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Первый авторRubert
АвторыKapitonova MarinaA.
АннотацияSince more practitioners in translation and interpreting per se need systematic cognitive training and methodology, and since technology increasingly is becoming available at the present time, psycholinguistics may well serve as one of the most effective bases for direct answers on numerous problems in interpreting activity. The article represents a mini-observation on the fact how psycholinguistics and cognitive science contribute to the translation studies at the contemporary stage of scientific development. In particular, authors touch upon the problem of interlingistic interference and share the opinion that this point may be another common ground for the field researches that allows maintaining interdisciplinary in humanities
УДК81’ 253
Rubert, IrinaB. On the problem of Interpreting-Psycholinguistics Interaction: Interlinguistic Interference / IrinaB. Rubert, MarinaA. Kapitonova // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2017 .— №3 .— С. 116-124 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/585040 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 3 (2017 10) 400-408 ~ ~ ~ УДК 81’ 253 On the problem of Interpreting-Psycholinguistics Interaction: Interlinguistic Interference Irina B. Rubert and Marina A. Kapitonova* St. Petersburg State University of Economics 30/32 Nab. kanala Griboedova, St. Petersburg, 191023, Russia Received 04.09.2016, received in revised form 17.09.2016, accepted 10.01.2017 Since more practitioners in translation and interpreting per se need systematic cognitive training and methodology, and since technology increasingly is becoming available at the present time, psycholinguistics may well serve as one of the most effective bases for direct answers on numerous problems in interpreting activity. <...> The article represents a mini-observation on the fact how psycholinguistics and cognitive science contribute to the translation studies at the contemporary stage of scientific development. <...> In particular, authors touch upon the problem of interlingistic interference and share the opinion that this point may be another common ground for the field researches that allows maintaining interdisciplinary in humanities. <...> The first idea of a fundamental scientific insight into translation emerged in almost the middle of the 20th century was supported mostly by purely linguistic aspects, i.e. the relationship between linguistic systems per se, between source and target texts or between the text and reality (or discourse). <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: irleru@mail.ru; marina.kapitonova@bk.ru – 400 – short period of time undoubtedly comprise a firm ground for the world’s theory of translation and to ignore them now means to make a crucial mistake in any kind of translation studies. <...> Still, in such an academic sense translation and interpreting, as two different types of bilingual activity, take different paths. <...> Thus, the “split” began in 1967 when Jiřн Levэ, a Czech translation theoretician, transferred the view from texts to translators and interpreters themselves together with their behavior: by exploiting the principle of mathematical game he discovered (for that time) that translators’ Irina B. Rubert, Marina A. Kapitonova. <...> Probably, one of the driving forces for the empirical researches was the involvement of practitioners, trainers and interpreters in studies as they were more focused not on the theory, but practical issues, including quality of work and strategies, competence, language skills and psycho-behavior of translators. <...> Such view on the resent studies in this sphere partially defends interdisciplinary <...>