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Кровельные и изоляционные материалы

Кровельные и изоляционные материалы №1 2020 (615,00 руб.)

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АннотацияИздается с июня 2005 г. Журнал публикует материалы по темам: различные виды кровельных материалов, применяемых в современном строительстве изоляционные и герметизирующие материалы тепло-, звуко-, и акустические материалы фасадные теплоизоляционные системы современное оборудование в технологии производства эффективных кровельных и изоляционных материалов особенности производства работ с применением новых видов кровельных и изоляционных материалов
Кровельные и изоляционные материалы .— Москва : Композит XXI век .— 2020 .— №1 .— 50 с. : ил. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/700506 (дата обращения: 17.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

s u m m a r y technical documentation in the roofing industry: 2019 results Сonstruction industry in focus (p. 4). Molchanova A.A. New in normative and С О Д Е Р Ж А Н И Е Новости строительного комплекса .............................................. 4 Молчанова А.А. Новое в нормативно-технической документации в кровельной отрасли: результаты 2019 года ...... 8 МАТЕРИАЛЫ Солнцев А. Керамическая черепица в России. Ценообразование и технические характеристики ................... 11 ТЕХНОНИКОЛЬ выводит на рынок новый продукт ..................... 16 ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ Ремнев В.В., Зайцев А.Е. Применение бразильского сланца для внешней отделки фасадов зданий ..................................... 18 Шалимов В.Н. Адаптация системы скатной кровли с жестким плитным утеплителем к российским условиям эксплуатации ............................................................. 23 ТЕХНОЛОГИИ Моргун В.Н., Моргун Л.В., Богатина А.Ю. Предложения по совершенствованию тепловой защиты зданий ................... 28 Редько Ю.Б. Сравнительные акустические испытания трех типов стеновых панелей ........................................................... 32 Шаповалова Евгения.Технологии Rheinzink для кровель и фасадов: ромбы ..................................................................... 36 Правила качественного монтажа кровли из металлочерепицы ............................................................... 40 Мансарда: ее планировка и устройство в доме .......................... 44 technical base in the field of roof construction has been an acute issue since the 1990s. At that time, new technologies «poured» into the country from abroad, then their enterprises began to be created to produce modern materials. The introduction of new technologies required a review of the entire base of standards – on design, on materials and methods of testing, construction and installation works. Harmonization with European standards was required. Therefore, the task of developing the regulatory and technical base for roof construction was set among the priorities when creating the National Roofing Union in 2006 and has since been systematically implemented (p. 8). The issue of developing the regulatory and Pricing and Specifications MATERIALS Solntsev A. Ceramic tile market in Russia, This paper is about the multifaceted analysis of the Russian modern market of ceramic tiles (p. 11). TECHNONICOL introduces new product to the market TECHNONICOL, which is a response to the request of the construction market regarding the development of a material that allows for a tight connection when switching from PVC membranes to bitumen-polymer materials (p. 16). Commentary on the new product of EQUIPMENT Remnev V.V., Zaitsev A.E. The use of Brazilian slate for the exterior decoration of building facades Paper deals with the results of tests of Brazilian oil shale and studies the chemical and mineralogical composition of this material (p. 18). roof system with a rigid plate heater to the Russian operating conditions Shalimov V.N. Adaptation of the pitched The author refers to the foreign experience of the organization of pitched roofs with exploited insulated lofts attic type. In particular, he notes the tendency to move away from the classical construction with the interdigital location of the roofing insulation (p. 23).
s u m m a r y Proposals for improving thermal protection of buildings TECHNOLOGIES Morgun V.N., Morgun L.V., Bogatina A.Yu. Features of the mass development of buildings constructed in the 70-80 years of the last century are that almost all of them need overhaul of the roofs. And urbanization of the XXI century requires the installation of attic floors. An analysis of materials properties suitable for roofs thermal insulation has demonstrated that a number of widely used traditional products are becoming insufficiently rational in modern operation. Information on the operational properties of fiber-reinforced concrete is reflects the appropriateness of its use when performing major repairs of buildings (p. 28). Redko Yu.B. Comparative acoustic tests of three types of wall panels Based on the information analysis, a techI N T H I S I S S U E Сonstruction industry in focus .............................................. 4 nique is proposed, as well as experimental data obtained on it for soundproofing wall panels, depending on the design, availability and type of material to be filled, are presented (p. 32). company technologies for roofs and facades: lozenges Shapovalova Evgeniya. The Rheinzink Roofers are increasingly performing facade installation work – this is a worldwide trend. Even at the International Championship of Young Roofers in 2018, the nomination «Facade works» has appeared. Given to this fact, RHEINZINK prepared a review of rhombuses – small piece metal elements suitable for facing both pitched roofs with a slope of 35° or more and facades (p. 36). roofing Metal tile today is such a popular mateRules for quality installation of metal rial that many individual developers have little doubt when they are faced with the question of choosing the type of roof for a country house. However, quality material is only part of a reliable roof. Details are in this article (p. 40). house Attic: its layout and arrangement in the Attic is not only an additional area in the house. Thanks to the location farthest from the entrance and a non-standard look, it can become a favorite place for work or leisure. For this, it is necessary to create the most comfortable conditions in the attic – it should be convenient in shape, insulated, well-lit and well planned (p. 44). Molchanova A.A. New in normative and technical documentation in the roofing industry: 2019 results ................ 8 MATERIALS Solntsev A. Ceramic tile market in Russia, Pricing and Specifications .................................................................... 11 TECHNONICOL introduces new product to the market .......... 16 EQUIPMENT Remnev V.V., Zaitsev A.E. The use of Brazilian slate for the exterior decoration of building facades ......................... 18 Shalimov V.N. Adaptation of the pitched roof system with a rigid plate heater to the Russian operating conditions ......................................................................... 23 TECHNOLOGIES Morgun V.N., Morgun L.V., Bogatina A.Yu. Proposals for improving thermal protection of buildings..................... 28 Redko Yu.B. Comparative acoustic tests of three types of wall panels .................................................................... 32 Shapovalova Evgeniya. The Rheinzink company technologies for roofs and facades: lozenges ............................ 36 Rules for quality installation of metal roofing ......................... 40 Attic: its layout and arrangement in the house ...................... 44

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* - вычисляется автоматически