Studies in History of Publishing, Library and Bibliographical Work on the Edge of XIX – XX Centuries / E. A. Bazyleva ; Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
the State Public Scientific Library ; Scientific Editor: A. L. Posadskov,
L. A. Kozhevnikova. – Novosibirsk, 2008. – 386 p. : ill.
ISBN 978-5-94560-136-9
This monograph first describes the history of book production, publishing,
dissemination and using by the Russian Geographical Society. <...> The book is intended to be useful both to experts in the field of book history and to all readers interested in the history of native book culture. <...>
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XIX – XX .
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XIX – XX .
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2008. – 386 . : .
ISBN 978-5-94560-136-9
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Bazyleva, . .
00 The Russian Geographical Society and Book. Studies in History of Publishing,
Library and Bibliographical Work on the Edge of XIX – XX Centuries
/ E. A. Bazyleva ; Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
the State Public Scientific Library ; Scientific Editor: A. L. Posadskov,
L. A. Kozhevnikova. – Novosibirsk, 2008. – 386 p. : ill.
ISBN 978-5-94560-136-9
This monograph first describes the history of book production, publishing,
dissemination and using by the Russian Geographical Society. It shows the
development of activities interrelated with the state policy and necessity to involve
the vast lands of the Russian Empire into the national economy. The
work describes forming libraries, setting up and developing a bibliographical
practice, the same as spreading the publications of the Society both in Russia
and abroad.
The book is intended to be useful both to experts in the field of book history
and to all readers interested in the history of native book culture.
ISBN 978-5-94560-136-9
(), 2008
1.1 ..........................................................33
1.2 ........................................................................78
1.3 .......................................109
1.4 ................................................137
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2.1 ....................................................................................216
2.2 .................................................283
2.3 ....................................................307