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Первый авторMaksimova Elena
АвторыFedotova Natalya
АннотацияClassical anthropology saw a human being from the center of his existence, from his essence as inward, unchangeable foundation, the source of human power and uniqueness. So long time ago the anthropological paradigm about the priority of human interests over other forms of living appeared, the statement that a few centuries later resulted in ecological crisis. Synergic anthropology of S. Horujy presents the contemporary alternative to the anthropocentric paradigm, presenting the basic characteristic of a human being as the actual living modus of unlocking to the world through ontological boundary
Maksimova, E. Philosophical Dialogue: M. Heidegger and Modern Russian Anthropology / E. Maksimova, Natalya Fedotova // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2017 .— №2 .— С. 92-95 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/585024 (дата обращения: 16.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 2 (2017 10) 238-241 ~ ~ ~ УДК 11/13 Philosophical Dialogue: M. Heidegger and Modern Russian Anthropology Elena Maksimova and Natalya Fedotova* Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University 316 Antonovo, Veliky Novgorod, 173014, Russia Received 22.10.2016, received in revised form 26.12.2016, accepted 30.01.2017 Classical anthropology saw a human being from the center of his existence, from his essence as inward, unchangeable foundation, the source of human power and uniqueness. <...> So long time ago the anthropological paradigm about the priority of human interests over other forms of living appeared, the statement that a few centuries later resulted in ecological crisis. <...> Synergic anthropology of S. Horujy presents the contemporary alternative to the anthropocentric paradigm, presenting the basic characteristic of a human being as the actual living modus of unlocking to the world through ontological boundary. <...> Classical anthropology in its greatest names of H. Plessner, M. Sheler, A. Ghelen, was concentrated on the search for the essence of human being. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: novsu.maximova@mail.ru; fedotova75@mail.ru – 238 – Methodology Russian anthropologist Sergey Horujy notes that the progressive proposition of M. Foucault about “death of the subject” demanded reconsidering anthropocentric position, but it was developed by poststructural philosophy only in a negative way: not towards the «self-care», but towards total disorientation, the loss of the center, diffusion of humanity and “death of a man”. <...> Philosophical Dialogue: M. Heidegger and Modern Russian Anthropology postmodern atmosphere of transplantations, artificial intellect and genetic engineering. <...> Modern Russian anthropology is rethinking the situation of a human being, replacing the denial of human unchangeable essence with the positive idea of being adjacent to the world. <...> Such is the system of synergic anthropology of S. Horujy. <...> Also Saint-Petersburg anthropological school of B. Markov, which refers to M. Scheler, and ethical conception of R. Apresyan (Moscow) are elaborating the necessity of establishing ethical status of human attitude to the ecological surrounding and to the animal world (Apresyan R.G. General problems of environmental ethics. <...> Dilemma of anthropocentrism and non-anthropocentrism in environmental ethics [Osnovnye problemi ekologicheskoi etiki. <...> Main part S. Horujy, quoting words of T. Eliott “The centre does not hold <...>