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Unemployment (110,00 руб.)

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АвторыАгафонова Ирина Григорьевна
ИздательствоИздательско-полиграфический центр Воронежского государственного университета
АннотацияПособие подготовлено на кафедре английского языка гуманитарных факультетов Воронежского государственного университета.
Кому рекомендованоРекомендуется для студентов 2 курса экономического факультета.
Unemployment / И.Г. Агафонова .— Воронеж : Издательско-полиграфический центр Воронежского государственного университета, 2009 .— 24 с. — 24 c. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/278109 (дата обращения: 12.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ОБРАЗОВАНИЮ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ ВЫСШЕГО ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ «ВОРОНЕЖСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ» UNEMPLOYMENT Учебно-методическое пособие Составитель И. <...> High unemployment was one of the major problems in the 1990s. <...> Unemployment arises only because greedy workers are pricing themselves out of a job. <...> Unemployment (Text 1) Not everyone wants a job. <...> Those people who do are called the labour force. <...> The UK labour force comprises all those people holding a job or registered with the local office of the Department of Employment as being willing and available for work. <...> The participation rate is the percentage of the population of working age who declare themselves to be in the labour force. <...> The postwar growth of the UK labour force has been caused less by an increase in the population of working age than by an increase in the participation rates, most notably by married women. <...> The unemployment rate is the percentage of the labour force who are without a job but are registered as being willing and available for work. <...> Of course, some people without a job are really looking for work but have not bothered to register as unemployed. <...> These people will not be included in the official statistics for the registered labour force nor will they appear as registered unemployed. <...> Yet from an economic viewpoint, such people are in the labour force and are unemployed. <...> For the moment, when we present evidence on the size of the labour force or the number of people unemployed, it should be understood that data refer to the registered labour force and the registered unemployed. <...> There are two main points about the unemployment rate in the UK. <...> First, unemployment was high during the interwar years, especially during the Great De4 pression of the 1930s. <...> It was the persistence of high unemployment that led Keynes to develop his General Theory. <...> Second, by comparison, the postwar unemployment rate was tiny until the late 1970s. <...> However, the UK has been more successful than other countries, especially in Western Europe, in bringing unemployment down in the late 1980s. <...> What were the reasons of the postwar growth of the UK labour force? 2. <...> What factor may distort the official statistics? 3. <...> Check up the pronunciation of unfamiliar words in a dictionary <...>
CONTENTS Assignment 1. Unemployment .............................................................................4 Assignment 2. Types of Unemployment ..............................................................8 Assignment 3. The Private Cost of Unemployment ...........................................14 Assignment 4. The Social Cost of Unemployment ............................................19 3
in many other industrialized countries. 22. The UK has been more successful than other countries. 23. It brought unemployment down in the late 1980s. V. Write out from Text 2 English equivalents for the following words and expressions: 1. не каждый, нуждаться в работе; 2. те люди, называть, рабочая сила; 3. включать (охватывать), иметь работу, зарегистрированные как безработные; 4. быть готовым, быть наличным; 5. доля рабочей силы в общей численности населения, количество (в процентах), рабочий возраст; 6. объявлять себя, рабочая сила; 7. послевоенный рост, вызывать; 8. увеличение, замужние женщины; 9. уровень безработицы; 10. включать, быть без работы; 11. хотеть; 12. искать работу; 13. однако, побеспокоиться; 14. официальная статистика; 15. с экономической точки зрения, такие люди; 16. высокая безработица; 17. устойчивый; 18. заставлять, разрабатывать, общая теория; 19. очень маленький, конец семидесятых; 20. начало восьмидесятых; 21. основная модель, применяться; 22. успешный, более ……. чем; 23. снижать. VI. Translate Text 2 into Russian (in writing). VII. Translate the Russian version of Text 2 into English (orally). VIII. Make up meaningful phrases with the following: 1. the postwar growth, the labour force, to be caused; 2. they, to be an increase in the population, an increase in participation rates; 3. the unemployment, to be, a certain percentage; 4. it, to include; 5. but, they, to will, to work, to be available; 6. some people, to look for work; 7. in the UK, unemployment to be high; 8. high unemployment, to be; 9. it, to lead Keynes, to develop; 10. the postwar unemployment, to be tiny; 11. it, to start; 12. this basic pattern, to apply, industrialized countries; 13. the UK, to bring unemployment down. IX. Replace the Russian words and expressions with their English equivalents: 1. The UK labour force comprises all those people (имеющие работу) or registered as unemployed. 2. The participation rate is a certain percentage of the population of (рабочий возраст). 3. The postwar growth of the UK labour force (вызываться) by two factors. 4. They are an increase in the population of working age and in increase 6
in participation rates by (замужние женщины). 5. The unemployment rate is a certain percentage of (рабочая сила). 6. It (включать) those who are without a job. 7. Some people without a job are (действительно) looking for work. 8. Nevertheless they have not bothered to register as (безработные). 9. These people will not be included in (официальная статистика). 10. In the UK unemployment was high during (годы между войнами). 11. The postwar unemployment was (очень маленький) until the late 1970s. 12. (К началу восьмидесятых) it was starting to increase. X. Make the following sentences into questions. Example: Those people who want a job are called the labour force. Who are called the labour force? 1. The UK labour force comprises all those people holding a job or registered as unemployed. Whom does the UK labour force …............? 2. They are being willing and available for work. What are they ……………? 3. They declare themselves to be in the labour force. What do they …............? 4. The unemployment rate is a certain percentage of the labour force. What is ……………? 5. It includes those who are without a job. What does it ……………? 6. Some people without a job are really looking for work. How are people without a job ……………? 7. These people will not be included in the official statistics. Why won’t these people ……………? 8. In the UK unemployment was high during the interwar years. When was unemployment ……………? XI. Summarize in 10 sentences the contents of Text 1. XII. Translate into Russian the last paragraph of Text 1. 7
XIII. Show why the following statements are incorrect. 1. The average duration of an individual’s unemployment rises in a slump. This suggests that the problem is a lower outflow from the pool of unemployment, not a higher inflow. 2. So long as there is unemployment, there should be pressure on wages. 3. Unemployment is always a bad thing. 4. The microchip will inevitably cause a permanent increase in the level of unemployment. ASSIGNMENT 2 TYPES OF UNEMPLOYMENT Pre-reading task I. Answer the questions. 1. What is the difference between voluntary and involuntary unemployment in your opinion? 2. Unemployment means misery, social unrest and hopelessness for the unemployed. Do you agree? Give your explanation. II. Read Text 1. Types of Unemployment (Text 1) Economists used to classify unemployment as frictional, structural, demand-deficient, or classical. We discuss each in turn. Frictional Unemployment. This is the irreducible minimum level of unemployment in a dynamic society. It includes people whose physical or mental handicaps make them almost unemployable, but it also includes the people spending short spells in unemployment as they hop between jobs in an economy where both the labour force and the jobs on offer are continually changing. Structural Unemployment. In the longer run, the pattern of demand and production is always changing. We discussed the reasons why particular countries in the world economy come to specialize in the production of particular 8