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Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Техника и технологии. Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering & Technologies

Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Техника и технологии. Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering & Technologies №2 2016 (90,00 руб.)

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АннотацияCерия журнала «Техника и технологии» отражает самую массовую группу инженерных научных направлений Сибирского федерального университета. Целью создания серии является развитие фундаментальных исследований в области инженерных наук в СФУ, обеспечение международного приоритета научных работ преподавателей, сотрудников, аспирантов, докторантов вуза, а также интеграция журнала в международное информационное пространство.
Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Техника и технологии. Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering & Technologies .— 2016 .— №2 .— 155 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/320616 (дата обращения: 10.03.2025)

Также для выпуска доступны отдельные статьи:
Resonances of Gravitational Tides as a Powerful Energy Source of the Geodynamic Processes in Earth’s Crust / Sibgatulin (150,00 руб.)
Обоснование параметров фронта горных работ при отработке пологопадающих угольных месторождений веерной системой / Катышев (150,00 руб.)
Geochronology of Granites, Surrounding Schists and Ores of the Panimba Gold Deposit (the Yenisey Ridge) / Sazonov (150,00 руб.)
Platform Independent Implementation of High Speed Serial Communication Based on FPGA / Rajand Chanchal (150,00 руб.)
Effect of Changing the Symbol Rate of QAM Modem on the Performance of 32kb/s ADPCM System / AL-Rawi Muhanned (150,00 руб.)
Design and Tests of the pHEMT GaAs MIC Input Switch-off LNA of Own Production for Equipment of Autonomous Spacecraft Radionavigation / Shkolniy (150,00 руб.)
Разработка нового алгоритма шифрования данных с симметричным ключом / Умаров (150,00 руб.)
Analysis of the Inяuence of Transient Process During the Shunt Reactors Commutation on Insulation of Substation “Zarya” Auxiliaries / Sizganova (150,00 руб.)
Equivalent Circuit and Mathematical Models of the Geometrical Heterogeneity Surface Accounting of a Microwave Multilayered Integrated Circuits Based-on the Technology of Low-Temperature Coёred Ceramics / Zyrin (150,00 руб.)
Экспериментальная оценка характеристик механических свойств материала композитной оболочки металлокомпозитного бака высокого давления / Москвичев (150,00 руб.)
Защитные диэлектрические пленки и методы их получения / Патрушева (150,00 руб.)
Интенсификация процессов сорбционной очистки нефтесодержащих сточных вод с использованием гидротермодинамических эффектов кавитации / Дубровская (150,00 руб.)
Compounding of Spent Nuclear Fuel / Kulagina (150,00 руб.)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Зуев Editorial Advisory Board Chairman: Eugene A. Vaganov Members: Josef J. Gitelzon Vasily F. Shabanov Andrey G. Degermendzhy Valery L. Mironov Gennady L. Pashkov Vladimir V. Shaidurov Vladimir V. Zuev Editorial Board: Editor-in-Chief: Mikhail I. Gladyshev Founding Editor: Vladimir I. Kolmakov Managing Editor: Olga F. Alexandrova Chief Editor for Engineering & Technologies: Vladimir A. Kulagin CONTENTS Victor G. Sibgatulin, Sergey A. Peretokin and Aleksey A. Kabanov Resonances of Gravitational Tides as a Powerful Energy Source of the Geodynamic Processes in Earth’s Crust – 146 – Pavel V. Katyshev and Victor Е. <...> Kislyakov Justification Parameters of the Front of Mining Operations at the Horizontal Mining Coal Deposits Fan Chart System – 166 – Anatoly M. Sazonov, Natalja A. Nekrasova, Elena A. Zvyagina and Platon A. Tishin Geochronology of Granites, Surrounding Schists and Ores of the Panimba Gold Deposit (the Yenisey Ridge) – 174 – Chanchal Raj and Santosh Mohan Rajkumar Platform Independent Implementation of High Speed Serial Communication Based on FPGA – 189 – Muhanned AL-Rawi and Muaayed AL-Rawi Effect of Changing the Symbol Rate of QAM Modem on the Performance of 32kb/s ADPCM System – 197 – Редактор И. <...> Свободный, 82a. 2016 9 (2) Editorial board for Engineering & Technologies: Vladimir Kulagin – Chief Editor, Siberian Federal University, Russia Yuri Alashkevich – Siberian State Technological University, Russia Sereeter Batmцnkh – Institute of Heat Engineering and Industrial Ecology Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Mongolia Nikolai Dovzhenko – Siberian Federal University, Russia Carsten Drebenstedt – Technische University Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany Yuri Galerkin – Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic University, Russia Gennady Gritsko – Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Russia Feng-Chen Li – School of Energy Science and Engineering Harbin Institute of Technology, China Ibragim Khisameev – Kazan State Technological University, Russia Dmitriy Markovich – Institute of Thermophysics Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Russia Valery Mironov – Institute of Physics Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch <...>
Журнал Сибирского федерального университета Journal of Siberian Federal University Техника и технологии Engineering & Technologies Редакционный совет академик РАН Е.А. Ваганов академик РАН И.И. Гительзон академик РАН А.Г. Дегерменджи академик РАН В.Ф. Шабанов чл.-корр. РАН, д-р физ.-мат. наук В.Л. Миронов чл.-корр. РАН, д-р техн. наук Г.Л. Пашков чл.-корр. РАН, д-р физ.-мат. наук В.В. Шайдуров чл.-корр. РАН, д-р физ.-мат. наук В.В. Зуев Editorial Advisory Board Chairman: Eugene A. Vaganov Members: Josef J. Gitelzon Vasily F. Shabanov Andrey G. Degermendzhy Valery L. Mironov Gennady L. Pashkov Vladimir V. Shaidurov Vladimir V. Zuev Editorial Board: Editor-in-Chief: Mikhail I. Gladyshev Founding Editor: Vladimir I. Kolmakov Managing Editor: Olga F. Alexandrova Chief Editor for Engineering & Technologies: Vladimir A. Kulagin CONTENTS Victor G. Sibgatulin, Sergey A. Peretokin and Aleksey A. Kabanov Resonances of Gravitational Tides as a Powerful Energy Source of the Geodynamic Processes in Earth’s Crust – 146 – Pavel V. Katyshev and Victor Å. Kislyakov Justification Parameters of the Front of Mining Operations at the Horizontal Mining Coal Deposits Fan Chart System – 166 – Anatoly M. Sazonov, Natalja A. Nekrasova, Elena A. Zvyagina and Platon A. Tishin Geochronology of Granites, Surrounding Schists and Ores of the Panimba Gold Deposit (the Yenisey Ridge) – 174 – Chanchal Raj and Santosh Mohan Rajkumar Platform Independent Implementation of High Speed Serial Communication Based on FPGA – 189 – Muhanned AL-Rawi and Muaayed AL-Rawi Effect of Changing the Symbol Rate of QAM Modem on the Performance of 32kb/s ADPCM System – 197 – Редактор И.А. Вейсиг Корректор Е.Г. Иванова Компьютерная верстка Е.В. Гревцовой Подписано в печать 28.03.2016 г. Формат 84x108/16. Усл. печ. л. 12,6. Уч.-изд. л. 12,1. Бумага тип. Печать офсетная. Тираж 1000 экз. Заказ 1283. Отпечатано в БИК СФУ. 660041, Красноярск, пр. Свободный, 82a. 2016 9 (2)
Editorial board for Engineering & Technologies: Vladimir Kulagin – Chief Editor, Siberian Federal University, Russia Yuri Alashkevich – Siberian State Technological University, Russia Sereeter Batmönkh – Institute of Heat Engineering and Industrial Ecology Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Mongolia Nikolai Dovzhenko – Siberian Federal University, Russia Carsten Drebenstedt – Technische University Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany Yuri Galerkin – Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic University, Russia Gennady Gritsko – Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Russia Feng-Chen Li – School of Energy Science and Engineering Harbin Institute of Technology, China Ibragim Khisameev – Kazan State Technological University, Russia Dmitriy Markovich – Institute of Thermophysics Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Russia Valery Mironov – Institute of Physics Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Russia Vladimir Moskvichev – Special Designing and Technological Bureau “Nauka” Krasnoyarsk Scientifi c Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Russia Bernard Nacke – Institute of Electrotechnology Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany Valeriy Nikulin – Kamsk Institute of Humanitarian and Engineering Technologies, Russia Valery Okulov – Technical University of Denmark, Denmark Oleg Ostrovski – University of New South Wales, Australia Harald Oye – Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway Vasili Panteleev – Siberian Federal University, Russia Vladimir Shaidurov – Institute of Computational Modelling Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Russia Anatoly Shvidenko – International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria Tamara N. Patrusheva, Vadim A. Fedyaev, Nikolay Yu. Snezhko and Ludmila E. Karelina Protective Insulating Films and Methods for Their Preparation – 254 – Egor V. Moskvichev An Experimental Assessment of Composite Mechanical Properties in a Filament-Wound Pressure Vessel – 246 – Igor D. Zyrin and Vadim M. Karaban Equivalent Circuit and Mathematical Models of the Geometrical Heterogeneity Surface Accounting of a Microwave Multilayered Integrated Circuits Based-on the Technology of Low-Temperature Cofired Ceramics – 237 – Shukhrat A. Umarov and Davlatali E. Akbarov Working Out the New Algorithm Enciphered the Data with a Symmetric Key – 214 – Evgenia U. Sizganova, Roman A. Petukhov, Nikita V. Sizganov and Daria U. Nikotina Analysis of the Influence of Transient Process During the Shunt Reactors Commutation on Insulation of Substation œZaryaB Auxiliaries – 225 – Vadim N. Shkolniy, Sergey B. Suntsov, Aleksey V. Kondratenko, Dmitriy A. Shishkin, Kirill A. Alekseev and Vadim M. Karaban Design and Tests of the pHEMT GaAs MIC Input Switch-off LNA of Own Production for Equipment of Autonomous Spacecraft Radionavigation – 204 –
Vladimir Zuev – Institute of monitoring of climatic and Ecological Systems of Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Russia Olga G. Dubrovskaya and Vladimir A. Kulagin Intensification Of The Process Sorption Cleaning Oily Waste with the use Hydrothermodynamic Effects of Cavitation – 268 – Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ ПИ № ФС77-28-722 от 29.06.2007 г. Журнал включен в «Перечень ведущих рецензируемых научных журналов и изданий, в которых должны быть опубликованы основные научные результаты диссертации на соискание ученой степени доктора и кандидата наук» 01.12.2015 г. Журнал включен в «Russian Science Citation Index» на платформе «Web of Science» Tatyana A. Kulagina, Vladimir A. Kulagin and Vladislav A. Popkov Compounding of Spent Nuclear Fuel – 280 –
СОДЕРЖАНИЕ В.Г. Сибгатулин, С.А. Перетокин, А.А. Кабанов pеƒ%…=…“/ г!=",2=ц,%……/. C!,л,"%" $ м%?…/L .…е!ге2,че“*,L ,“2%ч…,* ге%д,…=м,че“*,. C!%це““%" " ƒем…%L *%!е – 146 – П.В. Катышев, В.Е. Кисляков nK%“…%"=…,е C=!=ме2!%" -!%…2= г%!…/. !=K%2 C!, %2!=K%2*е C%л%г%C=д=ю?,. 3г%ль…/. ме“2%!%›де…,L "ее!…%L “,“2ем%L – 166 – À.Ì. Ñàçîíîâ, Í.À. Некрасова, Å.À. Çâÿãèíà, Ï.À. Тишин cе%.!%…%л%г, г!=…,2%", "ме?=ю?,. “л=…це" , !3д ме“2%!%›де…, ƒ%л%2= &o=…,мK=[ (e…,“еL“*,L *! ›) – 174 – Чанчал Радж, Сантош Мохан Ражкумар oл=2-%!м= …еƒ=",“,м%L !е=л,ƒ=ц,, "/“%*%“*%!%“2…%L C%“лед%"=2ель…%L “" ƒ, …= %“…%"е FPGA – 189 – Мохаммед аль-Рави, Муаяд аль-Рави }--е*2 ,ƒме…е…, “*%!%“2, Cе!ед=ч, *"=д!=23!…%L =мCл,23д…%L м%д3л ц,, м%дем= …= C!%,ƒ"%д,2ель…%“2ь 32 *K/“ =д=C2,"…%L д,--е!е…ц,=ль…%L ,мC3ль“…%-*%д%"%L м%д3л ц,, *=…=л= – 197 – Â.Í. Øêîëüíûé, Ñ.Á. Ñóíöîâ, À.Â. Кондратенко, Ä.À. Øèøêèí, Ê.À. Àëåêñååâ, Â.Ì. Карабан o!%е*2,!%"=…,е , ,“C/2=…, pHEMT GaAs lhq *%мм32,!3ем%г% C% ".%д3 lxr “%K“2"е……%г% C!%,ƒ"%д“2"= дл =CC=!=23!/ ="2%…%м…%L !=д,%…=",г=ц,, j` – 204 – Ø.À. Óìàðîâ, Ä.Å. Акбаров p=ƒ!=K%2*= …%"%г% =лг%!,2м= ш,-!%"=…, д=……/. “ “,мме2!,ч…/м *люч%м – 214 – Å.Þ. Сизганова, Ð.À. Ïåòóõîâ, Н.В. Сизганов, Д.Ю. Никотина `…=л,ƒ "л, …, Cе!е.%д…/. C!%це““%" C!, *%мм32=ц,, ш3…2,!3ю?,. !е=*2%!%" …= ,ƒ%л ц,ю %K%!3д%"=…, “%K“2"е……/. …3›д C%д“2=…ц,, &g=! [ – 225 –
È.Ä. Çûðèí, Â.Ì. Карабан }*","=ле…2…= “.ем…= , м=2ем=2,че“*= м%дел, 3чё2= ге%ме2!,че“*%L …е%д…%!%д…%“2, C%"е!.…%“2, qb) м…%г%“л%L…/. ,…2ег!=ль…/. “.ем …= %“…%"е 2е.…%л%г,, …,ƒ*%2емCе!=23!…%L “%"ме“2…%-%K›,г=ем%L *е!=м,*, – 237 – Е.В. Москвичев }*“Cе!,ме…2=ль…= %це…*= .=!=*2е!,“2,* ме.=…,че“*,. “"%L“2" м=2е!,=л= *%мC%ƒ,2…%L %K%л%ч*, ме2=лл%*%мC%ƒ,2…%г% K=*= "/“%*%г% д="ле…, – 246 – Ò.Í. Патрушева, Â.À. Ôåäÿåâ, Í.À. Ñíåæêî, Ë.Å. Карелина g=?,2…/е д,.ле*2!,че“*,е Cле…*, , ме2%д/ ,. C%л3че…, – 254 – О.Г. Дубровская, В.А. Кулагин h…2е…“,-,*=ц, C!%це““%" “%!Kц,%……%L %ч,“2*, …е-2е“%де!›=?,. “2%ч…/. "%д “ ,“C%льƒ%"=…,ем г,д!%2е!м%д,…=м,че“*,. .--е*2%" *=",2=ц,, – 268 – Ò.À. Êóëàãèíà, Â.À. Êóëàãèí, Â.À. Попков j%мC=3…д,!%"=…,е %2!=K%2="шег% де!…%г% 2%Cл,"= – 280 –