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Вестник культурологии

Вестник культурологии №1 2022 (800,00 руб.)

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АннотацияСодержание издания Культурология: Дайджест определяют разнообразные темы: теория культуры, культурная ангропология, постмодернизм, история культуры и другие материалы. Contents оf this issue cover various themes: theory of culture, cultural anthropology, postmodernism, history of culture and other material.
Вестник культурологии .— 1997 .— 2022 .— №1 .— 196 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/749598 (дата обращения: 10.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

СОДЕРЖАНИЕ КОСМОС КУЛЬТУРЫ Левит С.Я. Диалог с миром: к 30-летию основания серии «Лики культуры» .................................................................................................... 7 Гаджикурбанов А.Г. Культурные стереотипы в этике стоиков и Спинозы .................................................................................................... 32 Лисович И.И. Культура открытого знания в Англии раннего Нового времени: «поп-наука» и веселящий газ ................................................. 48 Щербакова Е.В. Японизм в русской художественной культуре Серебряного века...................................................................................... 74 ЧЕЛОВЕК И КУЛЬТУРА Малинкин А.Н. Философско-социологическое понятие личности: эпистемологические и онтологические аспекты .................................. 86 Перельштейн Р.М. Кризис «концептуального человека» .................. 110 ЛЕКСИКОН КУЛЬТУРОЛОГИИ Глебкин В.В. «Лексикализация» формальных структур и ее влияние на процесс трансляции текстов культуры ................................................ 151 Логинова М.В., Прохорова Н.И. Трансформации и интерпретации концепта «дом» в современном искусстве .......................................... 165 РЕЦЕНЗИИ НА КНИГИ Люсый А.П. Медленное кино: Критика чистого экрана Рецензия на книгу: Перельштейн P.M. Метафизика киноискусства. М. ; СПб. : Центр гуманитарных инициатив, 2020. – 320 с. (Серия «Humanitas»)…………….. .......................................................................... 178 3
Russian Academy of Sciences Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Scientific Informationfor Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences Herald of Culturology Scientific journal N 1 (100) 2022 Published since 1992 4 Issues per year Moscow 2022
УДК 008 ББК 71.0 В 38 Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences Russian Academy of Sciences Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Founders: The Department of Culturology The editor of the Herald: Chief editor Olga Kuleshova – PhD in Philology, INION RAS, Moscow, Russia Editorial board: Galina Andreeva – PhD in Low, INION RAS, Moscow, Russia Аntonin Glavachek – Doctor of Sciences in Pedagogy, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic Тatyana Vologina – Doctor of Sciences in Philology, Center for the Study of Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus Alla Drozdovа – Doctor of Sciences in Culturology, Humanities University, Yekaterinburg, Russia I. Edoshina – Doctor of Sciences in Culturology, Kostroma State University named after N.A. Nekrasov, Kostroma, Russian Federation Dmitriy Zamyatin – Doctor of Sciences in Culturology, HSE Graduate School of Urban Studies, Moscow, Russia of Fundamental and Applied Research, Moscow Humanitarian University, Moscow, Russian Federation Тatyana Krasavchenko – Doctor of Sciences in Philology, INION RAS, Moscow, Russia Svetlana Levit – PhD in Philosophy, INION RAS, Moscow, Russia Anna Kostina – Doctor of Sciences in Culturology, Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy, Institute under the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia Natalya Pakhsaryan – Doctor of Sciences in Philology, INION RAS, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia Inna Lisovich – Doctor of Sciences in Culturology, Candidate of Philological Sciences, RANEPA Ivan Leonov – Doctor of Sciences in Culturology, St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture, St. Petersburg, Russia Ulrich Freschle – Doctor of Sciences in Philology, Technical University of Dresden, Dresden, Germany Anna Shmain-Velikanova – Doctor of Sciences in Culturology, Center for the Study of Religions, RSUH, Moscow, Russia Ekaterina Salnikova – Doctor of Sciences in Culturology, State Institute of Art Studies, Moscow, Russia Lev Skvortsov – Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy, INION RAS, Moscow, Russia Irina Remezova – PhD in Philosophy, INION RAS, Moscow, Russia Vasiliy Shchukin – Doctor of Sciences in Humanities, Jagiellonian University, Institute of East Slavic Philology, Krakow, Poland Tatyana Goncharova – Secretary of the publication, INION RAS, Moscow, Russia Executive editor and originator of the issue Svetlana Levit Technical editor Tatyana Goncharova The publication is included In the Russian science citation index (RSCI) ISSN 2658–3291 DOI: 10.31249/hoc/2022.01.00 © Svetlana Levit, originator of the issue, 2022 © Herald of Culturology, 2022 © FSBIS «Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, INION RAN», 2022
CONTENT SPACE OF CULTURE Levit S.Ya. Dialogue with the World: On the 30th anniversary of the founding of the «Faces of Culture» series ................................................. 7 Gadzhikurbanov A.G. Cultural stereotypes in the ethics of the Stoics and Spinoza ............................................................................................. 32 Lisovich I.I. Culture of open knowledge in early modern England: pop-science and laughing gas.................................................................. 48 Scherbakova E.V. Japonisme in Russian Art culture of Silver Age ........ 74 MAN AND CULTURE Malinkin A.N. Philosophical and sociological concept of personality: epistemological and ontological aspects ……………………………… .. 86 Perelshtein R.M. The crisis of the «conceptual man» ........................... 110 LEXICON OF CULTURAL STUDIES Glebkin V.V. «Lexicalization» of formal structures and its influence on the process of translation of cultural texts… . …………………………151 Loginova M.V., Prokhorova N.I. Transformations and interpretations of the concept of «home» in contemporary art………………………..165 BOOK REVIEWS Liusyi A.P. Slow movie: Criticism of a blank screen. Book Review: Perelstein P.M. Metaphysics of cinematography. M. ; SPb. : Center for Humanitarian Initiatives, 2020. – 320 p. (Series «Humanitas»)…………………… ............................................ 178 6

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