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Ethnopolitical Landscape of Arkhangelsk Governorate at the turn of the century: the end of XIX – the beginning of XX centuries (based on the materials of the diocesan press) // Bylye Gody. Vol. 45. Is. 3. 2007. PP. 1044–1062. (110,00 руб.)

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Первый авторВерещагин Илья Федорович
АвторыЗадорин Максим Юрьевич
АннотацияThis article is based of analysis an extensive array of historical documents, scientific literature and journalism, in particular the diocesan press of the XIX - early XX century, on the assessment of the ethnopolitical landscape of the Arkhangelsk province at the turn of the century.The authors focus their attention on the historical, social, religious and legal prerequisites for the formation of the ethnopolitical landscape of the Arkhangelsk Governorate, which was home to four imperial “inorodtsy” ethnic groups: the Saami, the Karelians, the Nenets and the Komi.The authors, on the basis of the official press of the local diocese, represent the theoretical concept of the involvement of “inorodtsy” in the general socio-cultural and internal political space of the Empire. The article analyzes the way of life of the indigenous population, mode of life, customs, social stratification, ethnocultural specifics, worldview and religious and other characteristics, as well as interaction with the Russian (Slavic) population, officials and church apparatus. The localization of the research component on one of the largest historical territories of the Russian North and the Russian Arctic makes it possible to examine more narrowly and in detail the provincial ethno-cultural specifics. The retrospective analysis allows looking at the ethnopolitics of modern Russia taking into account regional specialization.The ethno-cultural issues considered in the article are of fundamental importance in connection with the socio-political and historical-legal discussion on the issue of the cultural collective rights of small ethnic groups: indigenous peoples and national minorities.Particular attention is paid to the historical experience of the work of the Orthodox clergy to “incorporate” local ethnic groups into the all-Russian spiritual space in order to promote the territorial and cultural unity of Imperial Russia.
Верещагин, И.Ф. Ethnopolitical Landscape of Arkhangelsk Governorate at the turn of the century: the end of XIX – the beginning of XX centuries (based on the materials of the diocesan press) // Bylye Gody. Vol. 45. Is. 3. 2007. PP. 1044–1062. / М.Ю. Задорин; И.Ф. Верещагин .— : [Б.и.], 2017 .— 19 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/637756 (дата обращения: 14.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Published in the Russian Federation Co-published in the Slovak Republic Bylye Gody Has been issued since 2006. <...> 2017.3.1044 Journal homepage: http://bg.sutr.ru/ UDC 94(470+98) Ethnopolitical Landscape of Arkhangelsk Governorate at the turn of the century: the end of XIX – the beginning of XX centuries (based on the materials of the diocesan press) Il’ya F. <...> Lomonosov, Russian Federation Abstract This article is based of analysis an extensive array of historical documents, scientific literature and journalism, in particular the diocesan press of the XIX – early XX century, on the assessment of the ethnopolitical landscape of the Arkhangelsk province at the turn of the century. <...> The authors focus their attention on the historical, social, religious and legal prerequisites for the formation of the ethnopolitical landscape of the Arkhangelsk Governorate, which was home to four imperial “inorodtsy” ethnic groups: the Saami, the Karelians, the Nenets and the Komi. <...> The authors, on the basis of the official press of the local diocese, represent the theoretical concept of the involvement of “inorodtsy” in the general socio-cultural and internal political space of the Empire. <...> 3 которые в обмен на делегирование им властных полномочий отвечали лояльностью центральной власти, что позволяло сократить издержки государства на поддержание территориальной целостности (Goldin et al., 2015a: 861). <...> Архангельская губерния была одной из самых обширных административных единиц дореволюционной России с очень редким населением: по данным 1907 г. на 842 531 квадратных километров всего 427 956 жителей. <...> Для того, чтобы не путать читателя, в дальнейшем мы будем употреблять именно аутентичные для того времени названия: саамы – лопари, карелы – корелы, коми – зыряне, ненцы – самоеды <...>