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Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Математика и физика. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Mathematics & Physics

Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Математика и физика. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Mathematics & Physics №3 2014

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АннотацияЦелью создания серии «Математика и физика» является развитие фундаментальных исследований в области математики и физики в СФУ, обеспечения международного приоритета научных работ преподавателей, сотрудников, аспирантов, докторантов, а также интеграция журнала в международное информационное пространство.
Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Математика и физика. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Mathematics & Physics .— 2014 .— №3 .— 134 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/285867 (дата обращения: 26.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Khudayberganov, U.S.Rakhmonov M.S.Kildyushov V.A. Nikishkin K.A.Kirillov CONTENTS Determination of Source Functions in Composite Type System of Equations 275–288 Limit Theorem for the Joint Distribution in the Q-processes 289-296 New Periodic Gibbs Measures for q-state Potts Model on a Cayley Tree 297-304 The Bergman and Cauchy–Szego Kernels for Matrix Ball of the Second Type 305-310 Asymptotic Behavior at Infinity of the Dirichlet Problem Solution of the 2k Order Equation in a Layer 311-317 On Minimal Cubature Formulas Exact for Haar Polynomials of Low Degrees in the Two-Dimensional Case 318-323 A.V.Koptev Generator of Solutions for 2D NavierStokes Equations 324-330 Редакторы: В. <...> Yury V. Zakharov (SibSTU, Krasnoyarsk, Russia) A.E. Silaeva A.A. Shchitnikov R.F. Shamoyan, S.M.Kurilenko M.N.Nazarov T.S.Krepizina V.R.Kulikov Univalent Differentials of Integer Order on Variable Torus 331-338 Conditions for Convergence of the Mellin-Barnes Integral for a Solution to a System of Algebraic Equations 339-346 T.A.Kustitskaya Risk Aversion for Defining Elliptic Acceptance Sets in the Model of Generalized Coherent Risk Measures 347-361 V.M.Levchuk, P.K.Shtukkert Problems on Structure for Quasifields of Orders 16 and 32 362-372 New Approaches to the Analysis of the Elementary Reactions Kinetics 373-382 On a New Embedding Theorem in Analytic Bergman Type Spaces in Bounded Strictly Pseudoconvex Domains of n-dimensional Complex Space 383-388 Determination of Mechanical Force between two Planar Inductors in the Problem of Electrodynamic Excitation of Seismic Waves 389-397 On Creeping Motion of Binary Mixture in a Tube with Rectangular Cross-Section 398-406 Journal of Siberian Federal University. <...> Mathematics & Physics 2014, 7(3), 275–288 УДК 517.9 Determination of Source Functions in Composite Type System of Equations Yury Ya. <...> An identification problem of source functions in the composite type system is considered in [1–3]. 1. <...> Then two-dimensional random vector (Zn/E[Zn|Zn > 0] ; Yn/E[Yn|Zn > 0]) weakly converges to the unique vector (Z∗;Y ∗) as n→∞ and the Laplace transform for (Z∗;Y ∗) is of the form Ee−λZ∗−θY ∗ = ∗imomov_ azam@mail.ru  Siberian Federal University. <...> Azam A. Imomov <...>
Журнал Сибирского федерального университета Journal of Siberian Federal University Математика и Физика Mathematics & Physics Редакционный совет: академик РАН Е.А. Ваганов академик РАН И.И. Гительзон академик РАН А.Г. Дегерменджи академик РАН В.Ф.Шабанов чл.-корр. РАН, д-р физ.-мат. наук В.В. Зуев чл.-корр. РАН, д-р физ.-мат. наук В.Л. Миронов чл.-корр. РАН, д-р техн. наук Г.Л. Пашков чл.-корр. РАН, д-р физ.-мат. наук В.В.Шайдуров Editorial Advisory Board Chairman: Eugene A. Vaganov Members: Josef J. Gitelzon Vasily F. Shabanov Andrey G. Degermendzhy Vladimir V. Zuev Valery L. Mironov Gennady L. Pashkov Vladimir V. Shaidurov Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ ПИ №ФС77 - 28724 от 29.06.2007 г. Yu.Ya.Belov, V.G.Kopylova A.A. Imomov R.M.Khakimov G.Kh.Khudayberganov, U.S.Rakhmonov M.S.Kildyushov V.A. Nikishkin K.A.Kirillov CONTENTS Determination of Source Functions in Composite Type System of Equations 275–288 Limit Theorem for the Joint Distribution in the Q-processes 289-296 New Periodic Gibbs Measures for q-state Potts Model on a Cayley Tree 297-304 The Bergman and Cauchy–Szego Kernels for Matrix Ball of the Second Type 305-310 Asymptotic Behavior at Infinity of the Dirichlet Problem Solution of the 2k Order Equation in a Layer 311-317 On Minimal Cubature Formulas Exact for Haar Polynomials of Low Degrees in the Two-Dimensional Case 318-323 A.V.Koptev Generator of Solutions for 2D NavierStokes Equations 324-330 Редакторы: В.Е.Зализняк, А.В.Щуплев Компьютерная верстка: Г.В.Хрусталева Подписано в печать 10.07.14 г. Формат 84×108/16. Усл.печ. л. 12,1. Уч.-изд. л. 11,7. Бумага тип. Печать офсетная. Тираж 1000 экз. Заказ 1762 Отпечатано ПЦ БИК СФУ. 660041 Красноярск, пр. Свободный, 82. 2014 7(3)
Editorial Board: Editor-in-Chief : Michail I. Gladyshev Founding Editor: Vladimir I. Kolmakov Managing Editor: Olga F. Aleksandrova Subject Editor for Mathematics & Physics: Prof. Alexander M. Kytmanov (SibFU, Krasnoyarsk, Russia) Consulting Editors Mathematics & Physics: Prof. Lev Aizenberg (Bar-Ilan Univ., Tel-Aviv, Israel) Prof. Viktor K. Andreev (ICM, Krasnoyarsk, Russia) Prof. Alexander M. Baranov (KSP Univ., Krasnoyarsk, Russia) Prof. Yury Ya. Belov (SibFU, Krasnoyarsk, Russia) Prof. Sergey S. Goncharov (IM, Novosibirsk, Russia) Prof. Vladimir M. Levchuk (SibFU, Krasnoyarsk, Russia) Prof. Yury Yu. Loginov (SibSASU, Krasnoyarsk, Russia) Prof. Mikhail V. Noskov (SibFU, Krasnoyarsk, Russia) Prof. Sergey G. Ovchinnikov (IPh., Krasnoyarsk, Russia) Prof. Gennady S. Patrin (SibFU, Krasnoyarsk) Prof. Azimbay Sadullaev (NUUz., Tashkent, Uzbekistan) Prof. Nikolai Tarkhanov (Potsdam Univ., Germany) Prof. Avgust K. Tsikh (SibFU, Krasnoyarsk, Russia) Prof. Valery V. Val’kov (IPh., Krasnoyarsk, Russia) Prof. Yury V. Zakharov (SibSTU, Krasnoyarsk, Russia) A.E. Silaeva A.A. Shchitnikov R.F. Shamoyan, S.M.Kurilenko M.N.Nazarov T.S.Krepizina V.R.Kulikov Univalent Differentials of Integer Order on Variable Torus 331-338 Conditions for Convergence of the Mellin-Barnes Integral for a Solution to a System of Algebraic Equations 339-346 T.A.Kustitskaya Risk Aversion for Defining Elliptic Acceptance Sets in the Model of Generalized Coherent Risk Measures 347-361 V.M.Levchuk, P.K.Shtukkert Problems on Structure for Quasifields of Orders 16 and 32 362-372 New Approaches to the Analysis of the Elementary Reactions Kinetics 373-382 On a New Embedding Theorem in Analytic Bergman Type Spaces in Bounded Strictly Pseudoconvex Domains of n-dimensional Complex Space 383-388 Determination of Mechanical Force between two Planar Inductors in the Problem of Electrodynamic Excitation of Seismic Waves 389-397 On Creeping Motion of Binary Mixture in a Tube with Rectangular Cross-Section 398-406
Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics 2014, 7(3), 275–288 УДК 517.9 Determination of Source Functions in Composite Type System of Equations Yury Ya.Belov∗ Vera G.Kopylova† Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Siberian Federal University, Svobodny, 79, Krasnoyarsk, 660041 Russia Received 20.04.2014, received in revised form 05.05.2014, accepted 28.05.2014 The problem of identification of the source function for semievolutionary system of two partial differential equations is considered in the paper. The investigated system of equations is obtained from the original system by adding the time derivative containing a small parameter ε > 0 to the elliptic equation. The Cauchy problem and the second boundary-value problem are considered. Keywords: identification, inverse problem, parabolic equation, the method of weak approximation, small parameter, convergence. We obtain a priori (uniform in ε > 0) estimates of solutions of approximate problems. We prove convergence of solutions approximating the inverse problems to solutions of original problems when ε → 0 on the basis of the obtained a priori estimates. We obtain that the rate of convergence of solutions of approximate problems is O(ε1/2) in class of continuous functions. The case of the first boundary-value problem has been studied by Yu.Ya.Belov. An identification problem of source functions in the composite type system is considered in [1–3]. 1. Formulation of the problem and reduction it to the direct problem Consider in the strip G[0,T] = {(t,x) | 0  t  T, x ∈ E1} the problem of determining real-valued functions ε u(t,x), ε εε v(t,x), ε ε ut(t,x)+a11(t)ε vt(t,x)+a21(t)ε u(t,x)+a12(t)ε u(t,x)+a22(t)ε where constant ε ∈ (0, 1]. Initial conditions are ε u(0,x) = u0(x), and the overdetermination condition are ε g(t), satisfying the system of equations v(t,x) = µ1uxx(t,x)+ ε ε v(t,x) = µ2 ε vxx(t,x)+F(t,x), ε v(0,x) = v0(x), ut,x0 = ϕ(t), ϕ ∈ C2[0,T], where ϕ(t) is a given function, 0  t  T and x0 is some fixed point. ∗ybelov@sfu-kras.ru †kopylova.vera@mail.ru - Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved c – 275 – g(t)f(t,x), (1) (2) (3)

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* - вычисляется автоматически
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