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Chemistry, Technology and Properties of Synthetic Rubber (290,00 руб.)

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Первый авторDavletbaeva I. M.
АвторыBeskrovniy D. V. , Gumerova O. R., Kazan National Research Technological University
АннотацияThe manual is intended for the 5th year students of the Polymer Faculty of 020015 "Chemical Technology" course. The manual reflects the current state of the elastomers science and production technologies. The focus is on technological methods, based on the scientific understanding of the chemistry in the synthesis of general-purpose and special rubbers, their properties and applications. The content of the manual corresponds to the program of the course "Technology of Elastomers". Published by the decision of the Editing and Publishing Board of Kazan National Research Technological University
Davletbaeva, I.M. Chemistry, Technology and Properties of Synthetic Rubber = [Химия, технология и свойства синтетического каучука] : Tutorial : [учеб. пособие] / D.V. Beskrovniy, O.R. Gumerova; Kazan National Research Technological University; I.M. Davletbaeva .— Казань : КНИТУ, 2013 .— 201 с. — Текст на англ. яз. — ISBN 978-5-7882-1416-0 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/302729 (дата обращения: 12.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation Federal State Educational Establishment of higher education «Kazan National Research Technological University» I.M. Davletbaeva, D.V. Beskrovniy, O.R. Gumerova CHEMISTRY, TECHNOLOGY AND PROPERTIES OF SYNTHETIC RUBBER Tutorial Kazan KNRTU Publishing 2013 UDC 678(075.8) Davletbaeva I.M. Chemistry, technology and properties of synthetic rubber : tutorial / I.M. Davletbaeva, D.V. Beskrovniy, O.R. Gumerova; Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation, Kazan National Research Technological University. – Kazan : KNRTU Publishing, 2013. – 201 p. <...> ISBN 978-5-7882-1416-0 The manual is intended for the 5th year students of the Polymer Faculty of 020015 "Chemical Technology" course. <...> Structural Characteristics of Elastomers and 1.3 Status of Synthetic Rubber Industry 1.4 Main Stages of Polymerization Processes 1.5 Methods of Polymerization 1.6 Heat Exchange in Polymerization 1.7 Rubber Separation 2 EXAMPLES OF TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESSES OF PRODUCTION OF SYNTHETIC RUBBER 2.1 Obtaining Solution Stereoregular Isoprene Rubber Using Anionic Coordination Catalysts 2.2 Drying of Solvent 2.3 Preparation of Catalyst Complex 2.4 Polymerization of Isoprene 2.5 Deactivation of Catalyst Complex 2.6 Degassing of Polymerizate 2.7 Rubber Separation, Drying and Packing 2.8 Secondary Operations 2.8.1 Preparation of Stabilizer Suspension and Stopper Solution 2.8.2 Preparation of Antiagglomerator 2.9 Obtaining Butadiene-Styrene (αMethylstyrene) Rubbers by Free Radical Initiation of Emulsion Polymerization 2.9.1 Initiation of Polymerization 2.9.4 Components of Emulsion Polymerization 2.9.5 Polymerization Rate 6 6 12 22 32 35 37 41 42 42 47 49 51 52 55 57 59 59 60 61 2.9.2 Reactions of Polymer Chain Growth 64 2.9.3 Chain Termination and Transfer 65 68 2.9.6 Process of Obtaining Styrene- 68 3 61 64 Butadiene Rubbers 2.10 Technology of Butyl Rubber Obtaining with Cationic Initiation in Methyl Chloride 2.11 Batch Preparation, Copolymerization and Rubber Separation 2.12 Producing Ethylene-Propylene and Stereoblock Propylene Rubbers by Gas-Phase Polymerization with Metallocene Catalysts 2.12.1 Chemical Structure of Elastomeric Polyolefins 2.12.2 Metallocene Catalysts 3. <...> MAIN <...>
UDC 678(075.8) Davletbaeva I.M. Chemistry, technology and properties of synthetic rubber : tutorial / I.M. Davletbaeva, D.V. Beskrovniy, O.R. Gumerova; Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation, Kazan National Research Technological University. – Kazan : KNRTU Publishing, 2013. – 201 p. ISBN 978-5-7882-1416-0 The manual is intended for the 5th year students of the Polymer Faculty of 020015 "Chemical Technology" course. The manual reflects the current state of the elastomers science and production technologies. The focus is on technological methods, based on the scientific understanding of the chemistry in the synthesis of general-purpose and special rubbers, their properties and applications. The content of the manual corresponds to the program of the course "Technology of Elastomers". Published by the decision of the Editing and Publishing Board of Kazan National Research Technological University Reviewers: Head of Organic Chemistry Department, KFU, I.S. Antipin, Dr. of Chem., corr. member of RAS Head of Materials Science and Technology Department, KNRTU, E.R. Galimov, Dr. of Eng., professor ISBN 978-5-7882-1416-0 © Davletbaeva I.M., Beskrovniy D.V., Gumerova O.R., 2013 © Kazan National Research Technological University, 2013
CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Elastomers Classification their Properties 1.2. Structural Characteristics of Elastomers and 1.3 Status of Synthetic Rubber Industry 1.4 Main Stages of Polymerization Processes 1.5 Methods of Polymerization 1.6 Heat Exchange in Polymerization 1.7 Rubber Separation 2 EXAMPLES OF TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESSES OF PRODUCTION OF SYNTHETIC RUBBER 2.1 Obtaining Solution Stereoregular Isoprene Rubber Using Anionic Coordination Catalysts 2.2 Drying of Solvent 2.3 Preparation of Catalyst Complex 2.4 Polymerization of Isoprene 2.5 Deactivation of Catalyst Complex 2.6 Degassing of Polymerizate 2.7 Rubber Separation, Drying and Packing 2.8 Secondary Operations 2.8.1 Preparation of Stabilizer Suspension and Stopper Solution 2.8.2 Preparation of Antiagglomerator 2.9 Obtaining Butadiene-Styrene (αMethylstyrene) Rubbers by Free Radical Initiation of Emulsion Polymerization 2.9.1 Initiation of Polymerization 2.9.4 Components of Emulsion Polymerization 2.9.5 Polymerization Rate 6 6 12 22 32 35 37 41 42 42 47 49 51 52 55 57 59 59 60 61 2.9.2 Reactions of Polymer Chain Growth 64 2.9.3 Chain Termination and Transfer 65 68 2.9.6 Process of Obtaining Styrene- 68 3 61 64
Butadiene Rubbers 2.10 Technology of Butyl Rubber Obtaining with Cationic Initiation in Methyl Chloride 2.11 Batch Preparation, Copolymerization and Rubber Separation 2.12 Producing Ethylene-Propylene and Stereoblock Propylene Rubbers by Gas-Phase Polymerization with Metallocene Catalysts 2.12.1 Chemical Structure of Elastomeric Polyolefins 2.12.2 Metallocene Catalysts 3. MAIN TYPES OF RUBBERS, PROPERTIES, PRACTICAL APPLICATION 3.1 Natural Rubber 3.2 Polyisoprene (Synthetic Natural Rubber) 3.3 Polybutadiene 3.4 Styrene-Butadiene Rubber 3.5 Butyl Rubber 3.6 Ethylene-Propylene Rubber 3.7 Nitrile Rubber 3.8 Epichlorohydrin Polymer 3.9 Polychloroprene 3.10 Polynorbornene 3.11 Chlorinated Polyethylene 3.12 Chlorosulphonated Polyethylene 3.13 Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate Copolymer 3.14 Ethylene-Acrylic Rubber 3.15 Polyacrylate Rubber 3.16 Ebonite 3.17 Propylene Oxide-Allyl Glycidyl Ether Copolymer 3.18 Fluorocarbon Rubber 4 71 75 78 2.12.3 Obtaining Ethylene-Propylene Rubber 84 2.12.4 Producing Stereoblock Polypropylene Rubber 78 79 86 89 89 96 100 107 109 113 116 120 122 126 127 128 130 133 135 137 138 139
3.19 Polysulphide Rubber 3.20 Silicone Rubber 3.21 Polyurethane Elastomers 3.22 Thermoplastic Elastomers - General Description 3.23 Thermoplastic Urethane Elastomers 3.24 Styrenic Block Copolymers 3.25 Copolyether Ester 3.26 Polyester Amide 3.27 Thermoplastic Olefin Elastomer 3.28 Thermoplastic Vulcanizate BIBLIOGRAPHY 143 145 152 177 181 185 187 190 190 192 194 5