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Гуманитарные науки в Сибири

Гуманитарные науки в Сибири №1 2009 (66,00 руб.)

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АннотацияВ журнале печатаются результаты оригинальных научных исследований и обзорные статья по наиболее актуальным проблемам отечественной истории, археологии, этнографии, источниковедения, историографии, публикуются материалы этнографических, археографических экспедиций, социологических обследований и опросов, осуществляется публикация ранее не введенных в научный оборот архивных документов, дается информация о новых изданиях, научных конгрессах, конференциях, семинарах. Периодичность выпуска – 4 раза в год. Базовые рубрики журнала: «Отечественная история», «Археография и источниковедение», «Книжная культура», «Этнография», «Археология и первобытное искусство», «Документальные страницы». Журнал входит в Перечень ведущих рецензируемых научных журналов и изданий, выпускаемых в Российской Федерации, в которых должны быть опубликованы основные результаты диссертаций на соискание ученой степени доктора наук (Перечень ВАК). Соучредители издания – Сибирское отделение РАН и Институт истории СО РАН.
Гуманитарные науки в Сибири : Всероссийский научный журнал .— Новосибирск : Издательство Сибирского отделения Российской академии наук, 1959 .— 2009 .— №1 .— 124 с. : ил. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/155348 (дата обращения: 12.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Российская академия наук Сибирское отделение ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ В СИБИРИ Серия: Философия и право № 1, 2009 г. СОДЕРЖАНИЕ ФИЛОСОФИЯ И МЕТОДОЛОГИЯ НАУКИ Целищев В.В. <...> Издательство СО РАН, 630090 Новосибирск, Морской проспект, 2 Гуманитарные науки в Сибири. <...> В.В. ЦЕЛИЩЕВ ИСТОРИЯ ТЕЗИСА ЧЕРЧА Д-р филос. наук, директор Института философии и права СО РАН Новосибирский государственный университет director@philosophy.nsc.ru Тезис Черча рассмотрен с исторической точки зрения. <...> Показано, что первоначальная версия тезиса была реализована с помощью λ-исчисления, и только впоследствии он был обоснован с помощью машины Тьюринга. <...> Ключевые слова: тезис Черча, машина Тьюринга, аксиоматический метод, проблема вычислимости, формальная система, рекурсивность. <...> Аксиоматика, алгоритмы и механизм Тезис Черча следует понимать в контексте развития логики и оснований математики. <...> «Я не имею в виду (вычисления) в узком смысле, как если бы оно было предметом алгоритма типа обычного сложения и умножения, но только в том смысле, что вообще алгоритм, то есть, совокупность правил, которые управляют переходом Гуманитарные науки в Сибири. <...> Дело в том, что такие машины были не столько достижением инженерного искусства, сколько шагом по пути расширения знания о понятии вычислимости в математике. <...> Тьюринг поставил вопрос о том, что такое «эффективно вычислимая функция?», и дал ответ на него через концепцию идеализированной математической вычислительной машины. <...> Это обстоятельство было схвачено в замечании Витгенштейна по поводу машины Тьюринга (даже если Виттгенштейн не совсем понимал суть этого математического понятия). <...> Машины Тьюринга – это просто люди, которые вычисляют [2]. <...> полагал, что в случае машины Тьюринга мы имеем математическое определение эпистемологического понятия. <...> Начиная с 1930-х гг. наибольший интерес приобрели не столько исследования концепции вычислимости, сколько концепции невычислимости. <...> Рождение тезиса Вычислимость функций <...>
Российская академия наук Сибирское отделение ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ В СИБИРИ Серия: Философия и право № 1, 2009 г. ФИЛОСОФИЯ И МЕТОДОЛОГИЯ НАУКИ Целищев В.В. История тезиса Черча ....................................................................................................................................................3 Головко Н.В. Д. Дэвидсон, инструментализм и необходимость теории указания .........................................................................8 Карпович В.Н. Понятие истины и логическая онтология .............................................................................................................. 12 Симанов А.Л. Наблюдаемость, простота, толерантность и понятийный аппарат в физике ..................................................... 16 ИСТОРИЯ ФИЛОСОФИИ Горан В.П. Кризис древнегреческой демократии и философия Сократа (IV) ............................................................................ 24 Любутин К.Н., Кондрашов П.Н. Три модели исторического процесса в философии истории Карла Маркса ..................... 31 СОЦИАЛЬНАЯ ФИЛОСОФИЯ И СОЦИОЛОГИЯ Бобров В.В. Возвращаясь к предмету социальной философии ..................................................................................................... 38 Изгарская А.А. Пространство социальных отношений в миросистемном и геополитическом аспектах ............................... 42 Шмаков В.С., Сердюкова Ю.С. К проблеме моделирования социальных процессов ............................................................... 46 Цибриенко Р.Я. Методологические проблемы исследования адаптационных процессов в обществе глобальных трансформаций ..................................................................................................................................... 50 Ермаханова С.А. Развитие представлений о социокультурных аспектах модернизации в социологии ................................. 55 Бодрякова Е.А. Методологические аспекты интерпретации понятия качества в экономической теории .............................. 60 Мархинин В.В., Удалова И.В. Демографические процессы и межнациональные отношения в Югре ................................... 64 Мусийчук М.В. Коммуникативный механизм юмора через призму иронии как приема остроумия ........................................ 68 ПРАВО И ФИЛОСОФИЯ ПРАВА Дидикин А.Б. Историко-правовые предпосылки формирования науки государственного (конституционного) права в России ............................................................................................................................................ 73 Черненко А.К. Инновация как способ формирования современной российской правовой системы ...................................... 77 Марков Ю.Г. Хозяйство будущего: право коллективной собственности ..................................................................................... 81 Нечаева Ю.В. Формирование структуры органов местного самоуправления: проблемы реализации конституционного принципа самостоятельности ............................................................................. 86 Цихоцкий А.В. Процессуальное принуждение в гражданском судопроизводстве ...................................................................... 89 Лисица С.В. Допуск иностранных лиц к осуществлению инвестиционной деятельности ...................................................... 94 Бухтоярова О.А. Право на иск в защиту интересов неопределенного круга лиц ...................................................................... 98 Зыков С.В. Отличимость как критерий объектов интеллектуальных прав ................................................................................ 103 Чернусь Н.Ю. Гражданско-правовой оборот археологических находок .................................................................................... 106 НАУЧНАЯ ЖИЗНЬ. РЕЦЕНЗИИ Вольф М.Н. Рецензия на кн.: Mourelatos, Alexander P.D. The Route of Parmenides: revised and expanded edition; with a new introduction, three supplemental essays, and an essay by Gregory Vlastos (originally published 1970). Las Vegas: Parmenides Pub., 2008. lix, 408 p. .............................................................................................................................110 Политика и право: проблемы интеграции и пути их решения. II Международная научно-практическая конференция ............................................................................................................................................113 Summary .................................................................................................................................................................................................114 СОДЕРЖАНИЕ © Сибирское отделение РАН, 2009 © Издательство СО РАН, 2009
ВСЕРОССИЙСКИЙ НАУЧНЫЙ ЖУРНАЛ “ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ В СИБИРИ” Издается с января 1994 г. Выходит четыре раза в год У ч р е д и т е л и: Сибирское отделение РАН; Институт истории СО РАН РЕДАКЦИОННЫЙ СОВЕТ Чл.-кор. РАН В.А.Ламин (председатель совета, Новосибирск), чл.-кор. РАН Б.В.Базаров (Улан–Удэ), чл.-кор. РАН В.И.Бойко (Новосибирск), канд. ист. наук Н.М.Екеева (Горно-Алтайск), д-р техн. наук Б.С.Елепов (Новосибирск), канд. ист. наук В.Д.Март-оол (Кызыл), д-р филол. наук Л.Г.Панин (Новосибирск), академик РАН Н.Н.Покровский (Новосибирск), д-р филол. наук В.А.Роббек (Якутск), чл.-кор. РАН Е.К.Ромодановская (Новосибирск), д-р ист. наук Н.А.Томилов (Омск), д-р ист. наук В.Н.Тугужекова (Абакан), д-р филос. наук В.В.Целищев (Новосибирск) РЕДКОЛЛЕГИЯ Главный редактор д–р ист. наук В.А.Ильиных Ответственный секретарь д-р ист. наук Н.Н.Аблажей Д-р ист. наук Н.А.Алексеев, чл.-кор. РАН А.Е.Аникин, канд. филол. наук Э.А.Бальбуров, д-р ист. наук А.В.Бауло (зам. гл. редактора), канд. филол. наук Б.В.Болдырев, д-р ист. наук Ф.Ф.Болонев, д-р ист. наук С.С.Букин, д-р филос. наук В.П.Горан (зам. гл. редактора), д-р филос. наук А.А.Гордиенко, д-р ист. наук Н.С.Гурьянова, д-р филос. наук В.Н.Карпович, д-р ист. наук С.А.Красильников, д-р филол. наук Е.Н.Кузьмина, д-р ист. наук В.Е.Ларичев, канд. филол. наук А.А.Мальцева, д-р филос. наук Ю.В.Попков, д-р ист. наук А.Л.Посадсков, канд. филол. наук Е.Н.Проскурина, д-р ист. наук Д.Я.Резун, д-р филос. наук А.Л.Симанов, д-р юр. наук А.В.Цихоцкий, д-р ист. наук М.В.Шиловский, д-р филол. наук Н.Н.Широбокова (зам. гл. редактора), д-р ист. наук В.И.Шишкин (зам. гл. редактора) А д р е с р е д а к ц и и : 630090 Новосибирск, ул. Николаева, 8, Институт истории СО РАН, к. 301, тел. 333–24–37. http://www-psb.ad-sbras.nsc.ru ablazhey@history.nsc.ru З а в. р е д а к ц и е й Смирнова Вера Ивановна Журнал зарегистрирован в Министерстве печати и информации РФ 17.06.93, №0110807 Редактор В.И.Смирнова Компьютерная верстка и макет обложки Г.Я.Симановой Подписано к печати 20.03.09. Формат 60 х 84 1/8. Офсетная печать. Усл. печ. л. 14,5. Уч.–изд. л. 15. Тираж 700 экз. Заказ № 93. Издательство СО РАН, 630090 Новосибирск, Морской проспект, 2
114 Гуманитарные науки в Сибири. № 1. 2009 г. SUMMARY* Tselischev V.V. History of Church’s Thesis Church’s thesis is considered from the historical point of view. It is shown that the initial version of the thesis was offered in connection with λ-calculus, and only later was substantiated with reference to the Turing machine. Key words: Church’s thesis, Turing machine, axiomatic method, problem of calculability, formal system, recursiveness. Golovko N. D.Davidson, Instrumenalism and Need for Reference. Davidson’s position on the need of an explanatory correspondence notion of truth is always interesting primarily because of its reliance to the central problems of semantic realism. Davidson gives truth the central role in semantics, he uses Tarski-style truth theory and deflationary notion of truth but deny any place to theory of reference. The paper shows that Davidson’s position may be seen as unacceptable instrumentalism about reference. So his conception is simple not interesting for those who interested in the development of semantic realism. Key words: D.Davidson, Principle of Charity, Principle of Rationality, semantics without reference. Karpovich V.N. The concept of truth and logical ontology. Philosophers of various persuasions were concerned to investigate the ontology of truth. That is, they were interested in the extent to which one needed to assume the existence of entities serving some role in accounting for the truth of sentences. Certain of these entities were conceived as the bearers of the properties of truth and falsehood. But instead of, or in addition to, truth-bearers, one must assume the existence of certain entities in virtue of which sentences and/or propositions are true. Any entities which are candidates for this role are called truth-makers. The paper argues that the ontology of truth can be conceived as situational in the sense that truth-makers are specially and temporally determined. Key words: logic, ontology, truth, concept, proposition, truthbearers, truth-makers, situation. Goran V.P. The Crisis of Democracy in Ancient Greece and the Philosophy of Socrates (IV). In order to draw near the solution of the question concerning the political motivation of the trial on Socrates, the manifestations of the hostile attitude to the philosopher before the trial are investigated. The special attention is paid to the fact that contents of the indictment against Socrates coincides with the image of the philosopher by Aristophanes in his comedy “The clouds”. Key words: Socrates, the trial on Socrates, the contents of the indictment, Aristophanes, the comedy “The clouds”, the political motivation of the trial on Socrates. Lyubutin K.N., Kondrashov P.N. Three Models of Historical Process in Marx’s Philosophy of History In analysis K. Marx's philosophy of history the authors point out that in Marx’s theory, along with social-production (materialistic) conception of history, there is existential interpretation of the history in which the historicity is the gradual movement from the universal toil [die Arbeit] through the class division of toil and delight to the total prevalence of the spontaneous action [die Selbstbetдtigung] that is characterized by the freedom and the delight. Key words: Marxism, materialist conception of history, historicity, praxis, labor (toil), spontaneous action, delight, existential interpretation of the history. Izgarskaya A. The Space of Social Relations in the WorldSystem and Geopolitical Aspects This article is devoted to the research of the space of social relations using the approaches of contemporary geopolitical theory and a world-system analysis. As a result, the author offers typology of spaces of social relations and a theoretical toolkit for analysis of societies belonging to different world-system levels. Key words: geopolitical advantages, geopolitical disadvantages, levels of world-system. Shmakov V. S., Serdjukova J. S. To the problem of modeling of social processes: methodological aspects In clause the analysis of modern social and economic development of village is given, opportunities of mathematical modelling of social processes are considered. At mathematical modelling use of a method of imitating modelling with application imitating многоагентной is offered to model. Key words: social adaptation, social processes, mathe-matical modelling. Tsibrienko R. Methodological problems of analysis of adaptation processes at the society of global transformations The system approach, offered the author constructed on unity philosophical, sociological and sinergetical of principles of knowledge of a nature and a society, is used by the researcher for
Summary the analysis of poly-subjective space adaptation of activity, development of process virtualization of conditions of functioning mezzo systems and its influence on the scripts of adaptive behaviour of the people which have been switched on in organizational interaction. Keywords: A system methodology; a unity of universal, particular and individual; double measuring of social processes; general tendencies of modern development; the social methods of management; subjects of adaptation; specializing orga-nizations; virtue adaptations. Yermakhanova S.А. Regarding the conception development about sociocultural aspects of modernization. This article views modernization as a complex process that has quantity perspectives and components, including sociocultural aspect. On the basis of literature review it is concluded that transformation in scholars’ opinions regarding the modernization process over the last two centuries. Nowadays these opinions contain more sociocultural components. The results of socio-logical polls which were carried out on the territory of Kazakhstan in 2006 revealed the presence of a quantity of national cultures, inconsistency of different value systems in social groups leaving an imprint on the character, substance and rate of modernization processes. This makes the development of universal strategy problematic which would be equally suitable for all groups of population. Keywords: modernization theory, modernization, culture, sociocultural modernization, models of modernization. Bodryakova E.A. Methodological aspects of inter-pretation of the term «quality» by economic theory In this article the basic concepts of quality for the purpose of finding-out of scientific validity of the economic works providing solutions to important applied problems of an estimation of quality in economic practice are stated. Conclusions about limitation of separate theories of quality, applied models and techniques of an estimation of quality are substantiated. In interpretation of the term "quality" by the economic theory the author reveals essential contradictions. It is recognized, that the basic gnoseological obstacle in practical use by the economic theory of a philosophical category "quality" is the impoverished theoretical maintenance of the economic term "quality", depriving an economic object of the necessary and sufficient quantitative definiteness. Theoretical enrichment of the substance of the category "quality" is offered to implement by means of the philosophical criticism of a principle of understanding of quality as static substance of essence. The problem of research the quality as the process providing all variety of functioning of an economic reality is set. Keywords: quality, substence, estimation methods, criteria, economic quality, philosophical quality, process. V.V. Markhinin, I.V. Udalova. Demographic processes and inte-rethnic relations in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra. On basis of statistics and sociological research data the authors review demographic processes (natural and migration 115 population increase) in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra and their influence on interethnic relations. It is being shown that the demographic situation in Yugra and interethnic relations are determined by the policy of “radical reforms” in the country and peculiarities of economic development in Yugra. The authors discover tendency of constant decrease of Russian and Slavic population share in Okrug, which is the ground of interethnic tension increase. Key words: interethnic relations, migration and demographic processes. Musijchuk M.V. The communicative mechanism of humour through the prism of reception of wit «irony» The summary is considered the communicative mechanism of hu-mour on the basis of reception of wit «irony». The communicative mecha-nism of humour is a change of sense as a result of connection of various words or expressions of relatives on sounding, construction, value. Lan-guage has effective forms of change of sense in the course of perception. It is a basis of the communicative mechanism of humour. Keywords: the Communicative mechanism of humour, reception of wit «irony», communicative интенция, communicative modalities, semantic perception of humour. Didikin A.B. The historical and legal grounds of the forming constitutional legal science in Russia. The paper attempts to analyze the historical and legal aspects of the forming of Russian constitutional legal science. The political situation and its influence to Russian system of legal science and education con-cerning the problems of the conceptual grounds and methodology of the constitutional legal theory are considered. The author suggests the new approach to the legal historical research introduced to analyze the external and internal factors of development of constitutional legal science. Key words: constitutional legal science, constitutionalism, consti-tutional projects. Chernenko A.K. Innovation as a tool of forming the modern Russian legal system. The paper attempts to analyze the genetic nature of the modern innovational process in Russian legal system. The problem situation and its crisis aspects in the Russian legal science concerning the problems of the conceptual grounds and methodology of the legal theory, classification and criteria of the legal creation are considered. The author suggests the genetic approach to the legal innovations introduced to analyze the internal logic of self-determination of the legal phenomena’s. Key words: innovation, legal creation, levels of the legal system. Markov U.G. The economy of the future: of right collective property Work is dedicated to the problem of the selection of the prevailing right of property in the economic system of Russia. It is shown that the economy of future, will be most likely, built
116 within the framework collective property, to be more precise, of general longitudinal property. For this form of property one must be prevailing, since it not only in the best way considers the interests of working people, but also it corresponds to the historical values of Russia, to its sociocultural basis. In the article the presented facts, which confirm thought about the high efficiency of the cooperative economies, based on collective property of participants. Keywords: right, property, cooperative economies. Nechayeva Yu.V. Formation of the structure of local authorities: Problems of realization of the constitutional principle of independence The article discusses the question of ‘controversies’ between the Federal norms and the existing situation at the level of municipalities. A conclusion is made about adoption of a statute regulating issues of forming a control authority of the municipal entity. Key words: local government, municipal institution, local authorities. Tsihotskiy A.V. The Procedural Enforcement in Civil Procedure The issues of enforcement in civil procedure in the mechanism of legal guaranteeing of justice’s efficiency are considered. It is proved that enforcement in civil procedure is a part of social reality, the existential phenomenon, which situated in complex mutual relations with different parties of legal procedure and legal sense of procedural participants. Mentioned phenomenon is aimed at making preconditions for achievement of justice’s purposes. Keywords: Law, legal procedure, illegal behavior, remedial compul-sion, responsibility measures, law and order measures of protection, preven-tive measures. Lisitsa V. N. The Admission of Foreign Persons to Investment Activity In the article the concept of admission of foreign investors to invest-ment activity is related to granting them the right on business and other activity in territory of the accepting state and is expressed, first of all, in es-tablishment of restrictions and additional duties imposed on them (in compa-rison with the citizens of the state). The state independently carries out the legal regulation of foreign investments and, in particular, determines at own discretion, on what conditions the foreign investors can begin to carry out their activity in its territory. Depending on the character of participation of the state, by analogy to the ways of creation of a legal person it is offered to Гуманитарные науки в Сибири. № 1. 2009 г. distinguish three forms of admission of foreign investors: authorization, reviewing, and noti-fication order. Key words: International law; investment law; regulation of investment activity. Bukhtoyarova O.A. The right to lay an action defending public interests The research work investigates (analyses) the right to lay an action defending public interests in the civil procedure. It is being proved that justice in the case with a multiple (numerous) group of persons (know as well under the term of «a non-fixed circle of persons») is open to general use. The rights and duties of the public prosecutor and state power organs of control are being observe with the purpose of defending the rignts, freedoms and legal interests of other persons. Key words: law, justice, public interests, the right to lay an action, a non-fixed circle of persons, the defend of the human rights, civil procedure. Zykov S.V. Distinguishability as a Standard of Objects of Intellec-tual Rights The objects of intellectual rights as material objects have no direct grounds in sensual reality. The author divides criteria for individualization of the results of intel-lectual activity into general and specific. In a few theoretical research papers the universal criterion was identified as a novelty standard. The author argued over this conception because of its possiblesubjective interpretation. The term “distinguishability” is offered and universality of this term is proved: it can be correlated not only with legal features of the results of intellectual activity, but also with means of individualization of legal persons, goods, work and services. Key words: intellectual property, objects of intellectual property, novelty [of the invention]. Chernus N.Y. The legal regulation of a cultural value’s civil turn. The problem of legal regulation of a civil turn of cultural values always concerned and concerns to number actual for civil sciences and experts. It is connected, first, by there are no monographic researches of a civil turn of cultural values, secondly, the legislation regulating a turn of such values, contains a number of blanks and contradictions. Article is devoted to features of a legal regime of an archeological find. Key words: archeological find, cultural values, historical values.

Облако ключевых слов *

* - вычисляется автоматически