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Информационно-управляющие системы  / №2 2015

AN EFFICIENT CROSS-LAYER AWARE MAPPING OF VOIP CALLS IN WIRELESS OFDMA SYSTEMS Part I. Problem description and channel tracking (140,00 руб.)

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АвторыBen-Shimol Y., Kitroser I.
АннотацияPurpose: This work addresses the problem of efficient broadcasting of resource allocations descriptors for VoIP traffic in mobile OFDMA-based wireless systems. Methods: We present the problem of mapping overhead and show that it can be substantially reduced by using semi-persistent allocations and by taking advantage of the periodicity of VoIP frames, generated by a multi-phase vocoder. To handle the impact of mobility on the characteristics of the wireless channel we utilize a cross-layer decision approach that tracks the channel quality and predicts the expected mobile user behavior such that the system may under-react to channel changes in some cases. Results: We explicitly show how the variability of the wireless channel can be tracked by using a Markovian model with a set of discrete states. By estimating both state- and transition probabilities of the multi-state Markovian model, we underline the foundations for a cross-layer decision algorithm that is able to overlook short transitions in channel states, without changing the modulation and/or the coding schemes. The main advantage of this approach is the ability to support multiple codecs, or a single codec with different operational modes, both result in different packet sizes and different periods. Practical relevance: The proposed channel tracking mechanism is simple enough to be implemented in the base station of any practical OFDMA-based system using the WiMAX or LTE technology
AN EFFICIENT CROSS-LAYER AWARE MAPPING OF VOIP CALLS IN WIRELESS OFDMA SYSTEMS Part I. Problem description and channel tracking / Ben-Shimol Y., Kitroser I. // Информационно-управляющие системы .— 2015 .— №2 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/314599 (дата обращения: 12.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫЕ КАНАЛЫ И СРЕДЫ UDC 654.165 doi:10.15217/issn1684-8853.2015.2.90 AN EFFICIENT CROSS-LAYER AWARE MAPPING OF VOIP CALLS IN WIRELESS OFDMA SYSTEMS Part I. Problem description and channel tracking I. Kitroser a, PhD, Electrical Engineering, kitroser@bgu.ac.il aBen-Gurion University of the Negev, POB 653, 1, Ben Gurion St., Beer Sheva, 74105, Israel Y. Ben-Shimola, PhD, Electrical Engineering, Professor, benshimo@bgu.ac.il Purpose: This work addresses the problem of efficient broadcasting of resource allocations descriptors for VoIP traffic in mobile OFDMA-based wireless systems. <...> Methods: We present the problem of mapping overhead and show that it can be substantially reduced by using semi-persistent allocations and by taking advantage of the periodicity of VoIP frames, generated by a multi-phase vocoder. <...> To handle the impact of mobility on the characteristics of the wireless channel we utilize a cross-layer decision approach that tracks the channel quality and predicts the expected mobile user behavior such that the system may under-react to channel changes in some cases. <...> Results: We explicitly show how the variability of the wireless channel can be tracked by using a Markovian model with a set of discrete states. <...> By estimating both state- and transition probabilities of the multi-state Markovian model, we underline the foundations for a cross-layer decision algorithm that is able to overlook short transitions in channel states, without changing the modulation and/or the coding schemes. <...> Practical relevance: The proposed channel tracking mechanism is simple enough to be implemented in the base station of any practical OFDMA-based system using the WiMAX or LTE technology. <...> Keywords — Cross-Layer Design and Optimization, Resource Allocation and Interference Management, Mobile Multimedia Technology, 3.5G and 4G Technologies . <...> Introduction An important application in future IP based wireless communication networks is voice over IP (VoIP), which allows real-time voice calls between mobile stations (MSs). <...> This suggests that with a naive resource allocation scheme the uplink map (UL-MAP) includes allocation descriptors (or information elements — IEs) for VoIP streams, thus generating overheads at a constant rate. <...> The problem of system overhead for CBR-like applications has been examined for the emerging beyond 3G technologies such as WiMAX (IEEE 802.16) [1], IEEE 802.16m-2011 <...>