Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 645695)
Технология и товароведение инновационных пищевых продуктов

Технология и товароведение инновационных пищевых продуктов №4 2021 (449,00 руб.)

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АннотацияПубликуются материалы по научным и практическим проблемам производства и реализации пищевой продукции. Адресуется научным работникам, аспирантам, преподавателямвузов, студентам, а также широкому кругу работников пищевой промышленности и торговли.
Технология и товароведение инновационных пищевых продуктов .— Орел : ФГБОУ ВПО "Госуниверситет - УНПК", 2010 .— 2021 .— №4 .— 121 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/760282 (дата обращения: 17.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

փ؂ءإؕؖ-ؘؗ؂ؒؠؐإ؇ؙؒؐؑ ؈ءؘؕ؂ؓ ֈ؇أؕؖؓؖ؅ؐس ؐ ؠؖ؄؂ؘؖ؄؇؆؇ؕؐ؇ ؐؕؕؖ؄؂ؤؐؖؕؕةأ ո؉؆؂؇ؠؙس ؙ 2010 ؅ؖ؆؂ ղةأؖ؆ؐؠ ئ؇ؙؠذ ؘ؂؉ ؄ ؅ؖ؆ ّ 4(69) 2021 ֆ؇؆ؒؖؓؓ؇؅ؐس: ճؓ؂؄ؕةؑ ؘ؇؆؂ؒؠؘؖ: ո؄؂ؕؖ؄؂ ֈ.փ. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ ؠ؇أؕؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؘؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ, ؉؂ؙؓء؈؇ؕؕةؑ ֆؖ؂؃ؖؠؕؐؒ ؄ةؙئ؇ؑ ئؒؖؓة շ؂ؙؙؙؐؑؒؖؑ ֐؇؆؇ؘ؂ؤؐؐ ؅ؓ ؔ؇ؙؠؐؠ؇ؓؐ շؖؔؐؠ؇؄؂ ճ.ւ. ؒ؂ؕ؆ؐ؆؂ؠ رؒؖؕؖؔؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؆ؖؤ؇ؕؠ հؘؠ؇ؔؖ؄؂ յ.փ. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ ր ؠ؇أؕؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ ؂؄ؕؖ؅ؖ ؘ؇؆؂ؒؠؘؖ؂: ؠؘؖسإؒؐؕ؂և.؁. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ ؠ ؑأؖ؈؂؇؄؂ ձ.։. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ ճ ؃ؐؖؓؖ؅ؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ ؃ؘؐؖؔؖ؄؂ ղ.և. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ ؆؂ؘ؇؄ փ.ո. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ մ؇ؖؓؖ؅ؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ ؠ ؘؒ؂ؙؕؖؖ؄؂ փ.ւ. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ մء؇أؕؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ ؠ ؕإ؇ؕؒؖ փ.ո. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ յؓ؇أؕؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ «քؘؓؖ؄ؙؒؐؑ ؅ؙؖء؆؂ؘؙؠ؄؇ؕؕةؑ ءؕؐ؄؇ؘؙؐؠ؇ؠ ؐؔ؇ؕؐ ո.և. ֈءؘ؅؇ؕ؇؄؂» (քճ։ ؐؔ. ո.և. ֈءؘ؅؇ؕ؇؄؂) ։إؘ؇؆ؐؠ؇ؓذ – آ؇؆؇ؘ؂ؓذؕؖ؇ ؅ؙؖء؆؂ؘؙؠ؄؇ؕؕؖ؇ ؃ز؆؈؇ؠؕؖ؇ ؖ؃ؘ؂؉ؖ؄؂ؠ؇ؓذؕؖ؇ ءإؘ؇؈؆؇ؕؐ؇ ؄ةؙئ؇؅ؖ ؖ؃ؘ؂؉ؖ؄؂ؕؐس ؗؐا؇؄ةأ ؘؗؖ؆ءؒؠؖ؄ ևؖ؆؇ؘ؈؂ؕؐ؇ փ؂ءإؕة؇ ؙؖؕؖ؄ة ؗؐا؇؄ةأ ؠ؇أؕؖؓؖ؅ؐؑ ձؖؕ؆؂ؘ؇؄ փ.ո., ձؖؕ؆؂ؘ؇؄؂ ֈ.հ., ւ؇ؓذؕؐؒؖ؄؂ հ.հ., ։ؓذسؕؖ؄؂ հ.հ. ևؖ؄؇ؘئ؇ؙؕؠ؄ؖ؄؂ؕؐ؇ ءؙؓؖ؄ؐؑ ؒؓؖؕ؂ؓذؕؖ؅ؖ ؘؘؔؐؒؖ؂؉ؔؕؖ؈؇ؕؐس ؒ؂ؘؠؖآ؇ؓس (Solanum tuberosum L.) …… 3 ؄ ֈ؂؅ؘؐؖ؄؂ օ.ֆ., ֑؂ؙؐأ؂ؕؖ؄ ւ.և., ւ؂ؙ؂؇؄؂ ց.ւ. ֆ؂ؤؐؖؕ؂ؓذؕؖ؇ ؙؐؗؖؓذ؉ؖ؄؂ؕؐ؇ ؠؘؖؐإؕةأ ؘ؇ؙءؘؙؖ؄ ؗ؇ؘ؇ؘ؂؃ؖؠؒؐ ؄ؐؕؖ؅ؘ؂؆؂ ؄ ֓؇إ؇ؙؕؒؖؑ ؘ؇ؙؗء؃ؓؐؒ؇ …………. 9 օؖ؆؅ؘؖؕؖ؄؂ փ.ւ., ճؘءؕؐؕ؂ հ.հ. քؤ؇ؕؒ؂ ؔ؇ؠؖ؆ؖ؄ ؐؕؒ؂ؙؗءؓسؤؐؐ ؃ؐؖؓؖ؅ؐإ؇ؙؒؐ ؂ؒؠؐ؄ؕةأ ؗؐا؇؄ةأ ؐؕ؅ؘ؇؆ؐ؇ؕؠؖ؄ ……………………………………………………. 16 ؇أؕؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ ձ؂֓ؓ؇ؕة ؘ؇؆ؒؖؓؓ؇؅ؐؐ: ֈؐؠؖ؄ մ.ղ., մؖؓ؅؂ؕؖ؄؂ փ.ղ. ոؙؙؓ؇؆ؖ؄؂ؕؐ؇ ؐ ؂ؕ؂ؓؐ؉ ؙؠؘءؒؠءؘؕؖ-ؔ؇أ؂ؕؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؙ؄ؙؖؑؠ؄ آ؂ؘئ؇؄ةأ ؒءؓؐؕ؂ؘؕةأ ؐ؉؆؇ؓؐؑ, ؘؗؐ؅ؖؠؖ؄ؓ؇ؕؕةأ ؄ ؗ؂ؘؖؒؖؕ؄؇ؒؠؖؔ؂ؠ؇ ձ؇أؕؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ ձؘؖؕؐؕ؆؉؂ ؁ؕ PhD 24 օؘؖ؆ءؒؠة آءؕؒؤؐؖؕ؂ؓذؕؖ؅ؖ ؐ ؙؗ؇ؤؐ؂ؓؐ؉ؘؐؖ؄؂ؕؕؖ؅ؖ ؕ؂؉ؕ؂إ؇ؕؐس ֔؂ؘؐؗؖ؄؂ ւ.ձ., ոؘؒ؂ؔؐ ւ.ձ., ր؂ؘؐؔؖ؄ ք.և., ֈءؘ؂؇؄؂ ճ.փ. ոؙؗؖؓذ؉ؖ؄؂ؕؐ؇ ؔءؒؐ ؐ؉ ؘؘؙؗؖؖئ؇ؑ ؗئ؇ؕؐؤة ؄ ؠ؇أؕؖؓؖ؅ؐؐ ؔءإؕةأ ؒؖؕ؆ؐؠ؇ؘؙؒؐأ ؐ؉؆؇ؓؐؑ …………….. 30 ؕؒؤؐؖؕ؂ؓذؕةأ ؆؇ؙ؇ؘؠؖ؄ …………………………………………………………….. 35 آء ղؓ؂اؐؒ ց.ճ., ֈ؂ؘ؂ؙ؇ؕؒؖ հ.ղ. ոؕؕؖ؄؂ؤؐؖؕؕة؇ ؘ؇ئ؇ؕؐس ؄ ؘ؂؉ؘ؂؃ؖؠؒ؇ հ؅؉؂ؔؖ؄؂ ց.ո., ւؐؕ؅؂ؓ؇؇؄؂ շ.֔., ֆ؇ئ؇ؠؕؐؒ ք.հ. օ؇ؘؙؗ؇ؒؠؐ؄ؕ؂س ؆ؖ؃؂؄ؒ؂ ؄ ؘؗؖؐ؉؄ؖ؆ؙؠ؄؇ ؕ؂ؤؐؖؕ؂ؓذؕؖ؅ؖ ؒؖؕ؆ؐؠ؇ؘؙؒؖ؅ؖ ؐ؉؆؇ؓؐس «ն؇ؕؠ» …………………... 39 ؕ؂ ؙؐ؇؇؄؂ ց.ճ. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ ؠ؇أؕؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ր ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ ؕ؂ؘؖسإؒؐؕ ղ.օ. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ ؠ؇أؕؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ րء؉ؕ؇ؤؖ؄؂ յ.հ. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ ؠ؇أؕؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ ւ؂ئ؇؅ؖ؄ օ.փ. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ رؒؖؕؖؔؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ փؐؒؐؠؐؕ և.հ. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ رؒؖؕؖؔؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ փؐؒؖؓ؂؇؄؂ ւ.հ. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ ؠ؇أؕؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ փؖ؄ؐؒؖ؄؂ յ.ղ. ؒ؂ؕ؆ؐ؆؂ؠ رؒؖؕؖؔؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؆ؖؤ؇ؕؠ օؖ؉ؕسؒؖ؄ؙؒؐؑղ.ւ. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ ؃ؐؖؓؖ؅ؐإ؇օؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ ։؄؂ؘؖ؄؂ հ.؁. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ رؒؖؕؖؔؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؆ؖؤ؇ؕؠ ֓؇ؘؕةأղ.؁. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ ؠ؇أؕؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ֔ؐ؃ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ ؓسؒؖ؄؂ ո.ղ. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ رؒؖؕؖؔؐإ؇ؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ փؖ؄ؐؤؒ؂քؠ؄؇ؠؙؠ؄؇ؕؕةؑ ؉؂ ؄ةؗءؙؒ: س յ.հ. հ؆ؘ؇ؙ ؘ؇؆؂ؒؤؐؐ: 302020, քؘؓؖ؄ؙؒ؂س ؖ؃ؓ., ؅. քؘ؇ؓ, 8 փ؂ء؅ؘؙؖؒؖ؇ ئؙؙؖ؇, 29 www.-906-664-3222 oreluniver.ru.ru E-mail: fpbit@mail.ru շ؂ؘ؇؅. ؄ ֐؇؆؇ؘ؂ؓذؕؖؑ ؙؓء؈؃؇ ؗؖ ؕ؂؆؉ؘؖء ؄ ؙآ؇ؘ؇ ؙ؄س؉ؐ, ؐ ؐؕآؘؖؔ؂ؤؐؖؕؕةأ ؠ؇أؕؖؓؖ؅ؐؑ և؄ؐؔ؂ؙؙؖ؄ةأ ؒؖؔؔءؕؐؒ؂ؤؐؑ. ؖؠ 30.08.2016 ؅ؖ؆؂ ؗؖօؖ؆ؙؗؐؕؖؑ ؐؕ؆؇ؙؒ 12010 11 «օؘ؇ؙؙ؂ ֆؙؙؖؐؐ» Ĺ քճ։ ؐؔ. ո.և. ֈءؘ؅؇ؕ؇؄؂, 2021 ؖ؃ب؇؆ؐؕ؇ؕؕؖؔء ؒ؂ؠ؂ؓؖ؅ء ؂؇؄؂ փ.հ. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ رؒؖؕؖؔؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؔ؇أ ր؂؆ؕؐؒؖ؄؂ ո.հ., և؇ؕؖؠؘءؙؖ؄ մ.؀., ր؂ؓ؇ؕؐؒ ֈ.ր. ոؙؙؓ؇؆ؖ؄؂ؕؐ؇ ؙؠؘءؒؠءؘؕؖؓؓ؇ؘ؅ؐ؇ؑ ………………………………………………………………………………… 47 ؖ؅؂ا؇ؕؕةأ ؕ؇ؒؠ؂ؘؖ؄ ؙ ؙؐؗؖؓذ؉ؖ؄؂ؕؐ؇ؔ ؘ؂ؙؠؐؠ؇ؓذؕةأ رؙؒؠؘ؂ؒؠؖ؄ …………... 53 ևؐؔؖؕ؇ؕؒؖ؄؂ հ.օ., րؖ؄؂ؓ؇؄؂ ք.հ., օؖؗؖ؄ؐإ؇؄؂ փ.փ. ձؐؖرؒؖؓؖ؅ؐإ؇ؙؒ؂س ؖؤ؇ؕؒ؂ ؘؗؖ؆ؠؙؖؒؐإؙؕؖؠؐ ؗؐا؇؄ؖؑ ؆ؖ؃؂؄ؒؐ «չؖ؆ؘؖؕؖؔ» ؄ ؠ؇أؕؖؓؖ؅ؐؐ ؙؒؐؓؖؔؖؓؖإؕؖ؅ؖ ؘؙؒؖؒؖؕؐؕ؂ ք.ղ. ؒ؂ؕ؆ؐ؆؂ؠ رؒؖؕؖؔؐإ؇ևؒؖ؃ؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؆ؖؤ؇ؕؠ أؓ؇؃ؕةأ ؗ؂ؓؖإ؇ؒ ………………………………………………………………………… 66 ؙؐ؆ؘ փؐؓؖ؄؂ ց.օ., ւ؂ؓزؠ؇ؕؒؖ؄؂ և.ւ. քؤ؇ؕؒ؂ ؂ؕؠؙؐؖؒؐ؆؂ؕؠؕةأ ؙ؄ؙؖؑؠ؄ س؃ؓؖإؕؖ؅ؖ ؘؒؐ؉سؕؖ؄ հ.֑., ր؂ؘؐؔؖ؄ ո.ր. ֈؘؐؠؐؒ؂ؓ؇؄؂س ؔءؒ؂ – ؙةؘذ؇ ؆ؓس ؘؗؖؐ؉؄ؖ؆ؙؠ؄؂ ؂, ؘ؇؂ؓؐ؉ء؇ؔؖ؅ؖ ؕ؂ ؗؖؠؘ؇؃ؐؠ؇ؓذؙؒؖؔ ؘةؕؒ؇ …………………………………… 72 փؐؒؖؓ؂؇؄؂ ւ.հ., ձ؂ؒ؂ؑؠؙؐ ղ.ո., ֆس؉؂ؕؖ؄؂ ք.հ. ոؙؙؓ؇؆ؖ؄؂ؕؐ؇ ؐ؉ؔ؇ؕ؇ؕؐؑ أؐؔؐإ؇ؙؒؖ؅ؖ ؙؙؖؠ؂؄؂ ؐ ؗؐا؇؄ؖؑ ؤ؇ؙؕؕؖؠؐ ؅ؘؐ؃ؖ؄ ؘؗؐ ؘ؂؉ؕةأ ؙؙؗؖؖ؃؂أ ؐأ ؗ؇ؘ؇ؘ؂؃ؖؠؒؐ 82 ؄ؙؖؑؠ؄؂ ؙة؄ؘؖؖؠؖإؕؖ؅ؖ رؙؒؠؘ؂ؒؠ؂ ؠؘ؂؄ة Thymus serpyllum L. ………………… 90 և؂ؓؖؔ؂ؠؖ؄ հ.և., ձةؒؖ؄؂ ո.մ. ձؐؖؓؖ؅ؐإ؇ؙؒ؂س ؤ؇ؙؕؕؖؠذ ؂ؔ؂ؘ؂ؕؠ؂ ………………… 95 ր؂إ؇ؙؠ؄ؖ ؐ ؃؇؉ؖؗ؂ؙؙؕؖؠذ ؗؐا؇؄ةأ ؘؗؖ؆ءؒؠؖ؄ ոؙؙؓ؇؆ؖ؄؂ؕؐ؇ ؘةؕؒ؂ ؘؗؖ؆ؖ؄ؖؓذؙؠ؄؇ؕؕةأ ؠؖ؄؂ؘؖ؄ քոؓزأؐؕ؂ փ.հ. ք؃؉ؘؖ ؆؇سؠ؇ؓذؙؕؖؠؐ ؘؗ؇؆ؘؗؐسؠؐؑ ؖ؃ا؇ؙؠ؄؇ؕؕؖ؅ؖ ؗؐؠ؂ؕؐس ؄ ؆؇ؠ؇ؓذؙؠ؄ؖ: օոّ֐և77-67028 ؘؓؖ؄ؙؒؖؑ ؖ؃ؓ؂ؙؠؐ ……………………………………………………………………… 106 ؠؖփءؘ؅؂ؓؐ؇؄؂ հ.ֆ. ւ؂ؘؘؒؐؖ؄ؒ؂ ؐ ؂ؘؙؙؖؠؐؔ؇ؕؠ ؃؇؉؅ؓزؠ؇ؕؖ؄ةأ ؘؗؖ؆ءؒؠؖ؄ ؄ ؘ؅ؖ؄ةأ ؙ؇ؠسأ ؅ؘؖؖ؆؂ ր؂؉؂ؕؐ ………………………………………………………… 110 ֙ؒؖؕؖؔؐإ؇ؙؒؐ؇ ؂ؙؗ؇ؒؠة ؘؗؖؐ؉؄ؖ؆ؙؠ؄؂ ؘؗؖ؆ءؒؠؖ؄ ؗؐؠ؂ؕؐس շؖؔؐؠ؇؄ և.؀., շؖؔؐؠ؇؄؂ ճ.ւ. քؗؠؐؔؐ؉؂ؤؐس ؙؠؘءؒؠءؘةؘؗؖؐ؉؄ؖ؆ؙؠ؄؇ؕؕؖؑ ؘؗؖ؅ؘ؂ؔؔة ؘؗ؇؆ؘؗؐسؠؐس ؄ ءؙؓؖ؄ؐسأ ؖ؅ؘ؂ؕؐإ؇ؕؕةأ ؙةؘذ؇؄ةأ ؘ؇ؙءؘؙؖ؄ ………. 116 նءؘؕ؂ؓ ؄أؖ؆ؐؠ ؄ օ؇ؘ؇إ؇ؕذ ؘؙؙؙؖؐؑؒؐأ ؘ؇ؤ؇ؕ؉ؘؐء؇ؔةأ ؕ؂ءإؕةأ ؈ءؘؕ؂ؓؖ؄ ؐ ؐ؉؆؂ؕؐؑ, ؘؖؗ؇؆؇ؓ؇ؕؕةأ ղةؙئ؇ؑ ؂ؠؠ؇ؙؠ؂ؤؐؖؕؕؖؑ ؙؙؒؖؔؐؐ؇ؑ ؘؗؐ ւؙؐؕؐؠ؇ؘؙؠ؄؇ ؖ؃ؘ؂؉ؖ؄؂ؕؐس ؐ ؕ؂ءؒؐ ֆؙؙؙؖؐؑؒؖؑ ֐؇؆؇ؘ؂ؤؐؐ, ؆ؓس ؖؗء؃ؓؐؒؖ؄؂ؕؐس ؙؖؕؖ؄ؕةأ ؕ؂ءإؕةأ ؘ؇؉ءؓذؠ؂ؠؖ؄ ؆ؙؙؐ؇ؘؠ؂ؤؐؑ ؕ؂ ؙؙؖؐؒ؂ؕؐ؇ ءإ؇ؕةأ ؙؠ؇ؗ؇ؕ؇ؑ ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ؂ ؐ ؒ؂ؕ؆ؐ؆؂ؠ؂ ؕ؂ءؒ ؂ؕؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؙ؄ؙؖؑؠ؄ ؃؇؉؅ؓزؠ؇ؕؖ؄ؖ؅ؖ ؠ؇ؙؠ؂ ……………………………………….. 43 ؂ ճؘ؂ا؇ؕؒؖ؄ մ.ղ., ղ؇ؘؕ؇ؘ հ.ղ. ր؄ؘؙؖؗؖء ؖ؃ ؘؖ؅؂ؕؐ؉؂ؤؐؐ ؗؐؠ؂ؕؐس ؆؇ؠ؇ؑ ؙ ؗؐا؇؄ؖؑ ؖ؃ օ؇أؠ؇ؘ؇؄؂ փ.ֈ., ր؂ؘ؇ؓؐؕ؂ հ.հ., րؓ؂؄ؒؐؕ؂ ֈ.հ. ֆ؂؉ؘ؂؃ؖؠؒ؂ ؘ؇ؤ؇ؗؠءؘة ءؒؠ؂ ؖ؃ؖ؅؂ا؇ؕؕؖ؅ؖ ………………………………………………………………… 60 ֈؖ؄؂ؘؖ؄؇؆؇ؕؐ؇ ؗؐا؇؄ةأ ؘؗؖ؆ءؒؠؖ؄ ֔؂ձ؂؆؂ؔئؐؕ؂ յ.ղ., ց؇ؖؕؖ؄؂ և.հ., ր؂ؓء؈ؐؕ؂ ք.؀., ճ؂ؘ؇؇؄؂ ո.ֈ., րؖاؐؕ؂ յ.ո., նءؘ؂؄؇ؓذ ղ.հ., ֈ؂ؠ؂ؘإ؇ؕؒؖ ո.ո., ևؓ؂؄سؙؕؒؐؑ հ.հ., մؘؖ؃ؐؤؒؐؑ ր.ղ. ևؖ؉؆؂ؕؐ؇ ؒؖؔؗؖ؉ؐؤؐؑ ؒؖآ؇ ؕ؂ ؙؖؕؖ؄؇ ؒؖؕؤ؇ؕؠؘؘؐؖ؄؂ؕؕةأ رؙؒؠؘ؂ؒؠؖ؄ ……………………. 77 և փ؂ؘؙءؓؓ؂؇؄؂ ճ.ւ., րء؉ؕ؇ؤؖ؄؂ յ.հ., ձؖؕ؆؂ؘ؇؄ փ.ո., ձؘؐؕ؆؉؂ ؁., հؓذأءؙؙ؇ؑؕؐ ֑. ֆ؂؉ءؔؖ؄ؙؒ؂س յ.և. քؙءا؇ؙؠ؄ؓ؇ؕؐ؇ ؒؖؕؠؘؖؓس ؐ ؕ؂؆؉ؘؖ؂؉؂؄ةؗءؙؒؖؔ ؒؖؓ؃؂ؙؕةأ ؐ؉؆؇ؓؐؑ ؄ յհ֙և …………………………………………………………………………. 101
Scientifically-practical journal The journal is published since 2010 ّ 4(69) 2021 Editorial Committee Editor-in-chief Ivanova T.N. Doc .Sc. Tech., Prof. Editor-in-chief Assistants: Zomiteva G.M. Candidate Sc. Ec., Assistant Prof. Artemova E.N. Doc. Sc. Tech., Prof. Koryachkina S.Ya. Doc. Sc. Tech., Prof. Members of the Editorial Committee Baihozhaeva B.U. Doc. Sc. Tech., Prof. Brindza Yan PhD Bondarev N.I. Doc. Sc. Bio., Prof. Gromova V.S. Doc. Sc. Bio., Prof. Derkanosova N.M. Doc. Sc. Tech., Prof. Dunchenko N.I. Doc. Sc. Tech., Prof. Eliseeva L.G. Doc. Sc. Tech., Prof. Koryachkin V.P. Doc. Sc. Tech., Prof. Kuznetsova E.A. Doc. Sc. Tech., Prof. Mashegov P.N. Doc. Sc. Ec., Prof. Nikitin S.A. Doc. Sc. Ec., Prof. Nikolaeva M.A. Doc. Sc. Tech., Prof. Novikova E.V. Candidate Sc. Ec., Assistant Prof. Poznyakovskj V.M. Doc. Sc. Biol., Prof. Prokonina O.V. Candidate Sc. Ec., Assistant Prof. Skoblyakova I.V. Doc. Sc. Ec., Prof. Uvarova A.Ya. Doc. Sc. Ec., Assistant Prof. Chernykh V.Ya. Doc. Sc. Tech., Prof. Shibaeva N.A. Doc. Sc. Ec., Prof. Responsible for edition: Novitskaya E.A. Address 302020, Orel region, Orel, Naugorskoye Chaussee, 29 8-906-664-3222 www.oreluniver.ru E-mail: fpbit@mail.ru Journal is registered in Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications The certificate of registration օոّ ֐և77-67028 from 30.08.2016 Index on the catalogue of the «Pressa Rossii» 12010 © Orel State University, 2021 The journal is published 6 times a year Technology and the study of merchandise of innovative foodstuffs of Higher Education «Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev» (Orel State University) The founder – The Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution Contents Scientific basis of food technologies Bondarev N.I., Bondareva T.A., Melnikova հ.հ., Ulyanova հ.հ. Improvement of T conditions for clonal micropropagation of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) ………... 3 grape processing in the Chechen republic ……………………………………………… 9 Podgornova N.M., Grunina A.A. Assessment of methods of encapsulation of biological Titov active food ingredients …………………………………………………………………… 16 agirova P.R., Khasikhanov M.S., Masaeva L.M. Rational use of secondary resources properties of minced culinary products prepared in a combi oven …………………... 24 Products of functional and specialized purpose D.V., Dolganova N.V. Research and analysis of structural and mechanical Sharipova ւ.B., Ikrami M.B., Karimov O.S., Turaeva G.N. Use of sprouted wheat flour in pastry flour technology ………………………………………………………………... 30 Vlaschik L.G., ֈ؂rasenko հ.V. Innovative solutions in functional desserts development 35 Agzamova L.I., Mingaleeva Z.Sh., Reshetnik O.A. Assessment of quality indicators of the national confectionery product «Zhent» …………………………………………… 39 p Kadnikova I.A., Senotrusov D.Yu., Kalenik T.K. Study of structural and mechanical roperties of gluten-free dough …………………………………………………………. 43 with the use of vegetable extracts ……………………………………………………….. 53 Simonenkova A.P., Kovaleva O.A., Popovicheva N.N. Bioecological assessment of the toxicity of the food additive «Iodonorm» in the technology of iodized dairy products 60 Grashchenkov D.V., Verner A.V. To the question of food service for children with food P allergies …………………………………………………………………………………… 47 ekhtereva N.T., Karelina A.A., Klavkina T.A. Development of enriched nectar recipes The study of merchandise of foodstuffs Badamshina E.V., Leonova S.A., Kaluzhina O.Yu., Gareeva I.T., Koschina E.I., Shakirzyanov A.Kh., Karimov I.K. Tritical flour – raw material for production of Ni bread sticks ……………………………………………………………………………….. 66 lova L.P., Malyutenkova S.M. Assessment of antioxidant properties of apple cider Z sold on the consumer market ……………………………………………………………. 72 compositions based on concentrated extracts …………………………………………... 77 Nikolaeva M.A., Bakaitis V.I., Ryazanova O.A. Study of changes in chemical composition and nutritional value of mushrooms with different methods of their processing hyravel V.A., Tatarchenko I.I., Slavyanskiy A.A., Drobitskiy K.V. Making coffee Th Nasrullaeva G.M., Kuznetsova E.A., Bondarev N.I., Brindza Ja., Alhusseini H. Properties of 82 ymus serpyllum L. herb serum extract ……………………………………………… 90 Salomatov A.S., Bykova I.D. Biological value of amaranth ……………………………... 95 Quality and safety of foodstuffs Razumovskaya E.S. Implementation of control and supervision of the production of sausage products in the EAEU …………………………………………………………... 101 Market study of foodstuffs Ilyukhina N.A. Overview of the activities of public catering enterprises in the Orel N region ……………………………………………………………………………………… 106 Kazan city ………………………………………………………………………………… 110 Economic aspects of production and sale of foodstuffs urgalieva A.R. ւ؂rؒing and range of gluten-free products in the trading chains of pZomitev S.Yu., Zomiteva G.M. Optimization of the structure of the production rogram of the enterprise under conditions of limited raw material resources ……... 116 The journal is on the List of the peer-reviewed journals and editions stated by the High Attestation Commission at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the publication of the main scientific results of the thesis for the academic degree 2 _________________________________________________________________ ّ 4(69) 2021

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