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Первый авторZamaraeva
АннотацияThe classic professional musical art of Yakutia has become a clear distinctive artistic phenomenon since 1990’s. This fact indicates that the professional musical art of Yakutia is a relatively young musical culture. In this paper a number of sources on the history of classical music serve as a material for the analysis and study of the current state of classical music art, revealing speciёc features of classical music as an ethnos-forming element of Yakut culture. Meanwhile, this area of knowledge at present time is ripe for a substantial research, according to scholars; the fundamental (analytical and synthetic) investigations on music culture are practically absent. To date, there is a number of essential requirements for strengthening and development of its own mechanisms of self-education and self-preservation of the core culture of the northern territories. In its ёnal part the paper contains recommendations on governmental cultural policies, which assist in maintaining distinctive cultural traditions of the circumpolar area.
Zamaraeva, YuliyaC. Phenomenological Description of Classical Music as an Ethnos-Forming Element of Yakut Culture / YuliyaC. Zamaraeva // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2015 .— №4 .— С. 157-171 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/446261 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 4 (2015 8) 707-721 ~ ~ ~ УДК 304.444 Phenomenological Description of Classical Music as an Ethnos-Forming Element of Yakut Culture Yuliya C. Zamaraeva* Siberian Federal University 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia Received 27.08.2014, received in revised form 19.10.2014, accepted 16.01.2015 The classic professional musical art of Yakutia has become a clear distinctive artistic phenomenon since 1990’s. <...> This fact indicates that the professional musical art of Yakutia is a relatively young musical culture. <...> In this paper a number of sources on the history of classical music serve as a material for the analysis and study of the current state of classical music art, revealing specifi c features of classical music as an ethnos-forming element of Yakut culture. <...> To date, there is a number of essential requirements for strengthening and development of its own mechanisms of self-education and self-preservation of the core culture of the northern territories. <...> In its fi nal part the paper contains recommendations on governmental cultural policies, which assist in maintaining distinctive cultural traditions of the circumpolar area. <...> The History of Classical Music in Yakutia According to the sources on the history of Yakut classical music in the 40-ies of 20th century there was made an extrapolation of the musical canons of European type on the musical stage circumpolar areas, which contributed to familiarizing national professionalism. <...> The process of organization of professional music education in Yakutsk region begins in 1944. <...> The following objectives were selected as innovations: establishment of a school of composers, music educators and performing arts. <...> Along with oral folk music, there was an © Siberian Federal University. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: rybka08@bk.ru # 707 # attempt to create professional composers and musicians. <...> Moreover, a real opportunity to provide music education to the younger generation appeared. <...> Phenomenological Description of Classical Music as an Ethnos-Forming Element of Yakut Culture The general picture of the musical culture of Yakutia of the fi rst twenty years of the 20th century was the following: at the beginning of the century choir singing emerges, musical amateurs appear. <...> The activity of the section of “Admirers of music and literature” contributed to promoting Russian European culture for a certain part of the indigenous population of the city. <...> However the values of European and Russian <...>