Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 608409)

Muscle-Tendon Complex: Anatomy, Biomechanics, Sports Practice (7000,00 руб.)

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Первый авторTuraev Victor T.
АвторыTyupa Vladimir V.
ИздательствоМ.: ТВТ Дивизион
АннотацияThe mechanical roles of tendon and muscle contractile elements are often considered independently of each other, but functionally these elements are closely integrated. The authors tried to present the material in the most accessible form, as they always do in their works, actually doing at the same time popularization of scientific research. This explains both the detail in some sections and some simplifications in the presentation of materials in other sections. The monograph was prepared based on the results of both own and scientific research by Soviet, Russian and foreign scientists. The original and inherently unique materials with links to primary sources are given. We hope that the book will be useful to all readers and will become for them both a manual and a reference book that will help in practical work. This edition is the product of translation from the original Russian publication in to the English language Besides the main idea of this monograph belongs to Victor Turaev. Also the arrangement of the whole book including the text, illustration and tables was made by him personally. Redaction of the English version of the text after the translation from from original Russian publication was done by Vladimir Tyupa.
Кому рекомендованоThe publication is intended for students, postgraduates and teachers of universities and faculties of physical culture, researchers, as well as coaches and athletes who do not always have the time and opportunity to study scientific works.
Turaev, V.T. Muscle-Tendon Complex: Anatomy, Biomechanics, Sports Practice = [Мышечно-сухожильный комплекс: анатомия, биомеханика, спортивная практика] : [monograph] / V.V. Tyupa; V.T. Turaev .— Москва : ТВТ Дивизион, 2023 .— 153 с. : ил. — Текст на англ. яз.; Библиогр.: с. 281-303 .— ISBN 978-5-98724-270-4 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/840964 (дата обращения: 12.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

УДК 796.012 Т 98 CONTENTS Reviewer: A.V. Samsonova Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Biomechanics P.F.Lesgaft NSU, St. Petersburg, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation. The review can be found on the website: allasamsonova.ru Т 98 Тураев , В . Т . Мышечно-сухожильный комплекс: анатомия, биомеханика, спортивная практика. Монография [текст] на английском языке / В.Т.Тураев, В.В.Тюпа – М.: ТВТ Дивизион, 2023. – 304 с. ISBN 978-5-98724-270-4 The mechanical roles of tendon and muscle contractile elements are often considered independently of each other, but functionally these elements are closely integrated. The authors tried to present the material in the most accessible form, as they always do in their works, actually doing at the same time popularization of scientific research. This explains both the detail in some sections and some simplifications in the presentation of materials in other sections. The monograph was prepared based on the results of both own and scientific research by Soviet, Russian and foreign scientists. The original and inherently unique materials with links to primary sources are given. We hope that the book will be useful to all readers and will become for them both a manual and a reference book that will help in practical work. The publication is intended for students, postgraduates and teachers of universities and faculties of physical culture, researchers, as well as coaches and athletes who do not always have the time and opportunity to study scientific works. This edition is the product of translation from the original Russian publication in to the English language Besides the main idea of this monograph belongs to Victor Turaev. Also the arrangement of the whole book including the text, illustration and tables was made by him personally. Redaction of the English version of the text after the translation from from original Russian publication was done by Vladimir Tyupa. УДК 796.012 ISBN 978-5-98724-270-4 (англ.) ISBN 978-5-98724-255-1 (рус.) © Тураев В.Т.,Тюпа В.В., 2023 © Издание на русском языке, оформление ТВТ Дивизион, 2023 © Издание на английском языке ТВТ Дивизион, 2023 PREFACE TO THE ENGLISH EDITION ............................................ 8 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................. 11 CHAPTER 1. MODELS OF BIOMECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF MUSCLES ... 13 1.1. Models of muscle mechanics ......................................................... 14 1.2. Evolution of the view on the mechanics of the muscle: from the spring to the A.V.Hill model .................................................. 16 1.2.1. Viscoelastic theories or theories of «cocked spring» ................ 16 1.2.2. The equation of muscle contraction ....................................... 21 1.2.3. Hill's Model ......................................................................... 26 1.2.4. Advantages and disadvantages of the Hill model .................... 31 1.3. The history of the study of muscle contraction from a molecular point of view ....................................................................... 31 1.3.1. The initial stage of studying the molecular composition of the muscle ............................................................. 31 1.3.2. The stage of errors and failures .............................................. 34 1.3.3. Two different Huxleys, unrelated to each other, and their colleagues ........................................................................ 36 1.3.4. Model of the molecular structural unit of the sarcomere muscle .......................................................................... 41 1.3.5. Hypothesis (model) sliding threads ....................................... 48 1.3.6. Hypothesis (model) of attachment and detachment of transverse bridges .............................................. 52 1.3.7. Reduction mechanics ........................................................... 57 1.3.8. Advantages and disadvantages of the Huxley model ............... 67 1.4. Conclusion ................................................................................... 67 CHAPTER 2. MODELING OF BIOMECHANICAL «BEHAVIOR» OF AN ISOLATED MUSCLE-TENDON COMPLEX ........................ 69 2.1. Modeling of stretching of an inactive muscle-tendon complex ....... 69 – 3 –
2.1.1. Models of viscosity and elasticity of biological materials ........ 69 2.1.2. Components of viscosity and elasticity models of materials ........................................................................ 70 2.1.3. Stretching of an isolated sequential elastic component ........... 75 2.1.4. Stretching of the sarcomere ................................................... 78 2.1.5. Stretching of inactive sarcomere and parallel elastic component ..................................................................................... 79 2.1.6. Stretching of the inactive sarcomere and tendon .................... 81 2.2. Modeling of stretching of the active muscle-tendon complex ........ 83 2.2.1. Stretching of the active sarcomere ......................................... 84 2.2.2. Stretching of the active contractile and parallel elastic components ......................................................................... 86 2.2.3. Stretching of the active sarcomere and tendon ....................... 88 2.3. Models of muscle-tendon complex contraction ............................. 89 2.3.1. Sarcomere reduction ............................................................ 89 2.3.2. Reduction of sarcomere and parallel elastic component ........ 89 2.3.3. Sarcomere contraction and tendon stretching ....................... 90 2.3.4. Shortening of the tendon during relaxation of the sarcomere and tendon .......................................... 91 2.4. The cycle of tendon contraction and stretching. Hysteresis ............ 91 2.5. Modeling the reduction of various variants of the organization of sarcomeres ......................................................... 94 2.6. Modeling of hypertrophy processes on the Hill model .................... 99 3.9. The device of the muscle ............................................................. 127 3.10. Muscle innervation .................................................................... 128 3.11. Parallel elastic complex ............................................................. 128 3.12. Tendons. Device and functions .................................................. 131 3.12.1. Muscle-tendon joint .......................................................... 132 3.12.2. Bone-tendon joint ............................................................. 132 3.12.3. The composition of the tendon ......................................... 135 3.12.4. Blood supply and innervation of tendons ........................... 137 3.12.5. Reduction of friction ......................................................... 137 3.12.6. Mechanical properties of tendons: elasticity and strength ... 139 3.12.7. Tendon receptors ............................................................. 140 3.13. Ligaments ................................................................................. 142 3.14. Muscle reflexes .......................................................................... 144 3.14.1. Muscle stretching reflex .................................................... 146 3.14.2. Golgi reflex ....................................................................... 150 3.14.3. The effect of reciprocal braking ......................................... 150 3.15. Muscle functions ....................................................................... 152 CHAPTER 4. CHAPTER 3. MUSCLE TISSUE ..................................................... 102 3.1. Properties of muscle tissue .......................................................... 102 3.1.1. Excitability of muscle tissue ................................................ 103 3.1.2. Conduction of muscle tissue ................................................ 106 3.1.3. Contractility of muscle tissue ............................................... 106 3.2. Muscle fiber ................................................................................ 107 3.3. Types of muscle fibers. Muscle composition .................................111 3.3.1. Classification method based on the activity of myosin ATPase ......................................................................... 112 3.3.2. Method of classification by mitochondrial enzymes ............ 113 3.4. Slow and fast fiber types characteristics ........................................ 114 3.5. Motor units .................................................................................118 3.6. Distribution of fiber types ............................................................ 121 3.7. Fiber type and sports achievements.............................................. 122 3.8. Recruitment of muscle fibers ...................................................... 124 – 4 – ARCHITECTURAL CHARACTERISTICS OF MUSCLES .............. 153 4.1. Muscle architecture ..................................................................... 153 4.1.1. Parallel and fusiform muscles .............................................. 155 4.1.2. Pennate muscles .................................................................. 156 4.1.3. Pennation angle ...................................................................161 4.1.4. Physiological and anatomical cross-sectional areas of the muscle ................................................................................ 162 4.1.5. Differences between muscles with parallel and pennate fiber arrangement ...................................................... 163 4.1.6. Ways of force action. Muscle path ....................................... 164 4.2. The influence of muscle architecture on the parameters of the strengthlength relationship of the muscle-tendon complex .............................. 165 4.2.1. Muscle-tendon complex with long muscle fibers and short tendons ......................................................................... 165 4.2.2. Muscle-tendon complex with short muscle fibers and long tendons .......................................................................... 168 4.2.3. Influence of tendon length on the parameters of the «force – angle in the joint» relationship ........................................ 172 4.2.4. Comparison of muscle-tendon complexes with different architectures ........................................................... 175 – 5 –
4.2.5. Functional specialization of muscle-tendon complexes ....... 175 CHAPTER 5. MUSCLE INTERACTION AND SPORTS PRACTICE ............................................................... 180 5.1. Muscles-agonists, -synergists, -antagonists .................................. 180 5.2. Interactions of antagonist muscles .............................................. 184 5.2.1. Simultaneous EMG activity of antagonist muscles ............... 186 5.2.2. Electromechanical delay ..................................................... 190 5.3. Interactions of muscles of kinematic chains. Muscle ensembles.... 192 5.4. Anti-gravity muscles .................................................................... 200 5.5. Two-joint muscles ...................................................................... 203 CHAPTER 6. MODES OF OPERATION OF THE MUSCLE-TENDON COMPLEX ....................................................................................... 217 6.1. Muscle condition ........................................................................ 217 6.2. Classification of muscle working modes ....................................... 219 6.2.1. The concentric mode of muscle work .................................. 221 6.2.2. The inferior mode of muscle work ....................................... 224 6.2.3. Isometric mode of muscle work ........................................... 226 6.3. Cyclic change of muscle working modes ...................................... 227 6.4. Ballistic type of movement .......................................................... 229 6.5. Plyometric type of movement ...................................................... 231 6.6. Statodynamic exercises ............................................................... 235 CHAPTER 7. THE INFLUENCE OF THE ARCHITECTURE OF MUSCLE-TENDON COMPLEXES ON HUMAN EVOLUTION ...................................... 237 7.1. Locomotion of primates – human ancestors ................................ 237 7.2. Walking upright. Bipedal locomotion (gait) ................................. 237 7.2.1. Walking .............................................................................. 240 7.2.2. Running .............................................................................. 241 7.2.3. Long running ...................................................................... 242 7.3. Evolutionary hypotheses, or why overcome long distances on foot or running? ............................................................ 248 7.4. Structural changes during adaptation to endurance running ........ 252 7.4.1. Skeletal strength .................................................................. 252 7.4.2. Trunk stabilization .............................................................. 254 – 6 – – 7 – 7.4.3. Thermoregulation and respiration ....................................... 255 7.4.4. Power engineering and mechanics ....................................... 259 7.5. Increasing the length of the tendon .............................................. 263 7.5.1. Achilles tendon ................................................................... 263 7.5.2. Arch of the foot ................................................................... 266 7.6. Energy recovery .......................................................................... 267 7.7. Locomotor muscles .................................................................... 276 7.8. The role of labor in the process of transformation of monkeys into humans ......................................... 278 REFERENCES ................................................................................. 281

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