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Деловой английский (200,00 руб.)

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Первый авторШевелева С. А.
ИздательствоМ.: ЮНИТИ-ДАНА
АннотацияВторое издание популярного учебника «Деловой английский» значительно переработано и дополнено (1-е изд. - ЮНИТИ, 1997). Включены новые темы: анкеты и интервью, типы деловых компаний и организаций, производство, продажа товаров и услуг, маркетинг, реклама, PR, разговоры на бытовые и профессиональные темы. В каждом уроке представлены речевые формулы по определенным темам (просьба, пожелание, согласие/несогласие, совет). Основные грамматические правила английского языка представлены в виде таблиц. Упражнения позволяют отработать грамматику, фонетику, интонацию предложения, словообразование. Тексты основаны на современной англоязычной учебной литературе, фактическом материале деловой переписки, переговоров, газетных и журнальных статьях. Дается словарь английской деловой лексики.
Кем рекомендованоУчебно-методическим центром «Профессиональный учебник» в качестве учебного пособия для студентов высших учебных заведений
Шевелева, С.А. Деловой английский : учеб. пособие / С.А. Шевелева .— 2-е изд., перераб. и доп. — Москва : ЮНИТИ-ДАНА, 2015 .— 382 с. : ил. — ISBN 978-5-238-01128-8 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/351772 (дата обращения: 20.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Bocnpo1t3ee.11e1t11e seen KMlffM llJIH 11l06olt ee 'laCTH JDo6blWI Cpe.t1CTB3MH HJIH B K3KOit-JIH6o cj>opMe, B TOM 'lllCJle B 11HrepHer-omi, 33flJ)ewaerc:R 6e3 llJ{CbMeHHoro pa3peweHHR H3.113TeJlbCTB3. • PART ONE 13 BASIC UNITS Unit 1: CVs and interviews Grammar Revision: The Indefinite Tenses Numerals (numbers, dates) Word formation: Suffixes of nouns Intonation: General, special and tag-questions Basic function: Asking questions in an indirect way Texts and Dialogues Unit 2: Appointments, introductions Grammar Revision: The Continuous Tenses Construction to be going to do smth Ways of expressing the future if- and when-clauses Word formation: Conversion Words: a visit, to visit Basic function: Thanking Dialogues and Letters Unit 3: Telephoning Grammar Revision: The Perfect Tenses Modal verbs can/could, may Word formation: Suff1Xes of adjectives Constnictlon: would like to do smth Intonation: Statements Basic function: Apologising Texts and Dialogues Unit 4: Business trips (airports, hotels) Grammar Revision: The Perfect Continuous Tenses Modal verbs must, should, ought, shall Words: to go, to come, to fly, to arrive, to stay, to leave Basic function: Directions Intonation: Alternative questions Dialogues, Announcements, Letter 7 71 50 30 11 Unit 5: Small talk Grammar Re\'ision: The equivalents of modal verbs Words: to have, have got to do - to make too - either Word formation: Suflixes of adverbs Basic function: Wishes Intonation: Echo questions Text and Dialogues Unit 6: Companies Grammar Re\'ision: The Passive Voice of the Indefinite Tenses Modal verbs and Passive Infinitives many- much Word formation: Preftxes re-, over-, under- and other:r Construction: there is a document to study Basic function: Requests and asking for permission Texts, Dialogue, Letter Unit 7: Sales Grammar Re\'ision: The Passive Voice of the Continuous Tenses few - a few, little - a little Word formation: SulfJXes of verbs Basic function: Correcting Constructions: had better would rather to be interested in smth/doing smth Texts, Dialogues, Letters Unit 8 <...>
Y.l(K (811. J 11:33)(075.8) 66K 82.2AHrn-923 IIl37 P e u e H 3 e H T w: A. T. XBOAbH060 (er. npenoJlaBaTCJlb BblCWHX KypcOB HHOCTp3HHblX R3blKOB MHH3KOHOMp33BHTHR P) 11.B. Auepl>Jlnoua (CT. npeno11aeaTCJ1b AKaneMHH 6roIDKeni H Ka3tta'leltcrea MHHHua P) Alrrop 6Jiaro)lapHT Victor A. Hill, pyKoeo.nHTeJI11 aHrJIHlicKoli $HpMbJ International Management Development, London H L.P. Todd, pyKOBci.D.HTeJill aMepHKaHCKoli HPMN International Business Development Council, Princeton 33 noMOUlb B C03.113HHH yqe6HHK3 llOKTOp 3KOHOMH'ICCKHX uayx H.JJ. 3puauieunu fJlaBHblli pellaKTOP H3.113TeJlbCTB3 We&e.11eea C.A. IIJ37 ,lleJToBO.li attrmmc1opMe, B TOM 'lllCJle B 11HrepHer-omi, 33flJ)ewaerc:R 6e3 llJ{CbMeHHoro pa3peweHHR H3.113TeJlbCTB3.
• PART ONE 13 BASIC UNITS Unit 1: CVs and interviews Grammar Revision: The Indefinite Tenses Numerals (numbers, dates) Word formation: Suffixes of nouns Intonation: General, special and tag-questions Basic function: Asking questions in an indirect way Texts and Dialogues Unit 2: Appointments, introductions Grammar Revision: The Continuous Tenses Construction to be going to do smth Ways of expressing the future if- and when-clauses Word formation: Conversion Words: a visit, to visit Basic function: Thanking Dialogues and Letters Unit 3: Telephoning Grammar Revision: The Perfect Tenses Modal verbs can/could, may Word formation: Suff1Xes of adjectives Constnictlon: would like to do smth Intonation: Statements Basic function: Apologising Texts and Dialogues Unit 4: Business trips (airports, hotels) Grammar Revision: The Perfect Continuous Tenses Modal verbs must, should, ought, shall Words: to go, to come, to fly, to arrive, to stay, to leave Basic function: Directions Intonation: Alternative questions Dialogues, Announcements, Letter 7 71 50 30 11
Unit 5: Small talk Grammar Re\'ision: The equivalents of modal verbs Words: to have, have got to do - to make too - either Word formation: Suflixes of adverbs Basic function: Wishes Intonation: Echo questions Text and Dialogues Unit 6: Companies Grammar Re\'ision: The Passive Voice of the Indefinite Tenses Modal verbs and Passive Infinitives many- much Word formation: Preftxes re-, over-, under- and other:r Construction: there is a document to study Basic function: Requests and asking for permission Texts, Dialogue, Letter Unit 7: Sales Grammar Re\'ision: The Passive Voice of the Continuous Tenses few - a few, little - a little Word formation: SulfJXes of verbs Basic function: Correcting Constructions: had better would rather to be interested in smth/doing smth Texts, Dialogues, Letters Unit 8: Contracts Grammar Re\'ision: The Passive Voice of the Perfect Tenses Countable and uncountable nouns Construction: so do I/ neither do I Basic function: Agreement and disagreement Word formation: Compounds Texts, Dialogues, Letters Unit 9: Marketing, advertising, Public Relations Grammar Re\'ision: The Rules of the Sequence of Tenses Degrees of comparison .of adjectives and adverbs Word fonnation: Negative prefixes Basic functions: Polite commands, negative requests, written requests Construction: managing director Texts, Dialogues Unit 10: Company meetings and decisions Grammar Re\'ision: Modals and the Rules of the Sequence of Tenses 8 188 170 153 134 115 94
another - other - others The use of anicles with names of companies, banks, titles Words: to speak - to say - to tell Construction: to ask smb to do/not to do smth Basic function: Presenting ideas Texts, Dialogues, Memorandum Unit 11: Costs and production Grammar Revision: Modals + Perfect Infinitives Complex Object Articles with names of goods and commodities Words: hundred, thousand, million cost, price, value to increase ... to/by ... Basic function: Giving advice Texts, Dialogues Unit 12: Payments Grammar Revision: The Conditional Mood would Numerals (decimals and fractions) Articles with names of documents Construction: to have smth done Words: like, as Basic function: Emphasising a point Texts, Dialogues, Letter Unit 13: Finance and the company Grammar Revision: Participles Absolute forms of possessive pronouns Possessive Case of nouns Articles (a I 0% discount) Constructions: to suggest/recommend ... that smb should do smth to wish smb did smth to wish smb had done smth Basic func.tions: Possibility and probability Texts PART 1WO 50 BUSINESS-LIFE EPISODES Preparing and realising a seminar in London APPENDICES Appendix I. English-Russian Glossary Appendix 2. British-American English Appendix 3. Phrases f1"9m Busi.aess Correspondence Appendix 4. Abbreviations in Business Correspondence 262 316 316 345 348 370 9 224 208