Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 644788)
Arctic Environmental Research  / Vol. 19, no. 4 2019

Contribution to the knowledge of the bumblebee fauna in the Southern Taymyr

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Первый авторKolosova
АвторыPotapov G.S., Zubrii N.A., Gofarov M.Yu., Kovalev O.D., Aksenova O.V., Sokolova S.E., Travina O.V., Shevchenko A.R., Kononov O.D.
АннотацияThe bumblebee fauna of the Southern Taymyr region, northern Siberia, is represented by 10 species, i.e., Bombus consobrinus, B. flavidus, B. lapponicus, B. hypnorum, B. jonellus, B. cingulatus, B. balteatus, B. pyrrhopygus, B. hyperboreus, and B. cryptarum. During the field research for this study, 7 species of bumblebee on the Putorana Plateau (or the Putorana Mountains, on the northwestern edge of the Central Siberian Plateau) and 6 species near Dudinka Town were observed and B. consobrinus was found for the first time on the Putorana Plateau. To date, B. consobrinus was known only in the southern and central parts of the Krasnoyarsk Krai. Regarding the regional fauna, Transpalaearctic and Holarctic species are presented. According to the latitudinal aspect, in this region there are arcto-boreal, arcto-temperate, boreal and temperate species. An analysis of the community was carried out regarding bumblebees that live on the Putorana Plateau. It was found that species of the subgenus Pyrobombus and Alpinobombus, that are typical for the tundra and forest-tundra zones in the Northern Palaearctic, are dominant within the bumblebee community
Contribution to the knowledge of the bumblebee fauna in the Southern Taymyr / Yu.S. Kolosova [и др.] // Arctic Environmental Research .— 2019 .— Vol. 19, no. 4 .— https://doi.org/10.3897/issn2541-8416.2019.19.4.146 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/717144 (дата обращения: 11.07.2024)

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