Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 608409)

Jurisprudence (290,00 руб.)

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Первый авторGalieva S.
АвторыGalieva G. , Kraysman N. , Казан. нац. исслед. технол. ун-т
АннотацияThe tutorial contains an analysis of the basic concepts and categories of law. The special attention is paid to such issues as the general theory of law, the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation, the foundations of civil, family, labor, administrative law. The materials for independent work of students are offered.
Кому рекомендованоThe tutorial is designed for practical training of Bachelors in the following areas: 02.03.03 Mathematical Support and Administration of Information Systems, 14.03.01 Nuclear Engineering and Thermophysics, 15.03.02 Technological Machines and Equipment, 16.03.03 Refrigeration, Cryogenic Equipment and Life Support Systems, 18.03.01 Chemical Technology, 21.03.01 Oil and Gas Business, 27.03.05 Innovation, 29.03.03 Printing and Packaging Production Technology, 35.03.02 Technology of Logging and Wood Processing Industries, as well as students studying Jurisprudence.
Galieva, S. Jurisprudence = [Правоведение] : tutorial / G. Galieva, N. Kraysman; Казан. нац. исслед. технол. ун-т; S. Galieva .— Казань : КНИТУ, 2019 .— 224 с. — Текст на англ. яз. — ISBN 978-5-7882-2717-7 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/782715 (дата обращения: 12.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

UDC 34(07) LBC 67Англ я7G15 oPublished by the decision of the Editorial Review Board C Candidate of Jurisprudence, Associate Professor K. Arslanov f the Kazan National Research Technological University Reviewers: andidate of Pedagogic sciences, Associate Professor E. Molostova G15 JGalieva S. urisprudence : tutorial / S. Galieva, G. Galieva, N. Kraysman; N The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Kazan 2019. – 224 pational Research Technological University. – Kazan : KNRTU Press, ISBN 978-5-7882-2717-7 . The tutorial contains an analysis of the basic concepts and categories of law. The special attention is paid to such issues as the general theory of t law, the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation, dependent work of students are offered. The tutorial is designed for practical training of Bachelors in the following uclear Engineering and Thermophysics, 15.03.02 Technological S Machines and Equipment, 16.03.03 Refrigeration, Cryogenic Equipment and Life tudents studying Jurisprudence. Prepared by the department of jurisprudence. ISBN 978-5-7882-2717-7 inhe foundations of civil, family, labor, administrative law. The materials for 14.03.01 N areas: 02.03.03 Mathematical Support and Administration of Information Systems, 27.03.05 Iupport Systems, 18.03.01 Chemical Technology, 21.03.01 Oil and Gas Business, nnovation, 29.03.03 Printing and Packaging Production Technology, s 35.03.02 Technology of Logging and Wood Processing Industries, as well as UDC 34(07) LBC 67Англ я7 © Galieva S., Galieva G., Kraysman N., 2019 © Kazan National Research Technological University, 2019
CONTENTS Introduction ......................................................................................................3 A SHORT COURSE ON SELECTED TOPICS OF THE DISCIPLINE .....................................................................................5 Topic 1. General Theory of Law .....................................................................5 1.1. Characteristic of law origin theories ................................................5 1.2. Concept, features, functions of law and state .................................7 1.3. Form of state: form of government, form of government structure, political regime ..................................................................8 1.4. Concept, types, structure of legal rules ...........................................8 1.5. Concept, types, structure of legal relations. Legal facts as the basis of creation of the relationship .........................................11 1.6. Legal frameworks of today. Sources (forms) of law .....................13 1.7. Concept, elements, structure, types of offenses. Legal responsibility ...........................................................................14 Topic 2. Constitutional Framework of the Russian Federation ................17 2.1. Constitutional law: concept, subject ..............................................17 2.2. Human and civil rights and duties under the Constitution of the Russian Federation ................................................................21 Topic 3. Fundamentals of Civil Law of the Russian Federation ...............22 3.1. Concept, structure, classification of civil relations.......................22 3.2. Legal capacity and civil competency of citizens ...........................26 3.3. Acts of civil status. Recognition of a citizen as missing. Declaration of a citizen dead ...........................................................30 3.4. Legal entities: concept, features, types, state registration, reorganization, liquidation ..............................................................34 220
Topic 4. Fundamentals of Administrative Law in the Russian Federation ........................................................................................................44 4.1. Fundamentals of administrative and legal status of citizens ......44 4.2. Concept, features, legal structure, classification of administrative offenses ................................................................47 4.3. The concept and key features of administrative liability .............49 PLANS OF SEMINARS ................................................................................51 Topic 1. State, law and problems of social development ...........................52 Topic 2. Sources (forms) of law ....................................................................53 Topic 3. Legal relations ..................................................................................54 Topic 4. Fundamentals of the constitution doctrine ..................................55 Topic 5. Fundamentals of the legal status of a man and citizen in the Russian Federation (a round table) ...................................56 Topic 6. Terms in civil law .............................................................................58 Topic 7. Ownership and other proprietary rights ......................................59 Topic 8. Legal entities and their types ..........................................................60 Topic 9. Administrative liability ...................................................................61 Topic 10. Appeal of citizens to state and other organizations (applications, proposals, complaints)...........................................62 Topic 11. Civil service in Russia ...................................................................63 Topic 12. Enforcement of law in public administration ............................65 Topic 13. Criminal law of the Russian Federation .....................................66 Topic 14. The right of nature management .................................................66 Topic 15. Workplace discipline. Material responsibility of the parties to a labour contract ................................................68 Topic 16. Protection of labour rights and freedoms. Resolution of labour disputes ...........................................................................69 Topic 17. Fundamentals of RF social welfare law .......................................70 Topic 18. International humanitarian law ...................................................72 Topic 19. Private international law ...............................................................73 221
PROBLEMS AND SITUATIONS ...............................................................75 STUDENTS’ INDIVIDUAL WORK IN JURISPRUDENCE ..................83 SUBJECTS OF MODULE TESTS ON JURISPRUDENCE for students of all evening and extramural training courses....................87 CONSTITUTION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ............................89 THE CIVIL CODE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ........................159

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