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Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Техника и технологии. Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering & Technologies

Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Техника и технологии. Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering & Technologies №1 2012

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АннотацияCерия журнала «Техника и технологии» отражает самую массовую группу инженерных научных направлений Сибирского федерального университета. Целью создания серии является развитие фундаментальных исследований в области инженерных наук в СФУ, обеспечение международного приоритета научных работ преподавателей, сотрудников, аспирантов, докторантов вуза, а также интеграция журнала в международное информационное пространство.
Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Техника и технологии. Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering & Technologies .— 2012 .— №1 .— 121 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/285885 (дата обращения: 10.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Зуев Editorial Advisory Board Chairman: Eugene A. Vaganov Members: Josef J. Gitelzon Vasily F. Shabanov Andrey G. Degermendzhy Valery L. Mironov Gennady L. Pashkov Vladimir V. Shaidurov Vladimir V. Zuev Editorial Board: Editor-in-Chief: Mikhail I. Gladyshev Founding Editor: Vladimir I. Kolmakov Managing Editor: Olga F. Alexandrova Executive Editor for Engineering & Technologies: Vladimir A. Kulagin CONTENTS / СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Robert Mцckel, Jens Gцtze, Sergey A. Sergeev, Igor N. Kapitonov, Elena V. Adamskaya, Nikolay A. Goltsin and Torsten Vennemann Trace-Element Analysis by Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS): a Case Study for Agates from Nowy Kościoł, Poland – 3 – Sergey B. Sidelnikov, Vladimir N. Baranov, Ekaterina S. Lopatina and Leonid P. Trifonenkov Study of Effect of Nickel and Rare-Earth Metals on the Structure and Properties of Cast and Deformed Semi-Finished Products Made of Aluminum Alloys – 19 – Viktor N. Timofeev, Аlexander I. Korchagin, Evgeniy A. Pavlov and Nikolay V. Timofeev Control of Convective Flows in Liquid Metal in Fluenced by Electromagnetic Forces – 28 – Ivan V. Shulgin, Aleksey A. Gerasimenko and Zhou Su Quan Stochastic Simulation of Covariance Matrix and Power Load Curves in Electric Distribution Networks – 39 – В. <...> Makarov Alexander V. Mineev Vladimir V. Moskvichev Bernard Nacke Oleksandr F. Nemchin Valeriy A. Nikulin Oleg Ostrovski Harald A. Oye Vasiliy I. Panteleev Sergey P. Pan ’ko Peter V. Polyakov Anatoli M. Sazonov Viktor N. Timofeev Ibragim Khisameev Anatoly Z. Shvidenko Galina A. Chiganova Igor A. Shimanskiy, Vladimir G. Babkin, Vladimir K. Frizorger, Alexander S. Samoylo and Alexey B. Nabiulin Influence of Initial Components Mechanical Activation on the Properties of Protective Enamel Coating on the Cast-Iron Surface – 63 – Olga M. Sharonova, Natalia A. Oreshkina, Larisa I. Kurteeva and Alexandre G. Anshits Aerodynamic Separation of Fly Ashes of Selective Sampling from Pulverized Combustion of Coals of Different Ranks – 72 – Irina Yu. <...> Botvich <...>
Журнал Сибирского федерального университета Journal of Siberian Federal University Техника и технологии Engineering & Technologies Редакционный совет академик РАН Е.А.Ваганов академик РАН И.И.Гительзон академик РАН А.Г.Дегерменджи академик РАН В.Ф.Шабанов чл.-к. РАН, д-р физ.-мат. наук В.Л.Миронов чл.-к. РАН, д-р техн. наук Г.Л.Пашков чл.-к. РАН, д-р физ.-мат. наук В.В.Шайдуров член-корр. РАН, д-р физ.-мат. наук В.В. Зуев Editorial Advisory Board Chairman: Eugene A. Vaganov Members: Josef J. Gitelzon Vasily F. Shabanov Andrey G. Degermendzhy Valery L. Mironov Gennady L. Pashkov Vladimir V. Shaidurov Vladimir V. Zuev Editorial Board: Editor-in-Chief: Mikhail I. Gladyshev Founding Editor: Vladimir I. Kolmakov Managing Editor: Olga F. Alexandrova Executive Editor for Engineering & Technologies: Vladimir A. Kulagin CONTENTS / СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Robert Möckel, Jens Götze, Sergey A. Sergeev, Igor N. Kapitonov, Elena V. Adamskaya, Nikolay A. Goltsin and Torsten Vennemann Trace-Element Analysis by Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS): a Case Study for Agates from Nowy Kościoł, Poland – 3 – Sergey B. Sidelnikov, Vladimir N. Baranov, Ekaterina S. Lopatina and Leonid P. Trifonenkov Study of Effect of Nickel and Rare-Earth Metals on the Structure and Properties of Cast and Deformed Semi-Finished Products Made of Aluminum Alloys – 19 – Viktor N. Timofeev, Àlexander I. Korchagin, Evgeniy A. Pavlov and Nikolay V. Timofeev Control of Convective Flows in Liquid Metal in Fluenced by Electromagnetic Forces – 28 – Ivan V. Shulgin, Aleksey A. Gerasimenko and Zhou Su Quan Stochastic Simulation of Covariance Matrix and Power Load Curves in Electric Distribution Networks – 39 – Â.À. Êóëàãèí, Ò.À. Пьяных h““лед%"=…,е м=2ем=2,че“*%г% м%дел,!%"=…, *=",2=ц,%……/. 2ече…,L – 57 – “!ед“2"=м, 2012 5 (1) Редактор И.А. Вейсиг Корректор Т.Е. Бастрыгина Компьютерная верстка Е.В. Гревцовой Подписано в печать 20.02.2012 г. Формат 84x108/16. Усл. печ. л. 9,8. Уч.-изд. л. 9,3. Бумага тип. Печать офсетная. Тираж 1000 экз. Заказ 7868. Отпечатано в ПЦ БИК СФУ. 660041 Красноярск, пр. Свободный, 82a.
Editorial board for Engineering & Technologies: Vladimir A. Kulagin Yury D. Alashkevich Viktor G. Anopchenko S. T. Batmunkh Yury B. Galerkin Gennadiy I. Gritsko Georg Guggenberger Carsten Drebenstedt Lev V. Endjievsky Sergey V. Kaverzin Feng-Chen Li Vladimir А. Makarov Alexander V. Mineev Vladimir V. Moskvichev Bernard Nacke Oleksandr F. Nemchin Valeriy A. Nikulin Oleg Ostrovski Harald A. Oye Vasiliy I. Panteleev Sergey P. Pan ’ko Peter V. Polyakov Anatoli M. Sazonov Viktor N. Timofeev Ibragim Khisameev Anatoly Z. Shvidenko Galina A. Chiganova Igor A. Shimanskiy, Vladimir G. Babkin, Vladimir K. Frizorger, Alexander S. Samoylo and Alexey B. Nabiulin Influence of Initial Components Mechanical Activation on the Properties of Protective Enamel Coating on the Cast-Iron Surface – 63 – Olga M. Sharonova, Natalia A. Oreshkina, Larisa I. Kurteeva and Alexandre G. Anshits Aerodynamic Separation of Fly Ashes of Selective Sampling from Pulverized Combustion of Coals of Different Ranks – 72 – Irina Yu. Botvich, Alexander F. Sidko, Tamara I. Pisman and Anatoly P. Shevyrnogov Determination of Chlorophyll Photosynthetic Potential in Vegetation Using Ground-Based and Satellite Methods – 87 – Vladimir A. Kodnyanko Static Characteristics of Active Hydrostatic Two-Row Radial Bearing with Restriction of Output Lubricant Flow – 98 – Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ ПИ № ФС77-28-722 от 29.06.2007 г. Серия включена в «Перечень ведущих рецензируемых научных журналов и изданий, в которых должны быть опубликованы основные научные результаты диссертации на соискание ученой степени доктора и кандидата наук» (редакция 2010 г.) Vladimir O. Andreev, Sergey E. Tinykov, Oksana P. Ovchinnikova and Gennady P. Parahin Extreme Value Theory and Peaks Over Threshold Model in the Russian Stock Market – 111 –
Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering & Technologies 1 (2012 5) 3-18 ~ ~ ~ УДК 621.315.592 Trace-Element Analysis by Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS): a Case Study for Agates from Nowy Kościoł, Poland Robert Möckela Jens Götzea Igor N. Kapitonovb Nikolay A. Goltsinb , , Sergey A. Sergeevb , Elena V. Adamskayab and Torsten Vennemannc *, , a TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institute of Mineralogy, A.P. Karpinsky All Russian 14 Brennhausgasse, D-09596 Freiberg, Germany b Geological Research Institute (VSEGEI), 74 Sredny Prospekt, St.-Petersburg 199106, Russia c Institut de Minéralogie et Géochimie, Université de Lausanne, UNIL-BFSH2, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland 1 Received 6.02.2012, received in revised form 13.02.2012, accepted 20.02.2012 Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) was applied to detect trace elements in agate from Permian volcanics (Nowy Kościoł, Poland) in low concentrations and with high spatial resolution. The used LA-ICP-MS system consists of a DUV 193 laser ablation system linked to a Thermo Finnigan Element 2 mass spectrometer. The use of a 193 nm ArF excimer laser (50-200 mJ energy output) and the standards NIST 611 and NIST 612 enables to produce and analyse small crater diameters down to 5 μm. Trace-element profi les have been analyzed for the elements Ti, Ge, Al, Fe, Mn, U, Th, Ba, Sr, Rb, Cs, and Y in the ppm- and sub-ppm level. The concentrations of the REE are sometimes below the detection limit of the method. Almost all elements (except Cu) display higher contents in chalcedony than in the macrocrystalline quartz. Fe, for instance, shows a 100 times higher concentration in agate bands compared to quartz, which may be due to fi nely distributed iron oxide particles in the chalcedony which probably act as colour pigments. The trace elements in agate are released simultaneously with Si during alteration of the surrounding volcanic rocks. Oxygen isotope data indicate that silica accumulation and agate formation took place at temperatures below 120°C. The characteristic trace-element distribution patterns in agate result from a “self-purifi cation” process during crystallization of chalcedony and quartz from a silica gel. * Corresponding author E-mail address: vsegei@vsegei.sp.ru 1 © Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved # 3 #