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Журнал структурной химии

Журнал структурной химии №2 2012 (1678,60 руб.)

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АннотацияЖурнал физико-химического профиля. Адресован специалистам, работающим в области квантовой химии, физических методов исследования, кристаллохимии, супрамолекулярной химии, структуры и свойств наноматериалов, строения жидкостей, а также широкому кругу химиков. Своеобразие журнала заключается в том, что для исследования электронного и пространственного строения химических соединений в публикуемых работах широко применяются современные физические методы, оригинальные теоретические и экспериментальные подходы. Форма публикаций - статьи, краткие сообщения, тематические обзоры по различным проблемам структурной химии. С 2004 г. Издаётся ежегодное Приложение к Журналу, в котором публикуются статьи по актуальным направлениям структурной химии. Журнал переводится на английский язык, издается и распространяется за рубежом Издательством Springer. Название англоязычного издания Journal of Structural Chemistry.
Журнал структурной химии .— Новосибирск : Издательство Сибирского отделения Российской академии наук .— 2012 .— №2 .— 217 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/200302 (дата обращения: 18.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Ivanic J. // J. Chem. Phys. – 2003. – 119 (18). – P. 9364 – 9376. 2012. 53, 2 – . 228 – 232 UDC TENSILE DEFORMATION INDUCED STRUCTURAL REARRANGEMENT IN AMORPHOUS SILICON NITRIDE © 2012 N. Liao1*, W. Xue1, P. Yang2, M. Zhang1 1 College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Wenzhou University, Wenzhou, 325035, P.R.China Laboratory of Materials and Micro-Structural Integrity, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, P.R.China 2 Received October, 18, 2010 — January, 19, 2011 Silicon nitride exhibits good mechanical properties and thermal stability at high temperatures <...> In this paper, the melt-quench method is used to generate the amorphous structure of silicon nitride; then the structural properties of silicon nitride under tensile deformation were studied by angular pair distribution functions <...> K e y w o r d s: silicon nitride, molecular dynamics, tensile deformation, amorphous structure <...> The stress tensor for the atom i is given by the following formula, where a and b take on values x, y, z to generate the 6 components of the symmetric tensor [ 13 ] <...> The first term is a kinetic energy contribution for the atom i, the second term is a pairwise energy contribution where n loops over its neighbors. r1/r2 and F1/F2 are the positions and the forces of the two atoms resulting from the pairwise interaction <...> The third term to the sixth term are contributions of bond, angle, dihedral, and improper interactions which the atom i involves <...> The final term accounts for internal constraint forces applying to the atom i <...> . As shown in Fig. 2, a, the Si—N bond length is determined by the sharp peak observed at rSiN = 1.75 Å, which contributes to the first peak of the total correlation functio <...> . From the PDF data it follows, as shown in Fig. 3, that the tensile stain results in a very short bond length present in the deformed structure, which is due to the compression in the x and y direction <...> . Further information about the local structure is provided by the angular distribution, as shown in Fig. <...> . The electron density analysis within the framework of Atoms in Molecul <...>
-   -    -  -   1960 .    53  –                -  - ..,  .      MonSim  :  ,  MonSim,      Liao N., Xue W., Yang P., Zhang M. Tensile deformation induced structural rearrangement in amorphous silicon nitride Keywords: silicon nitride, molecular dynamics, tensile deformation, amorphous structure May A., Ouddai N. Topological analysis of the bonding in [Ru5(4-C2)L(CO)13] and [Ru4(4-C2)L(CO)10] complexes (L=(-SMe)(-PPh2)2) Keywords: topological analysis, atoms in molecules (AIM), electron localization function (ELF), metal acetylide  ..,  -.. -   (II)  -     :  , DFT, , (II), ,     ..,  ..        -   : - ,   , , -,     - - 2012 242 231 224 219 213 - 6     2, 2012
 ..,  ..,  .. -   1,4-  : 1,4-, B3LYP, , ,  Özdemir N., Dayan O., Dinçer M., Çetinkaya B. Copper(II) and cobalt(II) complexes of 2,6-diacetylpyridine bis(O-methyloxime): a theoretical investigation Keywords: 2,6-diacetylpyridine bis(O-methyloxime), IR spectroscopy, ab initio calculations, molecular electrostatic potential, frontier molecular orbitals Zhang H.M., Wu S.Y., Zhang Z.H., Xu P. Investigations on the local structure and spin Hamiltonian parameters for the orthorhombic Cu2+ center in Ca(OD)2 Keywords: electron paramagnetic resonance, crystal- and ligand-field theory, Cu2+, Ca(OD)2 Dashtbozorgi Z., Golmohammadi H. Prediction of gas to water partition coefficient of some organic compounds using theoretically derived molecular descriptors Keywords: artificial neural network, gas to water partition coefficient, genetic algorithm, partial least squares       ..,  ..,  ..   ab initio          :  ,  ,  , -   ..,  ..             :     ,  ,  , ,  , -   .., - ..,  ..,  ..,  ..,  ..,  ..      PbSnF4,    ,        :     PbSnF4–MF,  - (19F, 7Li),  ,   292 cl D d Dd  эксп теор  3 1  2 1  1? 1 285 268 262 253 249 278
 ..,  ..,  ..,  ..,  ..,  ..,  ..,  ..,  ..,  ..     (II)  1-         :  (II),  ,  , XANES ,       ..,  ..,  ..  ,     (IV) -1,10-   : (IV),  ,  , ,   ..,  ..          ,      :  ,  ,   ,    ..       :  ,  ,  , , - , , ,  -  ..,  ..,  ..,  ..,  ..,  -..,  ..,  ..      Rb5CeZr(MoO4)6  : , , , , ,   Hajlaoui F., Naïli H., Yahyaoui S., Mhiri T., Bataille T. Crystal structures of two enantiomorphous 2-methylpiperazinediium hexaaquacopper sulfates [(R or S)-C5H14N2][Cu(H2O)6](SO4)2 Keywords: non-centrosymmetric, three-dimensional structure, hydrogen bonds, open framework structures  ..,  ..,  ..    (II) Na[RuNOCl3(H2O)OH]·2H2O  : , , ,  ,  342 335 330 324 314 307 297

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