Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 608419)
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Первый авторPreisman
АннотацияThe article discusses the musical life of Krasnoyarsk as the country’s art culture component. Analysis of the activities of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Philharmonic, the Theatre of Musical Comedy, the School of Art, and children’s music schools shows that the development of musical life of the city in the 60-s of the XX century largely paved the way for the foundation of the symphony orchestra, the Opera and Ballet Theatre, the Art Institute in the shortest possible time (1976-1978), the situation being unprecedented in the history of the country. It has further determined the role of Krasnoyarsk as the largest centre of art culture in Russia.
УДК78. 03 (470 – 571)
Preisman, EmilM. MUSICAL LIFE OF KRASNOYARSK IN THE 60-S OF THE XX CENTURY / EmilM. Preisman // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2016 .— №9 .— С. 211-221 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/576374 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Analysis of the activities of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Philharmonic, the Theatre of Musical Comedy, the School of Art, and children’s music schools shows that the development of musical life of the city in the 60-s of the XX century largely paved the way for the foundation of the symphony orchestra, the Opera and Ballet Theatre, the Art Institute in the shortest possible time (1976-1978), the situation being unprecedented in the history of the country. <...> Keywords: Krasnoyarsk, musical culture, Philharmonic, Theatre of Musical Comedy, School of Art, children’s music school, amateur performances, musical enlightenment. <...> Despite the primacy of the two capitals regional centres were increasingly becoming more significant in the artistic culture of the USSR in the second half of the XX century. <...> Such phenomena are of interest from both a historical and an artistic point of view as they contribute to a broad and objective vision of the panorama of the country’s artistic culture. <...> The creative life of Krasnoyarsk in the 60-ies of the XX century can illustrate this tendency. © Siberian Federal University. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: preisman@list.ru – 2139 – During this period activization of the musical life in the city was a vigorous promise of the city’s artistic culture development, which was a consequence of the krai’s industrial development determined by the decisions of the XIX and XX congresses of the CPSU1 . <...> They planned the construction of a complex of metallurgical, chemical and other industries the activities of which had to be provided by the energy of the Bratsk and Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power stations2 , expansion of transport communications (railway, water, air) network. <...> Perspectives of the city were also marked by the fact that, being situated at the crossroads of the Trans-Siberian railway (West – East direction) Emil M. Preisman. <...> Musical Life of Krasnoyarsk in the 60-s of the XX Century and the Yenisei waterway (South – North), it was the basis for the expansion of Norilsk industrial district (Pamiatniki istorii… 1997, p. 95). <...> In 1964 the Krasnoyarsk aluminum plant (KrAZ) came into operation, and in 1969 the construction of the Krasnoyarsk metallurgical plant (KraMZ) was completed. <...> By the early 60-ies the first stage of the medical plant, the pulp and paper mill, and a number of other enterprises were put into operation (Ibid., p. 96, 100). <...> Krasnoyarsk turned into the country’s major industrial center. <...> A new railway station <...>