Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 645695)
Проблемы машиностроения и автоматизации  / №3 2009


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Первый авторKukharenko
АвторыZolotov V.A.
АннотацияSpeckle interferometry - an electronic version of holographic interferometry - displays a shape of structural mode for the nondestructive evaluation of structure integrity. As shown, low-frequency preprocessing and histogram equalization enhance contrast and compensate equipment distortions, which are in the images displaying structural mode shapes. The Independent Component Analysis of mode shape image as a whole gives an opportunity to extract its local features. Artifacts and edge blurring are compensated by high-frequency edge filters. Morphological processing is then performed to extract the crack shape from the independent components of mode shape image.
Kukharenko, B.G. INDEPENDENT COMPONENT ANALYSIS FOR NONDESTRUCTIVE EVALUATION OF STRUCTURES USING SPECKLE INTERFEROMETRY / B.G. Kukharenko, V.A. Zolotov // Проблемы машиностроения и автоматизации .— 2009 .— №3 .— С. 79-83 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/424813 (дата обращения: 18.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

УДК 541.182 B.G. Kukharenko, V.A. Zolotov INDEPENDENT COMPONENT ANALYSIS FOR NONDESTRUCTIVE EVALUATION OF STRUCTURES USING SPECKLE INTERFEROMETRY Speckle interferometry - an electronic version of holographic interferometry - displays a shape of structural mode for the nondestructive evaluation of structure integrity. <...> As shown, low-frequency preprocessing and histogram equalization enhance contrast and compensate equipment distortions, which are in the images displaying structural mode shapes. <...> The Independent Component Analysis of mode shape image as a whole gives an opportunity to extract its local features. <...> Morphological processing is then performed to extract the crack shape from the independent components of mode shape image. <...> Keywords: Nondestructive evaluation, structure integrity, Speckle interferometry, structural mode shape, image processing, Independent Component Analysis. <...> Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry Electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) is laser-based technique used in non-destructive evaluation of structure integrity [1]. <...> The ESPI systems measure structural displacements and strains. <...> The structural image is formed in a video camera. <...> To obtain the holographic fringe pattern corresponding to the displacement field, two structural images (speckle patterns) are in need: one before deformation, and the other after deformation. <...> The images are analyzed by Fast Fourier Transform to extract their phases. <...> Subtraction of the two phases gives the interference phase change (fringe pattern) due to the object deformation in numerical form. <...> A simple assumption is that the deformation field introduces change in the speckle phase of structural image only, leaving their amplitude unchanged. <...> In practice, however, there is also a small change in the speckle amplitude due to the structural deformation. <...> So, the displacement field can then be obtained by multiplying the interference phase map by the sensitivity constant of the ESPI system. <...> The strain field can be computed by differentiating the obtained displacement field [2]. <...> Note that Speckle interferometry technique is a relative measurement technique determining a phase change by module 2π and, hence, does not deliver absolute phase related to structural displacement. <...> However, knowledge of absolute phase is important for accurate determination of strains and stresses as well as for exact handling of the ESPI system. <...> Phase unwrapping <...>