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Первый авторSdobnikov
АннотацияIn the article the notion of decompression is defined and explained as distinct from the notion of compression. It is argued that the term “decompression” is more applicable to the operation used in simultaneous interpreting than the term “expansion”. Two categories of decompression are differentiated between: justified decompression and unjustified decompression. Six types of justified decompression are discussed and the reasons for them are analyzed
Sdobnikov, VadimV. Types of Decompression in Simultaneous Interpreting / VadimV. Sdobnikov // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2017 .— №3 .— С. 125-133 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/585041 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 3 (2017 10) 409-417 ~ ~ ~ УДК 81’25 Types of Decompression in Simultaneous Interpreting Vadim V. Sdobnikov* Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University 31-A Minina Str., Nizhny Novgorod, 603155, Russia Received 14.09.2016, received in revised form 10.10.2016, accepted 20.01.2017 In the article the notion of decompression is defined and explained as distinct from the notion of compression. <...> It is argued that the term “decompression” is more applicable to the operation used in simultaneous interpreting than the term “expansion”. <...> With its unprecedented mental and psychological press on an interpreter, SI remains the top quality way to interpret in terms of time, correctness and amount of info to be transferred. <...> It has been proved that, at least, two factors make SI possible: the one is the probability prediction mechanism underlying simultaneous interpreting; the other one is the mechanism of compression applied by a skillful simultaneous interpreter (Chernov, 1978, 1987, 2004; Shirayev, 1979). <...> But it can be mentioned, in passing, that types of compression have been exhaustively described and even classified (Chernov, 1987; Sdobnikov, 2016; © Siberian Federal University. <...> B. Moser-Mercer argues that “optimum quality in professional interpreting implies that an interpreter provides a complete and accurate rendition of the original that does not distort the original message and tries to capture any and all extralinguistic information that the speaker might have provided subject to the constraints imposed by certain external conditions” (Moser-Mercer, 1996:44). <...> First of all, it has been introduced into scientific discourse quite recently. <...> This can be explained by the fact that the English term “decompression” is widely used in the field of technology in the meanings that have nothing to do with SI. <...> Apparently, the application of the English term “decompression” in scientific writing on SI might cause misunderstanding and unnecessary associations with the fields irrelevant to the subject matter. <...> It is not surprising that when there is the need to name the mechanism opposed to compression, not the word “decompression” is used but the word “expansion”. <...> Still, it is hardly possible to ouster the term “decompression” from the scientific discourse now, at least, from the Russian scientific discourse. <...> If compression is viewed as any shortening <...>