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Кровельные и изоляционные материалы

Кровельные и изоляционные материалы №2 2020 (615,00 руб.)

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АннотацияИздается с июня 2005 г. Журнал публикует материалы по темам: различные виды кровельных материалов, применяемых в современном строительстве изоляционные и герметизирующие материалы тепло-, звуко-, и акустические материалы фасадные теплоизоляционные системы современное оборудование в технологии производства эффективных кровельных и изоляционных материалов особенности производства работ с применением новых видов кровельных и изоляционных материалов
Кровельные и изоляционные материалы .— Москва : Композит XXI век .— 2020 .— №2 .— 50 с. : ил. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/700507 (дата обращения: 17.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

s u m m a r y Сonstruction industry in focus (p. 4). MATERIALS approach – multifunctionality, quality and safety According to many experts, the Building Skin Russia Kopylov I.A. Severstal: an uncompromising forum held in Moscow in late February is almost the only meeting place in Russia for professionals working in the very dynamic market of building outer shells. The exchange of opinions, discussion of new market trends and the emergence of new technologies and materials become all the more valuable and interesting. These include the presentation by Irina Vanhonen, head of the development of new types of products in metal rolling with coating of the Severstal company. Today she is a guest of the editorial office of Roofing and Insulation Materials magazine. Our columnist Igor Kopylov is talking with her (p. 8). С О Д Е Р Ж А Н И Е Новости строительного комплекса .................................................... 4 МАТЕРИАЛЫ Копылов И.А. «Северсталь»: бескомпромиссный подход – мультифункциональность, качество и безопасность ..................... 8 В формате замещения. Рынок пенополистирола .............................. 14 Керник А.Г., Горшков А.С. Как экономить на отоплении загородного дома из бруса: профессиональный расчет толщины слоя утеплителя ............................................................... 16 Арабов А.Р., Полищук Е.Ю. Проблемы противопожарного нормирования пожарной опасности внешних конструкций зданий и сооружений ..................................................................... 19 Теплоизоляционные и декоративные возможности термопанелей ................................................................................. 20 Инверсионная кровля: незаменимость экструзионного пенополистирола ............................................................................ 24 ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ Редько Ю.Б. Измерение пропускания света светопрозрачными конструкциями ................................................................................ 26 ТЕХНОЛОГИИ Попов В.Г., Попов А.В., Жигулина Т.Н., Кротов В.Н. Создание строительных материалов на основе отходов ............................... 30 Сергей Потовой. Инструменты проектирования кровельных конструкций в BIM .......................................................................... 34 Монтаж карнизной части кровли из металлочерепицы .................... 36 Окраска и декорирование строительной ОСП-плиты ....................... 38 СОБЫТИЯ В Москве завершился XIV Всероссийский кровельный конгресс ....... 41 Копылов И.А. Форум Building Skin Russia 2020: в центре внимания – качество монтажа и материалов ................................ 44 Format of substitution. Foam polystyrene market At present, according to experts, the production and consumption of expanded polystyrene foam continues to decline. The vacant niche is increasingly being replaced by the extruded form of this heat-insulating material (p. 14). heating a country house from a bar: a professional calculation of the insulation layer thickness Kernik A.G., Gorshkov A.S. How to save on Houses made of timber are one of the most economical and environmentally friendly options for building a residential country house. However, the low level of thermal protection of such houses and the high air permeability of the walls cause significant operational costs for year-round living. Insulation of external walls is an effective way to reduce the cost of heating a country house. It provides a reduction in heat loss not only due to thermal insulation, but also by reducing the air permeability of external walls. However, any insulation requires additional investment that pays off by reducing operating costs (p. 16). Arabov A.R., Polishchuk E.Yu. Problems of fire regulation of fire hazard of external structures of buildings and structures tion technologies and the use of new polymer and composite materials is one of the most important drivers of the technical and economic evolution of the construction industry. The fire safety issue is one of the most important in these conditions and it consists in ensuring the non-proliferation of fires in the volume or on the surface of building envelopes (p. 19). This article notes that the development of producThermal insulation and decorative opportunities of thermo panels Article deals with the technologies of facade insulation, in particular, the thermal insulation properties of thermal panels, as well as their competitiveness in the market of modern facade systems (p. 20). polystyrene foam Inversion roof: the indispensability of extruded Extrusion polystyrene foam (EPS) is actually virtually non-alternative material for insulation of inverse roofs. Since 1998 the company PENOPLEX started to produce domestic EPS being the first at this sector of the market, which has since been successfully used for thermal insulation and the formation of slopes on inverse and other types of flat roofs (p. 24).
s u m m a r y EQUIPMENT translucent structures A technique is proposed based on the information Redko Yu.B. Light transmission measurement by analysis as well as experimental data obtained from it are given for the indicator of the total light transmittance of samples of window blocks made of PVC profile (p. 26). TECHNOLOGIES Creation of buildings materials based on waste Authors made a brief overview of the situation with Popov V.G., Popov A.V., Zhigulina T.N., Krotov V.N. creation of building materials abroad and in Russia on the bases of recycled waste. The technology of preparation of building material from waste of thermoplastic is developed. Area of perspective application of technology: the device and repair of flat roofs of industrial buildings and structures as well as the warming of foundations of housing stock (p. 30). come its main driver. It is modern digital solutions that determine and will determine in the near future the vector of industry development. Several years ago, TECHNONICOL created a unique library of BIM solutions among domestic manufacturers of building materials, which is updated every year with new catalogs and tools (p. 34). Sergey Potovoy. BIM roofing design tools Digitalization of the construction industry has bemetal tile Installation of the eaves of a roof from calculations and overt errors in the installation of the heat-insulating layer should be avoided, noting that when installing the eaves of the roof it is imperative to provide not only reliable waterproofing, but also ventilation of the under-roof space (p. 36). This paper draws attention to the fact that misPainting and decorating a construction OSB-plate OSB is an oriented particle board, which has high strength, while differing in the flexibility of wood. And the simplicity of working with it and the durability of the resulting structures brought the material to market leaders. This is the topic of this article (p. 38). EVENTS XIV All-Russian roof congress finished in Moscow The XIV All-Russian Roofing Congress, organized by the National Roofing Union, was held in Moscow on February 27-28, 2020. The event gathered 140 delegates from different regions of Russia, guests from Belarus were also present. The sponsors of the event were TEKHNONICOL, K-system, Sika, Riverclack, Selena, Vitex, Sita, Geda Rus, Germetex, Volmann, PENOPLEX (p. 41). Kopylov I.A. Building Skin Russia 2020 Forum: focus on installation quality and materials Russia 2020 once again updated the record for the number of participants. This year 4500 specialists were registered. They were addressed by over 100 experts from Russia and Europe. The next Building Skin Petersburg 2020 forum will be held in St. Petersburg on November 11th. And at the end of September the VII Facade Congress – Facades of Russia 2020 will be held (p. 44). The Building Outer Shell Forum – Building Skin I N T H I S I S S U E Сonstruction industry in focus ........................................................ 4 MATERIALS Kopylov I.A. Severstal: an uncompromising approach – multifunctionality, quality and safety ................................................. 8 Format of substitution. Foam polystyrene market ............................ 14 Kernik A.G., Gorshkov A.S. How to save on heating a country house from a bar: a professional calculation of the insulation layer thickness ..................................................................... 16 Arabov A.R., Polishchuk E.Yu. Problems of fire regulation of fire hazard of external structures of buildings and structures ........ 19 Thermal insulation and decorative opportunities of thermo panels ...... 20 Inversion roof: the indispensability of extruded polystyrene foam ...... 24 EQUIPMENT Redko Yu.B. Light transmission measurement by translucent structures ................................................................................... 26 TECHNOLOGIES Popov V.G., Popov A.V., Zhigulina T.N., Krotov V.N. Creation of buildings materials based on waste ......................................... 30 Sergey Potovoy. BIM roofing design tools ....................................... 34 Installation of the eaves of a roof from metal tile ............................. 36 Painting and decorating a construction OSB-plate ........................... 38 EVENTS XIV All-Russian roof congress finished in Moscow .......................... 41 Kopylov I.A. Building Skin Russia 2020 Forum: focus on installation quality and materials............................................. 44

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