Онкология: оригинальные исследования Davudov M.1 , Fathi H.R.2 , Tavangar K.2 , Harirchi I.2 , Mahammadov Sh.A.1 1 Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku, Azerbaijan 2 Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran Давудов М.1 , Фатхи Х.Р.2 , Тавангар К.2 , Харирчи И.2 , Махаммадов Ш.А.1 1 Азербайджанский медицинский университет, Баку, Азербайджан 2 Тегеранский медицинский университет, Тегеран, Иран The outcomes of free-fl ap surgery in head and neck postoperative defects: a report of 39 cases Результаты операции с использованием свободных лоскутов при наличии послеоперационных дефектов головы и шеи: сообщение о 39 случаях ______________________ Abstract __________________________________________________________________________ Introduction. <...> Reconstruction with free tissue transfer and microvascular anastomosis can provide a reliable repair of tissue defects in head and neck surgery. <...> During this study, we evaluated the clinical characteristics and outcomes of reconstructive surgery using free fl aps for the defects caused by head and neck cancer. <...> This experimental study included 39 patients with head and neck cancer. <...> They underwent surgery in the Clinic of Plastic Surgery and Cancer Institute of Imam Khomeini Hospital Complex in Tehran, Iran, and in the department of oral and maxillofacial surgery of Azerbaijan Medical University (resection of cancerous tissue). <...> The average age of participants was 50.8±15.1 years. <...> The rate of total and partial fl ap loss in this study was less than 10%. <...> There were no diff erences between the groups with total and partial fl ap loss regarding the average age, average time of surgery, and average time of perioperative ischemia. <...> Prothrombin time (PT) and international normalized ratio (INR) were signifi cantly diff erent in patients with total fl ap loss if compared with patients with successful reconstruction. <...> The average ACT was 46 seconds in patients with total fl ap loss and 82±18.9 seconds for other patients (р=0.08). <...> Taking into account the high rate of success, free tissue transfer can be considered as a method for single-stage reconstruction in almost all major defects of the head and neck. <...> Tendency to improve the post-surgery operation clinical results with concentration on tissue preservation, caused these developments and this itself <...>