Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 634620)
Вестник ОрелГАУ

Вестник ОрелГАУ №1(34) 2012 (449,00 руб.)

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АннотацияНаучно-практический журнал сельскохозяйственной тематики. Журнал входит в перечень ВАК. С 15 августа 2017г. журнал выходит под названием "Вестник аграрной науки".
Вестник ОрелГАУ .— 2006 .— 2012 .— №1(34) .— 182 с. — DOI: 10.15217/48484 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/309156 (дата обращения: 19.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Tendency of strengthening of line growth of stem and root are observed by production independent of size seeds. <...> Line growth of stem on early phases of development slightly was interior then line growth of root, but genotypes significant was not difference by index of length root/length stem and was not correlate with seeds production. <...> Gahoonia, T.S. Root traits, nutrient uptake, multi-location grain yield and benefit-cost ratio of two lentil (Lens culinaris Medik) varieties / T.S. Gahoonia, O. Ali, A. Sarker et al. // Plant and soil, 2005. – Vol. 272. – P. 153-161. 15. <...> Varieties Biruza and Korochanka had highest productivity at 2007-2011 years. <...> Variety Biruza had highest productivity (77.6 centner/hectare) at 2008 year in Livensky State sort plot. <...> Winter wheat Korochanka had maximum of productivity (67.6 centner/hectare) at 2008 year in Sverdlovsky State sort plot. <...> The productivity of the Moskovskaya 39, Moskovskaya 40 and Moskovskaya 56 varieties was inferior to productivity of the Inna standard variety, but they were stable in winter and their seed quality was high. <...> Variety Moskovskaya 40 had highest productivity (60.2 centner/hectare) in 2009 year in Volodarsky State sort plot, the Moskovskaya 56 – 63.7 centner/hectare in 2008 year in Livensky State sort plot. <...> Grain of the Moskovskaya 40 variety received in 2010 year satisfied the requirements for strong wheat. <...> The analysis of a condition of meat poultry farming in Russia and the Oryol region is resulted. <...> Evans, Terry Global recession hits demand, output, trade [Text] / Terry Evans // Poultry International. – 2009. <...> Liptrap, R.M. Preliminary findings of altered follicular activity in Holstein cows with coagulation factor XI deficiency / R.M. Liptrap, P.A. Gentry, M.L. Ross, E. Cummings // Vet. <...> Meydan, H. [2009] Identification of factor XI deficiency in Holstein cattle in Turkey / H. Meydan, M.A. Yildiz, F. Ozdil, Gedik and Ozbeyaz C., Vet. <...> Oner, Y. Identification of BLAD, DUMPS, Citrullinamia and Factor XI Deficiency in Holstein Cattle in Turkey / Y. Oner, A. <...>
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()  : 302019, . , .  , 69. .: +7 (4862) 45-40-37 : +7 (4862) 45-40-64 E-mail: nichgau@yandex.ru  : http://ej.orelsau.ru --    !77–21514  11.07.2005 .   "   #$%:  .&. '" : & . .  - ( 2.02.2012 .  - " 28.02.2012 .  60'84/8. ) *.  . (+, 22,8 . ". .  300 -. -  #, 302028, . , (- (, 19. . . !021325  23.02.1999 . / - 0% &(   ( "' (, 12' - "  '  '  © )# 0  #, 2012 . 2.#., +- 2.". ( *"    - (  -"' -'……………………………………………………………. 6 !.*., - &."., +$ 2.%., ( ".". * 4 *-('"   --' - - 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