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Diving Into the Red Ocean. How to Break the Rules of Retail and Come Out on Top

Автор: Щепин Евгений
Альпина Паблишер: М.

Спасибо, что решили прочитать эту книгу о ВкусВилле! Женя (Евгений) Щепин решил написать это давным-давно. Тогда мне эта идея не понравилась, и я не могу сказать, что мне нравится сейчас. В конце концов, книга подобна фотографии: она запечатлевает только один момент. Однако компания - это живой организм: она постоянно меняется, учится и реагирует на изменения в окружающей ее среде. Еще до того, как мы отправили книгу в издательство, у нас уже было подготовлено несколько новых стратегий развития и идей. Я надеюсь, что эта книга подскажет всем, кто хотел бы основать компанию или взяться за амбициозный проект, что самое главное - сосредоточиться на своем клиенте. Интересы клиента всегда должны быть важнее прибыли и интересов ваших инвесторов. В конце концов, компания, которая по-настоящему удовлетворяет своих клиентов, никогда не бывает слабой, особенно в финансовом отношении.

Предпросмотр: Diving Into the Red Ocean. How to Break the Rules of Retail and Come Out on Top.pdf (0,1 Мб)

Development of Provisions for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Public Passenger Transport Systems // Transport Problems: X International Scientific Conference, Katowice, 27-29 июня 2018 г. - Silesian University of Technology, 2018. - P. 529-544


The article defines the urgency of developing scientifically sound solutions and effective tools in the evaluation of the effectiveness of the public passenger transport system. The work presents a methodology that allows evaluate the effectiveness of the system in accordance with accepted standards in terms of the three components of the "passenger-carrier-department" system, taking into account the interests of each side. To develop a methodology for the evaluation of the effectiveness of passenger enterprises, a model of indexation is used, where the whole set of carefully selected indicators is converted from absolute values to relative ones. The article presents a classification model for the formation of a basic system of indicators for passenger enterprise and a functional scheme for grouping and ranking them. The developed tool can be used for evaluating the public passenger transport systems, its application is illustrated by examples.



Purpose: A detailed analysis of the spatial-temporal variations of the polarized characteristics of an elliptically polarized radio wave propagating in various built-up environments. Methods: Analysis of the classical methods used for defining the polarized parameters of homogeneous monochromatic plane waves, arriving at the receiver antenna from various directions in free space, is briefly presented. These methods are adapted for the propagation scenarios occurring in four land builtup environments, where the complicated stochastic variations of wave polarization parameters have been observed experimentally and when the canonical methods are ineffective. The 3D classical presentation of the geometrical parameters of the polarized ellipse and Stocks parameters are used to analyze the co-polarized and cross-polarized components of the wave intensity in the vertical and horizontal plane of the polarization ellipse and their relations with the main parameters and characteristics of the built-up terrain are explored. Practical Relevance: The presented analysis allows to estimate theoretically the angle of wave depolarization and the polarization loss effects in rural, mixed residential, sub-urban, and urban areas. Such estimation allows designers of cellular networks to predict reception problems due to de-polarization in the presence of stochastic disturbances. Measurements that are taken prior to the deployment of cellular networks can now be limited to “problematic antenna positions” that are predicted by the presented model. To the best knowledge of the authors such results are presented for the first time. doi:10.15217/issn1684-8853.2015.1.77