342Государственное право. Конституционное право. Административное право. (Государственное административное управление - см. 351/354). Общие вопросы
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Автор: Задорин Максим Юрьевич
The Russian national law is quite specific, diverse and, at the same time, very fragmented
with regard to the rights and interests of indigenous peoples. There are many laws
and normative legal acts affecting various aspects of life and activities of indigenous
communities and their representatives. The norms set forth in the documents (federal
and regional laws, by-laws, acts of municipal bodies, judgments of Supreme
and Constitutional courts) need qualitative comprehension, adaptation and additional
interpretation. Moreover, the norms of federal laws are being updated regularly, certain
articles are no longer valid, new norms are emerging. It is not easy to follow all the updates
in view of specifics of the Russian legislation. The lack of translations of Russian legal acts
in the field of indigenous peoples’ rights is also to be mentioned in this regard.
The specialists of Arctic Centre for Strategic Studies and UArctic Research Office (Northern
Arctic Federal University, Arkhangelsk) translated three basic federal laws on the rights
of indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation into English. There are laws on guarantees
of the rights of indigenous small-numbered peoples, on indigenous communities,
on territories of traditional land use and management. The commentaries to three laws
are made by Maksim Zadorin, lawyer and expert on the legal issues of Arctic development
of the Arctic Centre for Strategic Studies. The translation of federal laws and comments
was carried out by the MA students Ksenia Vezhlivtseva and Daria Antufieva under
the supervision of Olga Klisheva, the UArctic Research Office manager.
We are very grateful to Timo Koivurova, Director of the Arctic Centre of Lapland University,
Rovaniemi, UArctic Thematic Network “Arctic Law” and our Finnish colleagues
who unanimously supported this idea.
We are sure that the materials presented in this issue will help the English-speaking
researchers and law specialists to clarify.
Предпросмотр: Russian Laws on Indigenous Issues Guarantees, Communities, Territories of Traditional Land Use Translated and Commented Lapland University. Rovaniemi. 2017. 37 p..pdf (0,5 Мб)
Автор: Isaeva
This article dwells upon some modern legal forms of activities of religious associations and problems of their registration. It is mainly focused on the issues of legal backgrounds in terms of freedom of conscience in Russia, international standards of activities of religious organizations, collective forms of freedom of conscience and religion in the court’s decisions. Finally, it discusses the need to amend the existing Russian legislation that does not comply with the principle of secularism, which is stated in the Constitution of 1993.