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Наука о человеке: гуманитарные исследования.  / №15(4) 2021

Models of teaching foreign language communication skills and examples of their implementation in practice (90,00 руб.)

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Первый авторRassada
АвторыFreze O.V.
АннотацияThis theoretical article is devoted to the problem of developing students’ skills in foreign language communication in connection with the modern requirements of the state and society to the level of mastering by students of basic skills and abilities in a foreign language. The purpose of this article was to consider the models of teaching communication in foreign language classes existing in foreign methodology and compare them. Research methods: analysis of literature on linguistics, methods of teaching foreign languages. The work within the frameworks is based on an action-oriented approach and the principle of the need to pay more attention to spontaneous speech by reducing the mechanical work on linguistic aspects (A. Davenport, L. Dawes, P. Kerr, N. Mercer, M. V. Verbitskaya, K. S. Makhmuryan). The article presents examples of the implementation of the proposed frameworks in the form of a series of  tasks in  an English lesson. The use of frameworks will help teachers of a foreign language in planning lessons, assignment, in  understanding the approaches that underlie the development of different teaching materials and  providing feedback to students regarding the level of formation of their communication skills. The proposed teaching frameworks “fit” into the structure of the educational process, most fully satisfy didactic requirements and   bring the  process of teaching English as close as possible to real conditions.
Rassada, S.A. Models of teaching foreign language communication skills and examples of their implementation in practice / S.A. Rassada, O.V. Freze // Наука о человеке: гуманитарные исследования. .— 2021 .— №15(4) .— С. 128-134 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/781694 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

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