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Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: Математика, информатика, физика  / №1 2014

Application of Functional Polynomials to Approximation of Matrix-Valued Functional Integrals (80,00 руб.)

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Первый авторAyryan
АвторыMalyutin V.B.
АннотацияThe matrix-valued functional integrals, generated by solutions of the Dirac equation are considered. These integrals are defined on the one-dimensional continuous path x : |s, t| → R and take values in the space of complex d × d matrices. Matrix-valued integrals are widely used in relativistic quantum mechanics for investigation of particle in electromagnetic field. Namely integrals are applied to represent the fundamental solution of the Cauchy problem for the Dirac equation. The method of approximate evaluation of matrix-valued integrals is proposed. This method is based on the expansion of functional in a series. Terms of a series have the form of a product of linear functionals with increasing total power. Taking a finite number of terms in the series and evaluating functional integrals of a product of linear functionals we obtain approximate value of the matrix-valued functional integral. Proposed method can be used for a wide class of integrals because the series converges for a large class of functionals. Application of the suggested method in the case of small and large parameters included in the integral is considered.
УДК517.987.4+519.6 MSC 28C20, 46G10, 46G12, 46T12, 81S40
Ayryan, E.A. Application of Functional Polynomials to Approximation of Matrix-Valued Functional Integrals / E.A. Ayryan, V.B. Malyutin // Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: Математика, информатика, физика .— 2014 .— №1 .— С. 45-48 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/404387 (дата обращения: 05.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Математическое моделирование UDC 517.987.4+519.6 MSC 28C20, 46G10, 46G12, 46T12, 81S40 Application of Functional Polynomials to Approximation of Matrix-Valued Functional Integrals E. A. Ayryan∗, V. B. Malyutin† ∗ Laboratory of Information Technologies Joint Institute for Nuclear Research 6, Joliot-Curie str., Dubna, Moscow region, Russia, 141980 † Institute of Mathematics, The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 11, Surganov str., Minsk, Belarus, 220072 The matrix-valued functional integrals, generated by solutions of the Dirac equation are considered. <...> These integrals are defined on the one-dimensional continuous path x : |s, t|→R and take values in the space of complex d Ч d matrices. <...> Matrix-valued integrals are widely used in relativistic quantum mechanics for investigation of particle in electromagnetic field. <...> Namely integrals are applied to represent the fundamental solution of the Cauchy problem for the Dirac equation. <...> The method of approximate evaluation of matrix-valued integrals is proposed. <...> Terms of a series have the form of a product of linear functionals with increasing total power. <...> Taking a finite number of terms in the series and evaluating functional integrals of a product of linear functionals we obtain approximate value of the matrix-valued functional integral. <...> Proposed method can be used for a wide class of integrals because the series converges for a large class of functionals. <...> Application of the suggested method in the case of small and large parameters included in the integral is considered. <...> Key words and phrases: functional integrals, matrix-valued integrals, functional polynomials, approximation of integrals. 1. <...> Another approach to evaluation of functional integrals is construction of approximate formulas that are exact for the class of functional polynomials given degree [1–3]. <...> These integrals are widely used in relativistic quantum mechanics for investigation of particle in electromagnetic field [4, 5]. <...> Terms of a series have the form of a product of linear functionals with increasing total power. <...> In case of Gaussian integrals the series of integrals of the product of linear functionals converges for a narrow class of functionals. <...> In case of matrix-valued integrals the series converges for a wide class of functionals. <...> Work supported by Belarusian republican foundation for fundamental research (grant No F12D001) and BRFPR-JINR No 198. 44 ∫ Bulletin of PFUR. <...> We suppose that α2 = β2 = E <...>