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Digital Customs WCO Experience (414,00 руб.)

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Первый авторMozer S. V.
АвторыRussian Customs Academy
ИздательствоМ.: Изд-во Российской таможенной академии
АннотацияThe monograph represents historical and current facts of the formation of the institution of electronic and digital customs in the World Customs Organization. It analyzes various activities of the WCO working bodies for the development of digital customs. Attention is paid to the issues related to preparation of the Digital Customs Concept, the Digital Customs Maturity Model, and the WCO Digital Customs Work Program. The author investigates the issues of correlating the analyzed institution with various instruments of customs regulation which are created by the international customs community in the World Customs Organization.
Кому рекомендованоThe monograph can be useful for a wide range of specialists in the field of international customs cooperation and improvement of customs regulation on the basis of international standards. It can be used by scientists, lecturers, students, graduate students and other categories of students in the Russian Customs Academy, in other universities and Regional Training Centers of the World Customs Organization specializing in «Customs» and «Jurisprudence» as well as for experts of the WCO working bodies, Customs and other executive authorities in the Member States of the EEU, experts of the Eurasian Economic Commission for organizing and implementing mutually beneficial customs cooperation between the Eurasian Economic Commission and the World Customs Organization.
Mozer, S.V. Digital Customs WCO Experience : Monograph / Russian Customs Academy; S.V. Mozer .— Москва : Изд-во Российской таможенной академии, 2019 .— 267 с. : ил. — Текст на англ. яз.; Библиогр.: с. 251-265 .— ISBN 978-5-9590-1070-6 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/705033 (дата обращения: 28.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

UDC 339.543 Reviewers: E.G. Anisimov, Professor of the Department of Customs of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Doctor of Technical sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of science of the Russian Federation; m.A. RylskAyA, Doctor of law, Associate Professor, Deputy Chairman of the Dissertation Council of the Russian Customs Academy (jurisprudence) Mozer S.V. Digital Customs. WCO Experience: monograph / s.v. mozer. moscow: Publishing House of the Russian Customs Academy, 2019. 266 p. isBn 978-5-9590-1070-6 The monograph represents historical and current facts of the formation of the institution of electronic and digital customs in the World Customs organization. it analyzes various activities of the WCo working bodies for the development of digital customs. Attention is paid to the issues related to preparation of the Digital Customs Concept, the Digital Customs maturity model, and the WCo Digital Customs Work Program. The author investigates the issues of correlating the analyzed institution with various instruments of customs regulation which are created by the international customs community in the World Customs organization. The monograph can be useful for a wide range of specialists in the field of international customs cooperation and improvement of customs regulation on the basis of international standards. it can be used by scientists, lecturers, students, graduate students and other categories of students in the Russian Customs Academy, in other universities and Regional Training Centers of the World Customs organization specializing in «Customs» and «Jurisprudence» as well as for experts of the WCo working bodies, Customs and other executive authorities in the member states of the EEU, experts of the Eurasian Economic Commission for organizing and implementing mutually beneficial customs cooperation between the Eurasian Economic Commission and the World Customs organization. UDC 339.543 ISBN 978-5-9590-1070-6 © s.v. mozer, 2019
Table o f c on T en T s symBols AnD ABBREviATions .............................................................. 11 FoREWoRD .................................................................................................... 12 Chapter 1 ElECTRoniC CUsToms: ExPERiEnCE oF THE WoRlD CUsToms oRGAnizATion .......................................... 17 1.1. E-Customs strategy: General Provisions ............................................. 17 1.2. Customs and E-Commerce strategy ..................................................... 19 1.3. Conclusions from the review of the draft «strategies Customs and Electronic Commerce» ................................. 26 1.4. WCo E-Customs strategy Review (2007) ........................................... 30 1.5. Conclusions from the analysis of the World Customs organization’s E-Customs strategy – 2007 .......................................... 37 1.6. Electronic Customs – 2015: on the eve of the introduction of the «digital customs» brand ............................... 39 Chapter 2 DiGiTAl CUsToms: APPRoACHEs oF THE WoRlD CUsToms oRGAnizATion .......................................... 46 2.1. on the development of a strategic Concept of Digital Customs .......... 46 2.2. integrated approach to the creation of digital customs ......................... 49 2.2.1. Current operating (working) environment ....................................... 50 2.2.2. Digital Customs: instruments, tools, guidelines and WCo systems ............................................................................ 52 2.2.3. Positioning information Customs Technologies in the WCo strategic Plan ............................................................... 52 2.2.4. The Concept of digital customs ....................................................... 57 2.2.5. Digital Customs: vision, opportunities and Challenges ................. 60 2.2.6. Digital customs: the experience of morocco ................................... 61 2.2.7. Conclusions on § 2.1 – § 2.2 ............................................................ 64 7
2.3. 2.4. Policy Commission and Digital Customs Agenda: Formation of digital customs theme ..................................................... 68 Classification of current issues of digital customs ................................ 76 2.4.1. Conceptual apparatus ....................................................................... 78 2.4.2. Customs digitization ........................................................................ 80 2.4.3. Customs (customs administration) and digital customs................... 83 2.4.4. management mechanism, customs administration in the context of the development of digital customs ...................... 86 2.4.5. Customs operations (business processes) in the framework of digital customs ................................................ 87 2.4.6. Risk management system and digital customs ............................... 89 2.4.7. subject composition of legal relations within the framework of digital customs .................................................... 89 2.4.8. instruments used to support digital customs .................................... 92 2.4.9. Technologies promoting development of digital customs in the system of customs administration .......................................... 93 2.4.10. single window and digital customs, their relationship and correlation in the field of customs regulation ............................ 96 2.4.11. supply Chain security of goods and the institution of authorized economic operator ........................ 96 2.4.12. Regional integration and digital customs ......................................... 97 2.4.13. legal issues of the organization of the functioning of digital customs ............................................... 97 2.4.14. Capacity building, personnel issues ................................................. 97 2.4.15. Problematic issues of implementation of the digital customs institute ......................................................... 98 2.4.16. Additional themes for the digital customs concept .......................... 99 2.4.17. The role of the World Customs organization in the formation of the institution of digital customs ....................... 99 2.4.18. Conclusions on § 2.3 – § 2.4 ............................................................ 99 2.5. 2.6. The year of Digital Customs (2016) ................................................... 105 2.5.1. Conclusions on § 2.5 ...................................................................... 108 Permanent Technical Committee: Digital Customs Agenda............... 112 2.6.1. The WCo Data model as a promotion strategy for international organizations, regional organizations and the private sector ..................................................................... 113 8
2.6.2. single window ............................................................................... 115 2.6.3. Data security .................................................................................. 118 2.6.4. modernization of management in customs through the use of information – communication technologies .............................. 123 2.6.5. Global network of Customs Handbook ......................................... 125 2.7. 2.8. Permanent Technical Committee and Enforcement Committee: Big data and Data mining ................................................................... 127 Big data: challenges and opportunities ............................................... 131 2.8.1. international standards ................................................................... 131 2.8.2. Risks management ......................................................................... 131 2.8.3. internet of things ............................................................................ 132 2.8.4. E-commerce ................................................................................... 132 2.8.5. national Customs Enforcement network and Digital Customs ....................................................................... 133 2.8.6. Conclusions on § 2.6 – § 2.8 .......................................................... 135 2.9. WCo Capacity Building Committee: Digital customs in the context of capacity building development ................................ 141 2.9.1. Conclusions on § 2.9 ...................................................................... 154 2.10. information management sub-Committee: Digital Customs Work Program .......................................................... 159 2.10.1. General provisions ......................................................................... 159 2.10.2. structure of the Digital Customs Program ..................................... 164 2.10.3. Actual issues of the Digital Customs Work Program .................... 169 2.10.4. Conclusions on § 2.10 .................................................................... 171 2.11. WCo Policy Commission Digital Customs: review and disseminate of advanced practice of customs administration ................................................................... 174 2.11.1. Conclusions on § 2.11 .................................................................... 177 2.12. Digital Customs maturity model: general provisions ........................ 181 2.12.1. Maturity models: scientific and methodological approaches ......... 190 2.12.2. Conclusions on § 2.12 .................................................................... 196 2.13. information management sub-Committee: Electronic services ............................................................................. 200 2.13.1. Background .................................................................................... 202 9
2.13.2. Electronic services and Border management ................................ 203 2.14. E-Commerce Working Group Digital Customs: bridging the digital divide ................................................................... 206 2.14.1. Conclusions on § 2.14 .................................................................... 210 2.15. information management subcommittee: Revision of customs administration instruments ................................ 212 2.16. Prospects of development of the digital customs institute ................. 219 Chapter 3 inFoRmATion CommUniCATion TECHnoloGiEs .......................... 230 3.1. The concept of information communication technology .................... 230 3.2. information and communication technologies for e-customs ............ 237 3.2.1. General characteristics of the Border iCT solutions mapping Tool ................................... 237 3.2.2. Characteristics of e-customs in the framework of the Border iCT solutions mapping Tool ................................... 240 3.2.3. WCo Technology network ........................................................... 243 3.2.4. Conclusions on § 3.1 – § 3.2 .......................................................... 245 ConClUsion ............................................................................................... 249 lisT oF soURCEs UsED ............................................................................ 251 10

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