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Первый авторDenisovand
АвторыLubov V.
АннотацияThe present article provides a brief characteristic of the three concepts of metaphysics that emerged during the history of philosophy. The ёrst one, the concept by Descartes, indicates metaphysics as the fundament for philosophy; the second one, the concept by Hegel, understands metaphysics as a rational style of thinking. Aristotle claims that the initial concept contains the idea of the extrasensory reality which is the object of metaphysics as a division or a type of philosophy. The article substantiates the connection of metaphysics with the agent’s conёdence of the objectiveness of cognition, or dogmatism. It states the principal antagonism of dogmatism and skepticism as epistemological mindsets. It arrives at the conclusion that dogmatism is an epistemological and an ontological phenomenon which manifests itself in the agent’s conёdence of objective learning of the world, of the creative power of mind and its ability of absolute value construction. The presented characteristic of dogmatism points at its underlying role in both cognitive activity and in the establishment of different types of world outlook.
Denisovand, SergeyF. Metaphysics and Dogmatism / SergeyF. Denisovand, V. Lubov // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2015 .— №6 .— С. 278-285 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/446368 (дата обращения: 18.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 6 (2015 8) 1300-1307 ~ ~ ~ УДК 111 Metaphysics and Dogmatism Sergey F. Denisova and Lubov V. Denisovab * 14 Tukhachevskogo embankment, Omsk, 644099, Russia b Received 24.01.2015, received in revised form 14.02.2015, accepted 20.05.2015 The present article provides a brief characteristic of the three concepts of metaphysics that emerged during the history of philosophy. <...> The fi rst one, the concept by Descartes, indicates metaphysics as the fundament for philosophy; the second one, the concept by Hegel, understands metaphysics as a rational style of thinking. <...> Aristotle claims that the initial concept contains the idea of the extrasensory reality which is the object of metaphysics as a division or a type of philosophy. <...> The article substantiates the connection of metaphysics with the agent’s confi dence of the objectiveness of cognition, or dogmatism. <...> It states the principal antagonism of dogmatism and skepticism as epistemological mindsets. <...> It arrives at the conclusion that dogmatism is an epistemological and an ontological phenomenon which manifests itself in the agent’s confi dence of objective learning of the world, of the creative power of mind and its ability of absolute value construction. <...> The presented characteristic of dogmatism points at its underlying role in both cognitive activity and in the establishment of different types of world outlook. <...> Since the times of R. Descartes metaphysics has been considered to be the fundament for philosophy [Descartes R. 1989. <...> Understanding of metaphysics was limited to the reasonable style aOmsk State Pedagogical University Omsk Academy of the MIF of Russia 7 Komarova Av., Omsk, 644092, Russia Sergey F. Denisov and Lubov V. Denisova. <...> However, the original source of this idea is the philosophy of Hegel who, assuming the Medieval scholastics, wrote: “It is however only in reference to the history of philosophy that this Metaphysic can be said to belong to the past: the thing is always and at all places to be found, as the view which the abstract understanding takes of the objects of reason” [Hegel, P. 134]. <...> It was this meaning of metaphysics that was expanded in Marxist philosophy due to the famous works of F. Engels “Dialectics of Nature” and “Anti-Dьhring”. <...> Just like Hegel, Engels referred to metaphysics as to a matter of reason, considering the metaphysical way of thinking to become “one-sided, restricted, abstract, lost in insoluble contradictions” [Engels F. <...>