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Concise compilation of articles from Representative power - 21 st century: legislation, commentary, problems

Concise compilation of articles from Representative power - 21 st century: legislation, commentary, problems №2 2018 (290,00 руб.)

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Аннотация"Сводный реферативный сборник журнала Представительная власть - XXI век: законодательство, комментарии, проблемы" на английском. яз. выходит с 1994 года по 2 выпуска в год и для удобства знакомства со всеми статьями журнала объединяет в краткой форме полугодовые 4 номера основного издания. The "Concise compilation of articles from Representative power - 21 st century: legislation, commentary, problems" is the only academic journal in Russia which is devoted to the problems and issues of Economics, law, politics - socio-humanitarian Sciences and professions from the point of view of activity of the Russian Parliament and the Parliament of foreign countries. This academic journal focused on coverage of current legislative issues and challenges from the point of view of representative power. International editorial Board consists of representatives of six countries, including: Zhores Alferov - Nobel Prize winner, academician, vice-president of the Russian Academy of Sciences, State Duma deputy, member of the National Academy of Sciences USA; John C. Reitz - professor of law and deputy Dean of International Programs School of Law University of Iowa USA; Lyubimov A.P. - Professor, Doctor of Law, full member of RANS, Professor and Head of the Centre of International Law at the Diplomatic Academy of the MFA of Russia, Professor of Moscow University for the Humanities. And other scientists from around the world. Country of publisher: Russian Federation. What is the start year of the first predecessor: 1994
Concise compilation of articles from Representative power - 21 st century: legislation, commentary, problems .— 2018 .— №2 .— 21 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/623697 (дата обращения: 12.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

The "Concise compilation of articles from Representative power - 21 st century: legislation, commentary, problems" is the only academic journal in Russia which is devoted to the problems and issues of Economics, law, politics - socio-humanitarian Sciences and professions from the point of view of activity of the Russian Parliament and the Parliament of foreign countries. <...> This academic journal focused on coverage of current legislative issues and challenges from the point of view of representative power. <...> International editorial Board consists of representatives of six countries, including: Zhores Alferov - Nobel Prize winner, academician, vice-president of the Russian Academy of Sciences, State Duma deputy, member of the National Academy of Sciences USA; John C. Reitz - professor of law and deputy Dean of International Programs School of Law University of Iowa USA; Lyubimov A.P. - Professor, Doctor of Law, full member of RANS, Professor and Head of the Centre of International Law at the Diplomatic Academy of the MFA of Russia, Professor of Moscow University for the Humanities. <...> And other scientists from around the world. <...> What is the start year of the first predecessor: 1994 ! <...>
Concise compilation of articles from "Representative power – 21st century: legislation, commentary, problems" 2018, № 5-8 (164-167) Editorial Board: R.G. Abdulatipov, S.N. Baburin, V.G. Vishnyakov, V.N. Lisenko, O.O. Mironov, S.I. Plaksiy, A.V. Uss, G.E. Hudson, S.A., E.G. Yasin Editor-in-Chief: LL.D., professor A.P. Lyubimov Editorial College: A.S. Avtonomov, O.N. Bulakov, Grankin I.V. A.N. Domrin, V.F. Kulchitckiy, V.A. Lepehin, A.P. Lyubimov, Z.M. Fatkudinov, N.G. Shitova (editor) Expert council: G.E. Hudson, V.I. Lisenko, S.G. Pepelyaev, S.V. Polenina, R.M. Romanov, B.A. Strashun, I.L. Trunov, N.G. Shitova (editor) Preparation of production in Russian is carried by: N.G. Shitova Preparation of production in English is carried by: N.G. Shitova, A.N. Shitov. Computer set, page-proofs and art décor are made by edition. Address: 103265, Moscow, Okhotny Ryad, 1. The State Duma Committee on Public Associations and Religious Organizations, magazine “Representative Power – 21st century”. Telephone/fax (499)940-83-82 Address in the Internet: http://www.pvlast.ru Creation and maintenance of the site: P.M. Ermolovich Correspondents: In Russia: - Yu. Krupin (parliamentary correspondents) In Italy: Naples - I. Marino In USA – Iowa City – A.N. Domrin Founded since November 1994 To subscribe: ООО «Агентство Урал-пресс». Тел. 8(495)789-86-36 доб.3101, доб. 3104, доб. 3105. Фирма "Наука-Экспорт" +7(499) 230-09-10, +7(499) 230-37-25, +7(499) 230-38-25. Agency «ИНТЕР-ПОЧТА», phone number (495)500-00-60; Summaries of articles are published it Russian, in English, in Italian and in Chinese languages. © "Representative Power – 21st Century Concise compilation of articles from "Representative power – 21st century: legislation, commentary, problems" 2018, № 5-8 (164-167). – 21 p. 2
CONTENTS #5-6 – 2018 POLITICAL SCIENCE AND SOCIOLOGY Osipova N.G. Market fundamentalism as the source of global social inegualities Yang Xiuguo, Milla V. Elshennawi. A Comparative Study on the Reports of 19th CPC Congress in TASS and XINHUA News Agencies Tatiana Nevskaya. Specificity of forming the image of politicians–candidates in the presidents of Russia 2018 Devyatov R.S. Cultural policy in France – the role of the state STATE AND LAW Platonov V.M. Cultural and historical context as a factor of formation of models of differentiation of areas of jurisdiction and powers between the federal center and territorial subjects of the federation. Damaskin O.V. The right of peoples to self-determination and contemporary problems of international and national security Nudnenko L.A.Trends in the legal regulation of public hearings in the Russian Federation Ivashin D.I., Malashenko N.L., Myshko V.V., Okorokova A.A. Problems of determination of jurisdiction and jurisdiction of civil cases on protection of property rights ECONOMY Mozhaev E., Arefiev V. Stalin's plan for the transformation of nature: the experience of food self-sufficiency based on innovation Zakharova E. N. Digital economy as the most important establishment of transformation of modern social and economic systems Indzhiev A.A. System action of non-system power: social media as a tool of political outsoursing CONTENTS #7-8 – 2018 STATE AND LAW Agutin A.V., Sintsov G.V. To a question of sources of the domestic right and harm of the liberal legal doctrine 3
Platonov V.M. Decentralization, devolution and the competing federalism as the frames of differentiation of areas of jurisdiction and powers in the federal state: the experience of the USA Lozhkovoy P.N. International legal sources of regulation Earth remote sensing from space: questions class ification Teplova D.O. Psychosomatic human rights: criminal and civil law aspects STATE AND SCIENCE Lyubimov A.P., Shields A.N. Modern scientific and technological priorities of RAS ECONOMICS Mozhaev E., Arefiev V. Improvement of organizational and economic mechanism of the IAS Amiantov A.A., Pavlukov M.Yu. Features of participation of the Government of the Russian Federation in the modern legislative process Yagupa E.G. Justification and development of a regional knowledge management system POLITICAL SCIENCE AND SOCIOLOGY Amiantova I.S., Maslianyi A.A. Eurasian Economic Union: Ways and Mechanisms to Increase Efficiency Pliev S.M. Theoretical aspects of the state in the political system of society in the context of creating a new statehood on the example of South Ossetia Pronchev K.G. Political and legal ideal in the B.N. Chicherin's concept 4
Contents, Key words and Summaries. “Representative Power–Century 21” issue # 5-8, – 2018 CONTENTS #5-6, – 2018 POLITICAL SCIENCE AND SOCIOLOGY Osipova N.G. Market fundamentalism as the source of global social inegualities Osipova G. - Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Dean of Faculty of Sociology of Lomonosov Moscow State University. 119234, Russian Federation, Moscow, Leninsky Gory 1-33, MGU, Faculty of Sociology. Tel.: +7-495-939-46-98. E-mail: soc@socio.msu.ru Abstract. In this article, the market fundamentalism discusses as the ideological basis of global social inequality. The author develops and complements the hypothesis that market fundamentalism is the result of the process of a peculiar transformation of the political ideology of liberalism into totalitarian dogma. The theoretical basis of such transformation, its specific mechanisms and global social consequences described in details. The mechanism by which the ideology of classical liberalism, the key values of which were freedom, reason, tolerance, justice and equality, has become its antipode - ideological doctrine shown. This doctrine raises market competition to the rank of the highest social values. Its aim is the destruction of social morality and spirituality and contribution to the emergence of new forms of global social inequality. Key words. Social inequality, global social inequality, the phenomenon of fundamentalism, religious and market fundamentalism, early liberalism, liberalism of the twentieth century, a multidimensional approach to social inequality, resource inequality, existential inequality, vital inequality. Notes. The electronic form of this article you can find in the Scientific Electronic Library "eLIBRARY.RU". SEL is the largest Russian information portal in the field of science. Full print version of this article you could find in the journal. Also you can order additional paid copies of this journal via the editorial office or subscription Agency. Subscription agency: Руконт - http://rucont.ru/efd/314086 Пресса по подписке - http://www.akc.ru/rucont/itm/314086/ Объединенный каталог "Пресса России" - http://www.pressarf.ru/rucont/edition/314086/ Yang Xiuguo, Milla V. Elshennawi. A Comparative Study on the Reports of 19th CPC Congress in TASS and XINHUA News Agencies Yang Xiuguo - Professor at Hebei University of the College of journalism and communication. HeBei University in China (180 Wusi East Road, Baoding City, HeBei Province, 071002, China). e-mail: yangxg2004@sina.com 5

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