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Problem-Solving assignments based on laboratory experiments in chemistry education

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Первый авторВасильева Полина Дмитриевна
АннотацияВ статье рассматривается метод обучения химии в высших учебных заведениях // 22 International Conference on Chemical Education. ICCECRICE 2012 - ROME, ITALY 15-20 July 2012, p.557
Васильева, П.Д. Problem-Solving assignments based on laboratory experiments in chemistry education / П.Д. Васильева .— : [Б.и.], 2012 .— 2 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/299412 (дата обращения: 12.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

PS2.PO198 PROBLEM-SOLVING ASSIGNMENTS BASED ON LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS IN CHEMISTRY EDUCATION Polina D. Vasilyeva Kalmyk State University, Elista, Pushkina 11, Republic of Kalmykia, Russia 358000 E-mail: vasilyeva_pd@mail.ru One of the priorities in chemistry education is to help students get an overall idea of its primary object, i.e. transforming chemicals in terms of two aspects: qualitative and quantitative. <...> However, in teaching chemistry these are separated as the former is most often presented during laboratory experiments while introducing a new lesson or teaching unit and the latter is dealt with during problem solving tasks while revising and expanding on the previously taught material. <...> Thus, traditionally, laboratory experiments are used in the teaching process without focusing on the calculation part in their organization, while problem-solving assignments are disconnected from their content context. <...> The author of the present paper suggests that laboratory experiments used for illustrative purposes of a teaching unit and problem-solving assignments based on the quantitative data of the experiments should be combined and dealt with at one and the same chemistry lesson. <...> The methodology of illustrative experiments involves calculations concerning the amount of chemicals to be used to ensure the realization of demonstrative and instructional purposes, as well as to observe safety rules. <...> These quantitative data may be used in making up calculation tasks concerning the projection of chemical reaction products and practical effectiveness of experiments against prior theoretical assumptions. <...> Such problems made up by students are intellectually stimulating and conducive for the development of their practical skills in using the acquired theoretical knowledge. <...> The combination of illustrative experiments with problem-solving assignments contributes to a more systemic character of students’ knowledge of the subject, their development of practical skills and subject-specific competences. <...> Experiential methods of learning are of special importance in terms of teaching and learning basic competences such as taking measures, performing calculation procedures and using equipment in solving problems. <...> Besides, classroom work organized along these lines ensures common theoretical background for the activities while its diversified character promotes a more profound understanding of scientific concepts, their insight into quantitative patterns, rationality of calculating procedures and implicit contextual information. 557! <...> В статье рассматривается метод обучения химии в высших учебных <...>