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Руконтекст антиплагиат система
Здоровье и образование в XXI веке. Электронный научно-образовательный Вестник  / №11 2016


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Первый авторKhomenko
АвторыBulyk R.Ye.
АннотацияScientific research in many medical schools of Ukraine becomes an integral part of the activity of all their faculty, staff and students, allowing to improve the learning process and to create conditions for the effective training of specialists with the adequate level
Khomenko, V.G. TRAINING SCIENTIFIC HUMAN RESOURCES WHILE CARRYING OUT STUDENTS’ RESEARCH ACTIVITY IN HIGHER MEDICAL SCHOOLS / V.G. Khomenko, R.Ye. Bulyk // Здоровье и образование в XXI веке. Электронный научно-образовательный Вестник .— 2016 .— №11 .— С. 104-106 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/560499 (дата обращения: 27.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

2016, том 18 [11] УДК 65.01/378.1 TRAINING SCIENTIFIC HUMAN RESOURCES WHILE CARRYING OUT STUDENTS’ RESEARCH ACTI VITY IN HIGHER MEDICAL SCHOOLS V.G. Khomenko, R.Ye. <...> Bulyk Higher State Educational Institution of «Bukovinian State Medical University» Chernivtsi, Ukraine Ukraine Annotation. <...> Scientific research in many medical schools of Ukraine becomes an integral pa rt of the activity of all their faculty, staff and students, allowing to improve the learning process and to create conditions for the effective training of specialists with the adequate level. <...> Key words: teaching and research work of students, academic potential of students, higher medical school. <...> The aim of the work is gaining new scientific knowledge through research and development and their focus on the creation and imple mentation of new competitive technologies, types of e quipment, materials, etc. for innovative development of society, training innovative type Introduction. <...> According to the law of Ukraine on higher education (bulletin of the Verkhovna Rada (BVR), 2014, № 37-38, p. 2004) as amended in accordance with Law number 76-VIII of 28.12.2014, BVR, 2015, № 6, p. 40 universities where scientific research work (SRW) is carried out, are bound by the provisions listed in Section XI. <...> Scientific, scientifictechnical and innovation activity in higher educational institutions is regulated by articles 65—69 [2; 3]. <...> Higher educational institutions are aware of the role of science in their development and establishment and realize that the main objectives of science in higher schools at present is maintaining the scientific and pedagogical potential of the state, keeping the appropriate level of science and education according to modern needs of the country; implementation of scientific research and new scientific knowledge in the scientific process of Ukraine. <...> Everybody understands, that an adequate learning process and educational work are impossible without scientific research work; and in general, a higher educational school cannot be full-fledged without it either [1]. <...> Implementatio n of Ukraine's strategic course toward integration into the European community and scientific development of the country is closely linked to structural changes in the economy and growth of high-tech indus tries through the use of modern information technology, education and science. <...> Scientific <...>