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Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences  / №5 2016

Art and Reality in a Post-Modernistic Paradigm of Abram Tertz: “Life Situations” and “Art Situations” (150,00 руб.)

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Первый авторShomanova
АннотацияThe creative work of A. Tertz (A.D. Siniavskii) in the 60’s developed the post-modernistic representation of the issue of art and attitude to reality, which was preceded by literary-and-critical works. The article educes the peculiarities of a post-modernistic paradigm of “art and reality”, and its impact on the genre strategy of Tertz. The origins of iterative citationality are reviewed in such books as “A Voice from the Chorus”, “Strolls with Pushkin” and “In the shadow of Gogol”. The subject of the article is the impact of “ fantastic realism” of the writer on pieces of work dedicated to art. The duality of the hero, aesthetics of the scary and the horrible, the gothic, detective genre tactics, adventurous plots are analyzed as principles of “fantastic realism” or poetics of “schizodiscourse”. The typology of a “small person” of the 60’s is brought to light. The article reveals the inяuence of prison experience of Tertz on understanding and representation of art. The author established the technique of creating secondary reality (parodying the concepts of poststructuralism); the peculiarity of author’s mystiёcation and methods of imitating high style are characterized. Also he identiёes the relation between the idea of futility of art and standard poetics, which explains the domination of grotesque S. Toraigyrov Pavlodar State University 60 Lomov Str., Pavlodar, 140000, Kazakhstan physiologism. The article studies the essence of duality in Tertz’ poetics in the aspect of aberration and autobiographism, as well as the fragmentary nature of writing, the technique of arrangement as symbols of genre transformation, which is characterized by belonging to prison prose. Poetics of postmodernism with its receptive nature is analyzed in the context of a literary game.
УДК821. 161
Shomanova, GulnarK. Art and Reality in a Post-Modernistic Paradigm of Abram Tertz: “Life Situations” and “Art Situations” / GulnarK. Shomanova // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2016 .— №5 .— С. 191-200 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/453624 (дата обращения: 18.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 5 (2016 9) 1239-1248 ~ ~ ~ УДК 821. 161 Art and Reality in a Post-Modernistic Paradigm of Abram Tertz: “Life Situations” and “Art Situations” Gulnar K. Shomanova* S. Toraigyrov Pavlodar State University 60 Lomov Str., Pavlodar, 140000, Kazakhstan Received 22.02.2016, received in revised form 14.04.2016, accepted 04.05.2016 The creative work of A. Tertz (A.D. Siniavskii) in the 60’s developed the post-modernistic representation of the issue of art and attitude to reality, which was preceded by literary-and-critical works. <...> The article educes the peculiarities of a post-modernistic paradigm of “art and reality”, and its impact on the genre strategy of Tertz. <...> The origins of iterative citationality are reviewed in such books as “A Voice from the Chorus”, “Strolls with Pushkin” and “In the shadow of Gogol”. <...> The subject of the article is the impact of “ fantastic realism” of the writer on pieces of work dedicated to art. <...> The duality of the hero, aesthetics of the scary and the horrible, the gothic, detective genre tactics, adventurous plots are analyzed as principles of “fantastic realism” or poetics of “schizodiscourse”. <...> The article reveals the infl uence of prison experience of Tertz on understanding and representation of art. <...> The author established the technique of creating secondary reality (parodying the concepts of poststructuralism); the peculiarity of author’s mystifi cation and methods of imitating high style are characterized. <...> Also he identifi es the relation between the idea of futility of art and standard poetics, which explains the domination of grotesque S. Toraigyrov Pavlodar State University 60 Lomov Str., Pavlodar, 140000, Kazakhstan physiologism. <...> The article studies the essence of duality in Tertz’ poetics in the aspect of aberration and autobiographism, as well as the fragmentary nature of writing, the technique of arrangement as symbols of genre transformation, which is characterized by belonging to prison prose. <...> Poetics of postmodernism with its receptive nature is analyzed in the context of a literary game. <...> Introduction into the problem By the 60’s Andrei D. Siniavskii (Abram Tertz) demonstrates poetics of schizo-discourse © Siberian Federal University. <...> In these circumstances, problem of of the central the aesthetic and artistic thinking the writer – art and attitude to reality – Gulnar K. Shomanova. <...> The attitude to art and analysis of the relationship with reality gave birth to literarycritical works by A.D. Siniavskii “Literaturnyi protsess v Rossii <...>

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* - вычисляется автоматически