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Первый авторBerdnikov
АвторыUlanov IliaV.
АннотацияPottery of Posolskaya type was highlighted in the 1970s and was named by the eponymous multilayer archeological site Posolskaya (Southern Baikal region). In various embodiments, Posolskaya ceramics is widespread in the south of Eastern Siberia. Intensive research of the multilayer stratiёed objects in the south of Central Siberia allowed to determine its age. At this stage of research its existence in the region can be dated to a wide interval – 6900-4100 years ago (Uncalibrated age), the boundaries of which require clariёcation. As a result of the analysis of the Posolskaya vessels from the archeological site named after Generalov (River Chuna) some aspects of the molding technique were identiёed. It was found that they had been constructed from wide tapes and had been stamped thoroughly. On the two vessels were found peculiar techniques that previously had been observed on the materials of the Bronze Age in Western Siberia. Each subsequent tape should overlap the previous tape dried up, the outer surface of which was stamped with a cord mallet and was treated in the same way. As a result, the negative junction mirror imprinted prints of the cords with the dried positive tape. There were two options of molding of Posolskaya type vessels: from the mouth of the mold without the use of the base and the bottom-up and with a split of the body and the bottom. The diagnosis of the technique described above is the key to the reconstruction of the molding process of vessels of Posolskaya type. For further identiёcation of the type of the program and design one should conduct a series of additional experimental studies.
Berdnikov, IvanM. Some Aspects of Molding Technology of Posolskaya Pottery in the South of Central Siberia / IvanM. Berdnikov, IliaV. Ulanov // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2015 .— №4 .— С. 24-34 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/446249 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 4 (2015 8) 574-584 ~ ~ ~ УДК 903.02(571.1/5) Some Aspects of Molding Technology of Posolskaya Pottery in the South of Central Siberia Ivan M. Berdnikov and Ilia V. Ulanov* Irkutsk State University 1 K. Marx Str., Irkutsk, 664003, Russia Received 06.11.2014, received in revised form 12.12.2014, accepted 10.01.2015 Pottery of Posolskaya type was highlighted in the 1970s and was named by the eponymous multilayer archeological site Posolskaya (Southern Baikal region). <...> In various embodiments, Posolskaya ceramics is widespread in the south of Eastern Siberia. <...> Intensive research of the multilayer stratifi ed objects in the south of Central Siberia allowed to determine its age. <...> At this stage of research its existence in the region can be dated to a wide interval – 6900-4100 years ago (Uncalibrated age), the boundaries of which require clarifi cation. <...> As a result of the analysis of the Posolskaya vessels from the archeological site named after Generalov (River Chuna) some aspects of the molding technique were identifi ed. It was found that they had been constructed from wide tapes and had been stamped thoroughly. <...> On the two vessels were found peculiar techniques that previously had been observed on the materials of the Bronze Age in Western Siberia. <...> Each subsequent tape should overlap the previous tape dried up, the outer surface of which was stamped with a cord mallet and was treated in the same way. <...> As a result, the negative junction mirror imprinted prints of the cords with the dried positive tape. <...> There were two options of molding of Posolskaya type vessels: from the mouth of the mold without the use of the base and the bottom-up and with a split of the body and the bottom. <...> For further identifi cation of the type of the program and design one should conduct a series of additional experimental studies. <...> Keywords: Eastern Siberia, Neolithic technology of ancient pottery, ceramics of Posolskaya type, molding technique. <...> Introduction Posolskaya pottery was singled out certain time ago by L.P. Khlobystin and was named after the archeological site Posolskaya, located in the Kabansk district of Buryatia (south-east © Siberian Federal University. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: yan-maiski@yandex.ru # 574 # coast of the Lake Baikal) (Khlobystin <...>

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* - вычисляется автоматически