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Северный (Арктический) федеральный университет имени М.В.Ломоносова

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Interrelations of Wood Physical and Mechanical Properties and Patterns of Their Change within the Birch Stem = Взаимосвязи физико-механических свойств древесины и закономерности их изменения внутри ствола березы

Автор: Fedyukov
Северный (Арктический) федеральный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова

The physical and mechanical properties of standing wood are not constant along the tree height and diameter. They also differ depending on the tree species and conditions of its growth. So, the research purpose is to identify patterns of change and interrelations between the parameters of density, compressive strength and sound propagation velocity along the wood fibers inside the stem of a birch tree growing in the forests of the Middle Volga region of Russia, where such research had never been conducted before. The work was carried out on two sampling areas laid out by standard methods in birch forests of natural origin with average productive capacity on the territory of the Scientific-Experimental Forest District of the Volga State University of Technology in the Mari El Republic. The average age of the birch trees is about 70 yrs, breast height diameter is 30 cm, and height is 28.5 m; 14 sample trees were studied; 0.5 m long chucks were cut out from their stems at a height of 1.3 m from the butt end and at relative heights of 0.25H, 0.5H, and 0.75H. Experimental work was carried out in a laboratory environment with modern technical facilities using standard procedures. Mathematical models describing the changes in the parameters stated above and the interrelations between them with regard to the stem diameter at relative heights were obtained. The research results generally confirmed the findings of other researchers on densitograms and other physical and mechanical properties of wood within the tree stem. However, the features listed above were revealed for birch trees growing under such conditions; in particular, it concerns the ratio of strength and density, as well as the wood strength and the velocity of sound propagation through the fibers. The results obtained have both scientific and practical value as a basis for the development of a non-destructive method for predicting technical properties of standing wood as well as timber for producing assortments for special purposes. For citation: Fedyukov V.I., Chernov V.Yu., Chernova M.S., Tsoy O.V. Interrelations of Wood Physical and Mechanical Properties and Patterns of Their Change within the Birch Stem. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Russian Forestry Journal], 2021, no. 6, pp. 150–159. DOI: 10.37482/0536- 1036-2021-6-150-159. Funding: The research was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Grant No. 075-15-2021-674) and the Core Facility Centre “Ecology, Biotechnology, and Processes for Producing Environmentally Friendly Energy Carriers” of the Volga State University of Technology, Yoshkar-Ola.
Физико-механические свойства древесины у растущих деревьев варьируют по высоте и диаметру дерева, а также различаются в зависимости от породы дерева и условий его произрастания. Целью исследования было выявление закономерностей изменения плотности, прочности на сжатие и скорости распространения звука вдоль волокон древесины и взаимосвязей между этими признаками внутри ствола березы, произрастающей в лесах Среднего Поволжья России, где подобные исследования раньше не проводились. Работа выполнена на двух пробных площадях, заложенных стандартными методами в березовых лесах естественного происхождения со средней продуктивностью на территории учебно-опытного лесхоза Поволжского государственного технологического университета в Республике Марий Эл. Средний возраст берез – около 70 лет, диаметр – 30 см, высота – 28,5 м. Отобрано 14 модельных деревьев. Из их стволов на высоте 1,3 м от торца и на относительных высотах 0,25H; 0,5H; 0,75Н вырезаны чураки длиной по 0,5 м. Экспериментальные работы проведены в лабораторных условиях с помощью современных технических средств при использовании стандартных процедур. Получены математические модели, характеризующие изменения изучаемых параметров и взаимосвязи между ними с учетом диаметра ствола на относительных высотах. Результаты подтвердили выводы исследователей о характере денситограмм и других физико-механических свойствах древесины внутри ствола дерева. Однако для березы, произрастающей в описанных выше условиях, выявлены особенности соотношения прочности и плотности, а также прочности древесины и скорости распространения звука по волокнам. Полученные данные имеют научную и практическую ценность как основа для разработки неразрушающего метода прогнозирования технических свойств древесины на корню, а также древесины для получения сортиментов специального назначения. Для цитирования: Fedyukov V.I., Chernov V.Yu., Chernova M.S., Tsoy O.V. Interrelations of Wood Physical and Mechanical Properties and Patterns of Their Change within the Birch Stem // Изв. вузов. Лесн. журн. 2021. № 6. С. 150–159. DOI: 10.37482/0536-1036-2021- 6-150-159 Финансирование: Работа выполнена при поддержке Министерства науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации (грант № 075-15-2021-674) и ЦКП «Экология, биотехнологии и процессы получения экологически чистых энергоносителей» Поволжского государственного технологического университета в г. Йошкар-Ола.


Insects identified by unqualified scientists: multiple “new” records from the Murmansk oblast of Russia are dismissed as false

Автор: Kozlov

A recently published book authored by six botanists (Rak NS, Goncharova OA, Poloskova EY, Litvinova SV, Zotova OE, Lipponen IN. 2018. Bioecological analysis of introducents of the family Rosaceae Juss. Kola Science Centre, Apatity, 87 pp.) reports information on 19 species of insects that are declared to damage woody Rosaceae plants in the central part of the Murmansk oblast of Russia. Examination of photographs published in this book revealed that 15 of these 19 species were identified incorrectly and that several of the illustrated species are unlikely to damage woody Rosaceae plants. The most striking examples are errors in determination at the order level: a syrphid fly (Diptera) identified as a leafcutter bee (Hymenoptera), and a sawfly (Hymenoptera) identified as a psyllid (Hemiptera). I provide correct identifications of the insects illustrated in the cited book in order to prevent the spread of erroneous information across future publications and databases.


Impact of seasonal variations of ambient seismic noise level on the number of registered earthquakes in the Arctic regions

Автор: Morozova

Researchers at the Seismological Laboratory of the Institute of Geodynamics and Geology of the Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FCIARctic) have been engaged in the seismological monitoring of the European Arctic sector since 2011. In this paper, we present a comparative assessment of the earthquakes spatial distribution in this region based on the data from the International Seismological Centre (ISC) and the FCIARctic’s Arkhangelsk Seismic Network (ASN) obtained in 2012– 2016. The paper presents the waveforms of earthquakes occurred at the Gakkel Ridge and the Svalbard archipelago processed with the use of a Russian software package WSG (Windows Seismic Grafer) recommended by the Unified Geophysical Service of the Russian Academy of Sciences. A standard 4–8 Hz bandpass filter was used for the processing of regional Arctic earthquakes. The impact of seasonal variations on the quality of earthquakes registration was analysed based on the seismograms recorded by the ASN’s island-based Arctic stations from 2012 to 2014 The same analysis was done for the central broadband sensor SPA0 of the Norwegian NORSAR-owned SPITS group installed at the Svalbard archipelago. A correlation has been established between the number of earthquakes recorded by the ASN’s island Arctic stations and SPA0 station. The number of regional earthquakes, recorded by ASN’s island Arctic stations is is smaller in summer-autumn periods than in winter periods. Forthe SPA0 station, which is part of SPITS group, there is not seasonality in the number of registered earthquakes. Generally, earthquakes are recorded uniformly, exception on January. This might be due to the increased seismic activity in the Svalbard archipelago during that period.


Investigation of tribotechnical and corrosion behaviour of material for light-alloy drill pipes

Автор: Shakirova

Special aluminum alloys appear to be promising materials for manufacture of high-strength light-alloy drill pipes (HSLADP) that can be used in areas with a severe climate and challenging geology. The effect of using light-alloy drill pipes (LADP) depends directly on the properties of the aluminum alloys from which such pipes are made. As the wells become deeper and horizontal wellbores get longer, use of LADPs becomes more relevant. Since light-alloy pipes are 2.8 times softer than steel pipes, LADPs offer the same performance as steel drill pipes of the lowest strength grade even in the case of rotary drilling. The materials from which such pipes are made have a number of unique advantages: extra light weight in the drill mud, allowing the coefficient of sliding friction between the pipe surface and the borehole wall to be reduced; high corrosion resistance in aggressive media with A high concentration of hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide; and high magnetic inductive capacity that allows LADPs to be used as a housing for MWD (measurement while drilling) and LWD (logging while drilling) telemetry systems during well-drilling operations. This study suggests methods for industrial production of submicrocrystalline (SMC) structure in aluminum alloys with the help of severe plastic deformation. Through the example of model aluminum-lithium alloys 1420 (Al-Mg-Li-Zr) and 1460 (Al-Сu-Li-Zr), the researchers demonstrate that SMC structure helps significantly increase resistance to wear and reduce the rate of corrosion depending on the pH value. The research team also states that severe plastic deformation methods may be used to develop highly promising technologies for manufacture


Improving data transfer effi ciency in a gas fi eld wireless telemetry system

Автор: Krasnov

Effective organisation of communication channels in autonomous information and measurement systems (AIMS) is a burning issue. It is particularly challenging for areas where, for a number of reasons (primarily unprofitability or immaturity of the wired infrastructure), telecommunications can rely only on wireless technologies, i.e., radio channels. Arctic regions of the Russian Federation, where most of Russia’s gas and gas condensate deposits are located, constitute a typical example of such areas. The key challenges during construction of wireless communication channels are associated with the fixed range of frequencies that can be used without a licence. For the purposes of radio traffic, the frequency used by AIMS transmitters and receivers depends on the frequency of the quartz crystal resonators used in such devices. The stability of this frequency determines both the number of radio channels that can be used and the efficiency of data transfer. Key factors affecting the quartz frequency include temperature and “ageing” of quartz crystals. Known methods for increasing the frequency stability generally allow compensation for the temperature drift of the quartz frequency. In addition, such methods are increasingly energy-consuming, which is unacceptable in the Extreme North. This article suggests using GPS receiver data for frequency adjustment. With a minor increase in energy consumption, this technique enables full compensation for quartz crystal resonator frequency drift, no matter what the cause of such drift, eventually allowing operation of more radio channels within the authorised bandwidth with preserved channel separation. In general, it helps increase the efficiency of data transfer in the telemetry systems of gas field operations.


Indigenous ‘Traditional Knowledge’ In Fishery and ‘Sustainable Development’: International Legal Practice

Автор: Zadorin Maxim

Международно-правовые стандарты в области защиты прав аборигенных народов обязывают государства принимать меры по интеграции «традиционных знаний» в национальные системы мониторинга и защиты биоразнообразия (в частности, в рыболовстве). Статья посвящена практическим аспектам реализации прав коренных народов на устойчивое развитие и защиту исконной среды обитания.

Предпросмотр: Indigenous ‘Traditional Knowledge’ In Fishery and ‘Sustainable Development’ International Legal Practice Perm University Herald Press, 2012. – №1(15). – Pp. 180-183..pdf (0,4 Мб)