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Первый авторSoukhovolsky
АвторыShelekhov AlexanderM., Karpov MaximA.
АннотацияThe public reception by United Russia faction in the State Duma of the Russian Federation and the optimization problem of citizens’ reception are regarded as the tasks of Queueing Theory (QT). From the point of view of QT, a Member of Parliament (MP) is seen as a “device” that serves the incoming request. The simplest queuing system M/M/1 includes a device (MP) and stream of citizens’ requests, which displays certain intensity. The different versions of the reception guidelines are considered in the framework of QT as different service disciplines. The effectiveness of the citizens’ reception by State Duma MP can be calculated for different service disciplines. Such assessments allow defining the system of personal reception, being optimal for both citizens and MPs.
УДК323.234: 328.18
Soukhovolsky, VladislavG. ON OPTIMIZING THE PROCEDURE OF CITIZENS RECEPTION BY MEMBERS OF RF STATE DUMA / VladislavG. Soukhovolsky, AlexanderM. Shelekhov, MaximA. Karpov // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2016 .— №12 .— С. 153-162 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/576248 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 12 (2016 9) 3015-3024 ~ ~ ~ УДК 323.234: 328.18 On Optimizing the Procedure of Citizens Reception by Members of RF State Duma Alexander M. Shelekhovb Vladislav G. Soukhovolskya and Maxim A. Karpovc , * 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia b 34 Rabfakovskaya Str., Ivanovo, 153003, Russia Received 10.01.2016, received in revised form 26.08.2016, accepted 23.10.2016 The public reception by United Russia faction in the State Duma of the Russian Federation and the optimization problem of citizens’ reception are regarded as the tasks of Queueing Theory (QT). <...> From the point of view of QT, a Member of Parliament (MP) is seen as a “device” that serves the incoming request. <...> The simplest queuing system M/M/1 includes a device (MP) and stream of citizens’ requests, which displays certain intensity. <...> The different versions of the reception guidelines are considered in the framework of QT as different service disciplines. <...> The effectiveness of the citizens’ reception by State Duma MP can be calculated for different service disciplines. <...> Such assessments allow defining the system of personal reception, being optimal for both citizens and MPs. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: soukhovolsky@yandex.ru; amshelekhov@rambler.ru; max@3dlightning.net – 3015 – practice of Soviets of all levels in the USSR, and it lies in the fact that the RF State Duma procedure rules include reception of citizens by deputies (Federal’nyi., 1994; Federal’nyi., 2006). <...> However, these rules limit the power of the deputies’ interference in certain cases, though on the whole they neither limit the objects of the citizens’ applications, nor specify the procedure a Siberian Federal University Tver State University 33 Zhelyabova Str., Tver, 170100, Russia c Ivanovo State Power University Vladislav G. Soukhovolsky, Alexander M. Shelekhov,. <...> In this view, we undertake the task of creating most favorable procedure rules for reception of citizens by Members of the RF State Duma. <...> First, it is desirable for a citizen sending a request to a Member of the RF State Duma (MP) to be received within a reasonable time (for non-residents of Moscow it should not exceed 2 or 3 days), and the time for the request proceeding should not exceed some reasonable time limit (for example, 2 or 3 <...>