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Сухие строительные смеси

Сухие строительные смеси №2 2016 (422,00 руб.)

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АннотацияИздается с июня 2007 г.
Сухие строительные смеси .— Москва : Композит XXI век .— 2016 .— №2 .— 48 с. : ил. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/358492 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

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Новости стройкомплекса / (440,00 руб.)
Российский наноцемент в ОАЭ / (440,00 руб.)
Влияние минеральных и полимерных добавок на свойства плиточного клея / Манушина (440,00 руб.)
Сухие смеси для жаростойкого бетона / Кузнецова (440,00 руб.)
К вопросу об альтернативе дисперсного армирования при проектировании составов ремонтных сухих смесей / Коссов (440,00 руб.)
Оценка эффективности высокодисперсного торфо-минерального сырья на теплофизические свойства цементного камня / Косач (440,00 руб.)
Чтобы строить не по-кризисному, или Не забывать про качество / Дидевич Алексей (440,00 руб.)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

КуРТИШ р е Д а К Ц И о н н а Я К о Л Л е Г И Я ПоПов Леонид Николаевич – доктор техн. наук, проф. <...> НАуМов Юрий Николаевич – доктор экон. наук КоПыЛов Игорь Анатольевич – канд. техн. наук ПоПовА Людмила Александровна – канд. техн. наук р е Д а К Ц И о н н ы Й С о В е т БАЖЕНов Юрий Михайлович – зав. кафедрой «Технология вяжущих веществ и бетонов» МГСУ, акад. <...> ТЕЛИчЕНКо валерий Иванович – президент МГСУ, академик РААСН, заслуж. деятель науки РФ, доктор техн. наук, проф. п о п е Ч И т е Л Ь С К И Й С о В е т · Московский государственный строительный университет · Российская академия архитектуры и строительных наук · Российская инженерная академия · Союз производителей сухих строительных смесей · Ассоциация строителей России · Российская гипсовая ассоциация · ОАО «Моспромстройматериалы» а Д р е С р е Д а К Ц И И 129343, Россия, Москва, пр-д Нансена, д. 1, офис 34, «Композит XXI век» Т./ф.: (495) 231-44-55 (многокан.), Internet: www.buildmix.ru; www.kompozit21.ru E-mail: info@stroymat21.ru; reklama@buildmix.ru У Ч р е Д И т е Л Ь И И З Д а т е Л Ь Ж У р н а Л а © ООО «Композит XXI век» при поддержке УИСЦ «Композит». <...> Набрано и сверстано в ООО «Композит XXI век». <...> Современная гидроизоляция . 8 СФТК LOBATHERM c облицовкой керамической плиткой: энергоэффективность, долговечность, престиж. <...> А. «Отечественные строительные материалы – 2016»: итоги и перспективы . 43 The German company quick-mix for more than 40 years of operation activity has accumulated rich experience and expertise in design, components and installation <...>
s u m m a r y MATERIALS Chalyi A.O. Modern waterproofing The advantages of penetrating waterproofing materials before the membrane-type materials are analyzed in this paper (p. 8). LOBATHERM with laying ceramic tile: energy efficiency, durability, prestige. Now in Russia С О Д Е Р Ж А Н И Е Новости строительного комплекса ............................................. 4 МАТЕРИАЛЫ Чалый А.О. Современная гидроизоляция .................................. 8 СФТК LOBATHERM c облицовкой керамической плиткой: энергоэффективность, долговечность, престиж. Теперь и в России ................................................................................. 11 Российский наноцемент в ОАЭ ................................................... 14 Манушина А.С., Урбанов А.В., Ахметжанов А.М., Зырянов М.С., Потапова Е.Н., Захаров С.А. Влияние минеральных и полимерных добавок на свойства плиточного клея ............. 17 Кузнецова Т.В. Сухие смеси для жаростойкого бетона ............... 22 Коссов Д.Ю., Манкеевич Я.И., Нефедьев А.П., Кривобородов Ю.Р. К вопросу об альтернативе дисперсного армирования при проектировании составов ремонтных сухих смесей ........ 26 ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ Косач А.Ф., Кузнецова И.Н., Русинов В.Б., Гутарева Н.А. Оценка эффективности высокодисперсного торфоминерального сырья на теплофизические свойства цементного камня ................................................................... 30 ТЕХНОЛОГИИ Парута В.А., Брынзин Е.В., Саевский А.А., Гавриленко Л.В., Диалло М.К., Антипова М.А. Особенности проектирования составов штукатурных растворов с учетом их совместной работы с газобетонной кладкой .............................................. 35 СОБЫТИЯ Алексей Дидевич. Чтобы строить не по-кризисному, или Не забывать про качество ................................................. 38 ИНФОРМАЦИЯ Копылов И.А. «Отечественные строительные материалы – 2016»: итоги и перспективы ............................. 43 The German company quick-mix for more than 40 years of operation activity has accumulated rich experience and expertise in design, components and installation of exterior insulation and finish systems. In parallel with the quickmix production start in Russia (Noginsk city), in 2011 and 2013 the facade thermal insulation composite LOBATHERM P (M) R received Technical evidence about the suitability of new products for use in construction in the territory of the Russian Federation (p. 11). Russian nanocement in UAE In the beginning of the year a group of specialists of the Moscow Institute of Material Science and Effective Technologies (Moscow IMET) for the first time held a series of industrial tests of technology of abroad. The site was plant which belongs to the cement company Banani Cement Factory – the largest one in the UAE. What was the reason for testing technologies of the Moscow Institute, and what are the test results? Marseille Bikbau, academician, the Head of the technical team that conducted testing on technological lines of the plant tells all about these to Irina Gerasimova, «Dry mix and mortars» magazine observer (p. 14). Manushina A.S., Urbanov A.V., Akhmetzhanov A.M., Zyryanov M.S., Potapova E.N., Zakharov S.A. The effect of mineral and polymer additives on the properties of tile adhesive This paper deals with the research results concerning the replacement of the redispersible polymer powder composition tile adhesives by mineral additive MetaMix and a fibrous filler – polypropylene fibre that reduces the cost of formulations. Depending on the required conditions to obtain the adhesive blends of the classes C0, C1 and S1 it is necessary to vary the ratio between redispersible polymer powder, a fibrous filler and mineral supplement MetaMix (p. 17). Kuznetsova T.V. Dry mixes for heat-resistant concrete This article presents an overview of works and as well as results of materials researches used for making heat-resistant concrete. In particular, author analyses the influence of binding materials, special fine ground additives that increase the heat resisting properties of concrete, and aggregates are resistant to the high temperatures (p. 22).
s u m m a r y Kossov D.Yu., Mankeevitch Ya.I, Nefed’ev A.P., Krivoborodov Yu.R. To the question of alternative, disperse reinforcing when designing compositions of repair dry mixes. The influence of additive MetaBond™ based on amorphous aluminum silicate on properties of dry building mixes was studied. It was fixed that the additive MetaBond™ in an amount of 20% by weight of the binder may serve as an alternative microfiber composed repair mortar (p. 26). EQUIPMENT Kosach A.F., Kuznetsova I.N., Rusinov V.B., Gutareva N.A. Assessment of the highly dispersed peat-mineral raw material effectiveness on cement stone thermal properties This article presents an evaluation of plantmineral composites based on modified highly dispersed peat in concrete. Cement stone with cement-sand-peat mixture is investigated. The technology of concrete production by crushing particles of the dispersed phase at the stage of mixing using a sand-peat mixture in the ratio of 60:40 is considered (p. 30). TECNOLOGIES Paruta V.A., Brynzin E.V., Saevskiy A.A., Gavrilenko L.V., Diallo M.K., Antipova M.A. The design of formulations of finishing solutions to meet their joint work with concrete masonry Plastering of walls made of autoclaved aerated concrete with the subsequent finishing paints or decorative plaster is the most effective technical and economic solution and therefore one of the most common technological operations. However due to the fact that the design of the composition and properties of the plaster is not fully taken into account consistency of its work with aerated concrete basis one can often note a significant fracture in plaster coverage and in the contact zone with aerated concrete masonry. This leads to degradation of the thermal insulation parameters and reduce the durability of the building envelope construction (p. 35). EVENTS Alexey Didevich. Inspite the crisis should not forget about the building quality V Russian Investment and Construction Forum – a large-scale industry event, which annually attracts a large number of leading experts, business leaders, business associations, and public authorities construction industry was held in Moscow (p. 38) Kopylov I.A. «Domestic building materials – 2016» show: results and prospects Exhibition Domestic building materials (OSM2016), organized by the biggest exhibition company of Russia – «Euroexpo» hosted in Moscow. Publishing house «Kompozit XXI vek», as a permanent information partner of the exhibition, presents some of its members (p. 43). C O N T E N T S Construction Industry in Focus ................................................... 4 MATERIALS Chalyi A.O. Modern waterproofing ............................................ 8 LOBATHERM with laying ceramic tile: energy efficiency, durability, prestige. Now in Russia ........................................... 11 Russian nanocement in UAE ...................................................... 14 Manushina A.S., Urbanov A.V., Akhmetzhanov A.M., Zyryanov M.S., Potapova E.N., Zakharov S.A. The effect of mineral and polymer additives on the properties of tile adhesive ....................................................................... 17 Kuznetsova T.V. Dry mixes for heat-resistant concrete ................ 22 Kossov D.Yu., Mankeevitch Ya.I, Nefed’ev A.P., Krivoborodov Yu.R. To the question of alternative, disperse reinforcing when designing compositions of repair dry mixes ................... 26 EQUIPMENT Kosach A.F., Kuznetsova I.N., Rusinov V.B., Gutareva N.A. Assessment of the highly dispersed peat-mineral raw material effectiveness on cement stone thermal properties ...... 30 TECNOLOGIES Paruta V.A., Brynzin E.V., Saevskiy A.A., Gavrilenko L.V., Diallo M.K., Antipova M.A. The design of formulations of finishing solutions to meet their joint work with concrete masonry ................................................................... 35 EVENTS Alexey Didevich. Inspite the crisis should not forget about the building quality ................................................................ 38 Kopylov I.A. «Domestic building materials – 2016» show: results and prospects .............................................................. 43