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Мunicipalities — roots of democracy and economics (300,00 руб.)

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Первый авторGnevko V. A.
ИздательствоDeerfield : Society and Science Press
АннотацияNowadays, it has become necessary to perform an in-depth study of the theoretical basis of development of efficient science and innovation policy of municipal formations. This paper has made an attempt to find out regular patterns of the innovation sphere functioning and reveal the essentials of economic, organizational and managerial relations within the framework of a municipal formation as a subject of the territorial division of Russia. The purpose of the author’s study was the development of methodological and methodical aspects of strategic and specific application integral analysis of the starting conditions and the initial basis of integrated economic and social development of municipal formations.
Кому рекомендованоFor a wide range of specialists working in the sphere of education.
Gnevko, V.A. Мunicipalities — roots of democracy and economics = [Муниципалитеты - корни демократии и экономики] / V.A. Gnevko .— : Deerfield : Society and Science Press, 2012 .— 384 с. — Библиогр.: с. 360-377 .— ISBN 978-1-46-752739-2 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/441924 (дата обращения: 13.07.2024)

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This publication may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without a prior written permission of Society and Science Press 836 Swallow Street, Deerfi eld, IL 60015 USA Printing number 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Municipalities — roots of democracy and economics Victor A. Gnevko Society and Science Press Deerfi eld, IL, 2012 Nowadays, it has become necessary to perform an in-depth study of the theoretical basis of development of effi cient science and innovation policy of municipal formations. <...> This paper has made an attempt to fi nd out regular patterns of the innovation sphere functioning and reveal the essentials of economic, organizational and managerial relations within the framework of a municipal formation as a subject of the territorial division of Russia. <...> The purpose of the author’s study was the development of methodological and methodical aspects of strategic and specifi c application integral analysis of the starting conditions and the initial basis of integrated economic and social development of municipal formations. <...> Contents PrefaceTo English edition .8 Introduction .9 Section I INNOVATION PROBLEMS OF MUNICIPAL FORMATION DEVELOPMENT Chapter 1 GENERATION OF INNOVATION TYPE OF MUNICIPAL FORMATION DEVELOPMENT . 16 1.1. <...> Problems of Regional Economy Innovation Development .16 1.2. <...> Transition of Municipal Formations to Innovation Economy: Theoretical Basis and Prospects .33 1.3. <...> Essentials of Municipal Science and Innovation Policy .45 Chapter 2 ESTABLISHMENT OF MUNICIPAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATION POLICY . 54 2.1. <...> Development of Goals of Municipal Science and Innovation Policy .54 2.2. <...> Principles and Conditions of Development of Science-and-Innovation Policy of Municipal Formation .76 2.4. <...> Subject-Matter and Structure of Science and Innovation Policy Implementation Arrangements .80 Chapter 3 IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS OF SCIENCE-AND-INNOVATION POLICY OF MUNICIPAL FORMATION . 92 3.1. <...> Implementation of Program and Goal Approach to Development of Science-and-Innovation Policy (by Example of the Draft Program of Peterhof Municipal Formation Development) .117 3.4. <...> Staffi ng Support of Development and Implementation of Municipal Science-and-Innovation Policy .135 Chapter 4 IMPROVEMENT OF SOCIAL SECTOR DEVELOPMENT AS A BASIS OF MODERN TERRITORY <...>
This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. First edition April, 2012 Library of Congress Control Number: 2012937579 ISBN-13: 978-1-46-752739-2 (hardcover) ISBN-10: 1-46-752739-4 (hardcover) © 2012 Victor A. Gnevko All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America. This publication may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without a prior written permission of Society and Science Press 836 Swallow Street, Deerfi eld, IL 60015 USA Printing number 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Municipalities — roots of democracy and economics Victor A. Gnevko Society and Science Press Deerfi eld, IL, 2012
Nowadays, it has become necessary to perform an in-depth study of the theoretical basis of development of effi cient science and innovation policy of municipal formations. This paper has made an attempt to fi nd out regular patterns of the innovation sphere functioning and reveal the essentials of economic, organizational and managerial relations within the framework of a municipal formation as a subject of the territorial division of Russia. The purpose of the author’s study was the development of methodological and methodical aspects of strategic and specifi c application integral analysis of the starting conditions and the initial basis of integrated economic and social development of municipal formations. For a wide range of specialists working in the sphere of education.
Contents PrefaceTo English edition ..............................................................................8 Introduction ....................................................................................................9 Section I INNOVATION PROBLEMS OF MUNICIPAL FORMATION DEVELOPMENT Chapter 1 GENERATION OF INNOVATION TYPE OF MUNICIPAL FORMATION DEVELOPMENT ........................................................ 16 1.1. Problems of Regional Economy Innovation Development ..............16 1.2. Transition of Municipal Formations to Innovation Economy: Theoretical Basis and Prospects .....................................33 1.3. Essentials of Municipal Science and Innovation Policy ..................45 Chapter 2 ESTABLISHMENT OF MUNICIPAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATION POLICY ........ 54 2.1. Development of Goals of Municipal Science and Innovation Policy ......................................................................54 2.2. Analysis of Existing Concepts and Experience of Establishment of Science and Innovation Policy of Municipal Formations .....................................................65 2.3. Principles and Conditions of Development of Science-and-Innovation Policy of Municipal Formation .................76 2.4. Subject-Matter and Structure of Science and Innovation Policy Implementation Arrangements ...................80 Chapter 3 IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS OF SCIENCE-AND-INNOVATION POLICY OF MUNICIPAL FORMATION ............................................... 92 3.1. Generation and Placement of Municipal Ordering to Science as an Element of Local Science-and-Innovation Policy ..............................................92 3.2. Innovation Programming Region as a Factor Innovation Development Support ...............................101 3.3. Implementation of Program and Goal Approach to Development of Science-and-Innovation Policy (by Example of the Draft Program of Peterhof Municipal Formation Development) ..............................................117 3.4. Staffi ng Support of Development and Implementation of Municipal Science-and-Innovation Policy ......................................................135
Chapter 4 IMPROVEMENT OF SOCIAL SECTOR DEVELOPMENT AS A BASIS OF MODERN TERRITORY MANAGEMENT ...........................143 4.1. Basic Constituents of Territory’s Social Sector ............................143 4.2. Social Services Rendering and Implementation of Integrated Goal-Oriented Programs Aimed at Public Social Assistance ...............................................153 4.3. Social Sector Development Strategy (by Example of the Astrakhan Region)..........................................168 Chapter 5 INVESTMENTS IN PROJECTS AND PROGRAMS OF MUNICIPAL FORMATION ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT ...........178 5.1. Conditions and Basis of Investments Attraction to Municipal Formation Territory ............178 5.2. Generation of Municipal Investment Program ...............................184 5.3. Improvement of Municipal Formation Investment Policy ............193 Section II TRAINING AND CONTITUING EDUCATION OF STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS: URGENT PROBLEMS Chapter 6 BASIC TRENDS IN DEVELOPMENT OF TOP QUALIFICATION PERSONNEL TRAINING SYSTEM FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT ..................................202 6.1. Motivation for a Model of XXIst Century Specialist in the area of Municipal Management ...........................................202 6.2. Political Science On State and Local Government Offi cials Training .....................................205 6.3. Strategy of Development of Higher Professional Education in the area of Personnel Training for Local Self-Government .............................................207 Chapter 7 URGENT PROBLEMS OF IMPROVEMENT OF QUALITY OF LABOR SPACE POTENTIAL..........................................................218 7.1. Competent Personnel as a Key Constituent of Labor Potential .....218 7.2. Ways of Personnel Training Effi ciency Enhancement ...................220 7.3. Main Criteria of Personnel Quality Assessment in Regions ..........224 7.4. Integration of Academical Science and Higher School as the Preferred Trend in Development of Regional System of Top Qualifi cation Personnel Training and Continuing Education .............................................................226 Chapter 8 METHODICAL BASIS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT PERSONNEL TRAINING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM .........228 8.1. Staffi ng as a Key Factor of Establishing and Developing of Local Self-Government System in Russia .....................................228
8.2. Practice and Problems of Management of Training and Professional Growth of Municipal Offi cials ...........................237 8.3. Establishment of Management System of Training and Continuing Education of Local Authorities Personnel ...........247 Chapter 9 BASIS OF CURRENT STATE POLICY OF TRAINING AND PROFESSIONAL IMPROVEMENT OF LOCAL GORERNMENT OFFICIALS ...........................257 9.1. Essentials and Basic Principles of Development of Policy of Training and Continuing Education of Local Government Employees .................................................................257 9.2. Theoretical Basis of Determination of Goals of Continuing Education of Local Government Offi cials ..................265 9.3. Implementation Arrangements of Policy of Training and Continuing Professional Education of Local Self-Government Offi cials ...................................................274 Chapter 10 MANAGEMENT OF DEVELOPMENT OF INDIVIDUAL SUBJECTS OF CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION SYSTEM FOR MUNICIPAL OFFICIALS .............................................................291 10.1. Legal and Organization Basis of Establishment and Development of Educational Institutions Performing Continuing Professional Education of Municipal Offi cials ...........291 10.2. Economic Basis of Activity of Subjects of Continuing Professional Education System for Municipal Offi cials ................302 10.3. Economic Policy as a Key Element of Management of Development of Institutions Performing Continuous Professional Education of Municipal Offi cials ..............................311 Chapter 11 DISTANCE EDUCATION IN LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT PERSONNEL TRAINING AND CONTINUING EDUCATION SYSTEM ..............................322 11.1 Role and Place of Distance Education in Municipal Personnel Training and Continuing Education ...............................................322 11.2. Conceptual Framework of Structure and Functioning of Automated Data System of Distance Education and Consulting ...............................................329 11.3. Management of Municipal Personnel Distance Education ............345 Conclusion .................................................................................................351 Literature ....................................................................................................360 Enclosure ....................................................................................................378