern software, such as Bizagi Process Modeler and ARIS allows you to quickly and accurately optimize the business processes of an enterprise, which in turn will significantly improve the efficiency of the company as a whole. To ensure quality functioning of the enterprise periodically to analyze and optimize existing business processes, as over time they, somehow, are undergoing various changes. The purpose of learning the discipline "Analysis and optimization of business processes" the formation of professional competence of future masters in the field of training 09.04.02 Information systems and technology and training data Management and knowledge acquisition, practical skills for analysing and optimizing business processes. Objectives of the discipline:  to study the characteristics of the organization: to highlight the existing business processes;  to analyze existing business processes to identify problem areas;  to optimize business processes, taking into account the elimination of problem areas. In the process of mastering discipline student are formed the following professional competence: ability to carry out author's 7
supervision of the processes of design, implementation and maintenance of information systems and technologies (PC – 4); ability to organize the collaboration with the teams of customer and developer, managerial decision making under conditions of different opinions (PC – 5); the ability to find a compromise between the different requirements (cost, quality, deadlines), with long-range and short-range planning, finding optimal solutions (PC – 6); ability to collect, analyze scientific and technical information, domestic and foreign experience on the subject of the research (PC – 7); ability to conduct research and development of methods of analysis, synthesis, optimization and forecasting of quality of functioning of information systems and technologies (PC – 9); the ability to analyze the results of experiments, make the choice of optimal solutions, developing and writing surveys, reports and scientific publications (PK – 12); to develop methods for solving non-standard tasks and new methods to solve traditional problems (PC – 15); to carry out preparation and training of personnel (PC – 17). As a result of mastering discipline student must know: the theory of business processes; principles of structuring organizations; methodology of structural analysis; tooling systems used to describe business processes; basic principles for analysis and optimization of business processes. Be able to identify types of business processes and their features; to apply methodological tools in the development of quantitative design and optimization of business processes; to make decisions that enable you to create requirements to the business processes of the enterprise, consistent with corporate strategy, priority directions of development and efficiency criteria. Have basic methods, ways and means of analysis and optimization of business processes; tools to design and optimize business processes, notations describing business processes; modern information technologies and system analysis in the design and optimization of business-processes; methods of evaluation and monitoring of the efficiency of the business processes of the enterprise. 8